Date: Dec 20, 2016 03:07 pm Title: Chapter 15, Sweetheart
Sooo, when are you coming back? <3 <3
Date: Nov 18, 2015 08:49 am Title: Chapter 5, Awakening
Theres chemistry already telling how Luna Giggled at the "Michael's" cute innocent eyes
Date: Aug 20, 2015 11:26 am Title: Chapter 15, Sweetheart
I LOVE this!! Please update it ASAP
Date: Jul 13, 2015 04:40 am Title: Chapter 15, Sweetheart
Thank you for your story. I like it very much. I'm looking forward to reading more. Please take care of your life but don't forget this one ^^". I'm waiting for your next chapter (^^)/.
Date: Jul 05, 2015 02:54 pm Title: Chapter 6, First Words

Date: Jun 19, 2015 02:59 pm Title: Chapter 1, The Experiments
This story is so good!!!!! Please update soon. (I'm hooked.)
Date: May 27, 2015 09:15 pm Title: Chapter 1, The Experiments
Can u please please please update because i want to read some more and its been like 4 months so please update
btw michael is so freaking adorable

Date: Feb 09, 2015 09:57 pm Title: Chapter 15, Sweetheart
What type of hybrids are they? Human mixed with what other animals? Btw love the story, so cool!
Author's Response:
I dont want to get too deep into this topic, but it will be revealed overtime as they grow and progress. But yes a mix of different animal DNA along with their human DNA, you'll have to find out yourself overtime what characteristics they weild! And Im glad you like the story so far!! :D

Date: Jan 10, 2015 06:34 pm Title: Chapter 15, Sweetheart
When is it gonna update??? i feel like im waiting so long... :(
Author's Response:
Im really sorry if this is taking awhile. I love hearing that you are waiting for more but im busy with school and other work at the moment. I have some of the next chapter written out but please be pacient and ill get right to it ^^

Date: Jan 10, 2015 03:54 pm Title: Chapter 15, Sweetheart
This literally made me want to burst into tears he is absolutely adorable. 😭😭😭😭😭
Author's Response:
d'awww! he is certainly a charm no? I kept smiling like an idiot writing this.

Date: Jan 07, 2015 07:11 pm Title: Chapter 13, The first encounter
Why would blank do was going so awesome but i guess he just always has to be the fun sucker.
Douche. -_-

Date: Jan 07, 2015 07:08 pm Title: Chapter 10, Frustration
Mein im just loving the feels get from readis fanfic. Hype.

Date: Jan 07, 2015 06:34 pm Title: Chapter 7, Silent Breath
72 is very adorable and child like i feel so compelled to just take care of him and keep him safe. You're doing awesone though.
Author's Response:
Indeed child like, he still has a long way to go. Thank you sooo much! glad you're enjoying the story! :D

Date: Jan 07, 2015 06:25 pm Title: Chapter 15, Sweetheart
You know really killing me with akl these sweet gestures and innocent stunts Michael's pulling.
Author's Response:
It kills me all over when I make him do that, hehe! the sweeter the better like the man himself :D

Date: Jan 07, 2015 06:24 pm Title: Chapter 3, Transfusion