Reviews For The Dark One
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Reviewer: witchybear Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 15, 2020 06:32 pm Title: Chapter 1

Once Upon A Time was my favorite show and Michael as the dark one is a wonderful idea 

Reviewer: mjjlover1120 Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: Dec 18, 2014 07:06 pm Title: Chapter 4

Ahh! So glad you updated. I love this story and am following it through. The dark one is definitely creepy but it's so good.

Author's Response:

Thank u so much! Im really glad u like it!


Reviewer: CoconutDevon14 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 16, 2014 05:08 pm Title: Chapter 4

I thank Jehovah every for your awesome creative writing skills and how you expand your horizons and diversity every time you write. This eerie story thing....... I need this. I ADORE supernatural stories/movies. There's just nothing like an old fashioned beautiful folklore, myths and superstitions.

Thank you and update.

Author's Response:

Aw thanks hun. I'm glad you enjoyed it!!!

Reviewer: TutThreeSevens Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 16, 2014 03:07 pm Title: Chapter 4

Caught up and I'm hooked already. Nothing gets me like a good Fantasy Mystery. I'm curious as to why that place is. Is it like the gate way to hell? I figured the people wondering around are ones he got sounds from. But who else resides there that's not as nice as him?  Can't wait to find it all out. Him training her to redeem his soul will be quite interesting! 

More soon!! <333

Author's Response:

Thank you for reviewing! I am glad that you are enjoing the story! More to come....soon....hopefully lol

Reviewer: TutThreeSevens Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 16, 2014 01:46 pm Title: Chapter 1

I'm loving this so far!!! So intreguing. 

"Ooo, that's a strong smell. Are you making chitterlings? I know you're kind likes those types of dishes." I slowly let my eyes trail back up to meet hers."

Her dog deserved to be eaten to tell the truth. SMDH.
So Michael is transforming into the new dark one. I love it.  I'm a huge OUAT fan so Im in. Just watched the season finally on demand and it seems that the Dark one is back to his old tricks again. But I digress from my nerdery!! Lol. Let me comense reading! 

Author's Response:

Lmao yea I love the show so much!!!! Of course I plan to make a few changes to the character but I definitely would like to keep some of his characteristics. Thank you for reviewing!

Reviewer: CoconutDevon14 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 30, 2014 01:57 pm Title: Chapter 1

I jus realised i did not rate.

Reviewer: CoconutDevon14 Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 29, 2014 01:45 am Title: Chapter 3

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! How could you do this to me...pleasee..please even if it takes an eternity i would like for you to finish this story.. I MUST KNOW HOW IT ENDSS! (* screaming the last part up to the heavens *). oh i'd like if you did alll your other stories too,,in due time..thnx

Reviewer: mjjlover1120 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 18, 2014 12:29 am Title: Chapter 3

Wow this is amazing! I hope you have some updates waiting! I really wanna read more!

Author's Response:

I will be updating VERY soon thank you so much.

Reviewer: NeonCookies143 Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 14, 2014 07:55 am Title: Chapter 3


Author's Response: Patience is a virtue lol

Reviewer: Hazel Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 29, 2014 03:56 pm Title: Chapter 3

Wow, I'm impressed with the stories you churn out especially this one!

The Dark One is such an interesting character...

Although he may have accepted this curse, he still wants out. And it seems Catalina could be the person to do just that. But what makes her special to have that ability?

I'm intrigued! Please continue!

Author's Response:

Im glad that this story impresses you. I'm really working hard on this one.

Reviewer: MzMichaelJackson92 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 27, 2014 03:39 pm Title: Chapter 3

This is my first time reading this and I really like it it's different hope you continue.

Author's Response: Thank you! I'm glad you like it.

Reviewer: hejcslm Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 27, 2014 02:06 pm Title: Chapter 3

Really really mysteriously interesting chapter! Catalina's strong, even with facing "The Dark One", I like that. Her snapping at him might get her into trouble, but she's still got strength. Let's get to some curse breaking now! XD

So happy you updated! For a sec I thought you scrapped this, which made me sad :'-( but you didn't so yay! :-)))

Reviewer: BabyGirl25135 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 30, 2014 10:24 pm Title: Chapter 2

OMGOMGOMG!  Where's the next chapter?!

Author's Response: Soon lol

Reviewer: April Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 17, 2014 05:17 pm Title: Chapter 2

Okay lol.... I think I am catching on now. Like I can tell where your point it with Michael now with the girl I will just have to wait and see lol. Great up date hun!! :) 

Author's Response: Thank you! Lol im glad its not as confusing for you anymore lol

Reviewer: LouieLlama Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 17, 2014 03:21 pm Title: Chapter 2

I freakin love this!!!!! More soon please!!! :D

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