Date: Feb 11, 2012 02:10 am Title: Chapter 48
WHAT ?!? You have 2 reviewson that chapter but no one made5 stars :( I think we forget that. Sorry .... but that looks really weird, no stars. So I review here to give you 5 stars :D
Hope it works now ^^
Date: Feb 07, 2012 04:09 am Title: Chapter 48
I'm so happy that michael's alright .... and OMG i'm so excited Susan and Micahel just HAVE TO come together again, they're perfect for each other !!! So cute at the end ... <3
Author's Response:
Thank you for your review sweety but I made a mistake....
Susan it's in YOUR story lol...In mine it's Ana lol...I'm kidding :)
You'll see what happen next...I wrote a lot those last days :)
Date: Feb 06, 2012 01:30 pm Title: Chapter 48
Yea Michael lives. Can't wait to see what happens next :)
Author's Response:
Of course he lives! How did you think I could kill him?! lol.
Next chapter soon!!
Date: Feb 03, 2012 05:11 am Title: Chapter 47
Oh no not Michael!
Date: Feb 02, 2012 09:20 am Title: Chapter 1
Ok,now I really HAVE to slap myself for the absence! us,in Romania it's winter...and WHAT a winter!
The internet was blocked..the streets were ay yay yay :)) ...
But now it's all ...good...
Plese tell me the Michael's FINE!
OK,I'll kill Steve myself!
After I slap myself ,of course!
I fell SO BAD that I haven't reviewed on your story!
I will ALWAYS stay by your side,no matter what,sweetie,ok?
To meet you!
Author's Response:
No don't slap yourself sweety...
I'm happy that you're back and to see that it was just a problem of internet connection.
I would love to kill Steve too lol...
About Michael, you have to wait...I don't want to break the suspens lol.
I know you'll always support me...You always did so...
Hugs sweety!!
Date: Feb 02, 2012 09:03 am Title: Chapter 47
I hte him GOSH I hate him !!!! He made Michael suffer, he kicked him OMG no
This was such a good chapter, you wrote it so damn good it was like in a real book from a "real" writer it catched me so much !!! I was staring at the lapop always like " no .... NO STEVE FUCK YOU !!!!..... noooo..... poor mike-baby "
I hope Ana sees now what a jerk Steve is !!!!
Author's Response:
I'm totally agree, Steve is a very fucking asshole lol.
Yeah he stabbed Michael and hurting him...Poor Mike.
Thank you for the very nice compliment but I don't think I'm that good lol...But thank you very much for your constant support sweety!!
Date: Feb 02, 2012 09:02 am Title: Chapter 47
Wow what a great chapter lots of drama I like it can't wait for the next update. :)
Author's Response:
Thank you very much!!! Yeah I love drama lol
I hope to update pretty soon :)
Date: Feb 02, 2012 08:54 am Title: Chapter 46
GREAT decision from Ana !!! Neverland is the only place where she has PEACE and L.O.V.E.
Steve is such a jerk, sooo mean....I dont liked him from the start. I'm kind of afraid of him, poor Ana.
Date: Jan 30, 2012 09:05 am Title: Chapter 46
Awe poor Ana hopefully she'll come to her senses and realize she needs to be with Michael no matter what her family says. Great update please update soon :)
Author's Response:
Thanks for your review.
I will, don't worry...The next chapter will be full of drama! Stay tuned!!
Date: Jan 27, 2012 10:13 am Title: Chapter 44
I so suffer with Michael, Ana and Michael just FIT ! They are a dream couple and now they separated. I hope Ana will see that she belongs to Michael .,... he really needs someone like her.
Date: Jan 27, 2012 10:12 am Title: Chapter 45
I could give you the answer to the question at the end : With Michael
and nit with Steve ! I think he's not 1% as nice as Michael ... he's not caring for her because he dont understands that he just LIKE climbing on trees and LIKES to play basketball ....
Steve seems to me .... dont know.... just a bit ... hmmm how could I explain that ; yes now I hav it ! : he pushes her like in the role of woman he wants to have. He wants her to be " feminine " and not like she wants to be ....
it seems to me like that. I'm so excited for the next chapter <3
Author's Response:
I think it's a right answer lol...
Well it's not really that Steve pushes her in a role he wants...She was just like this before...Feminine and if you cared in the chapter, we learned that she didn't like Michael before to meet him...So her stay with him turned her in another woman...A woman more into what she really likes to be...
But your point of view is great and will be important for the next chapter, stay tuned!!!
Date: Jan 23, 2012 04:36 pm Title: Chapter 44
Poor Mike:( But a great chapter!
Author's Response:
Thank you very much!!
Yeah poor Mike...But don't worry ;)...It's all I can say for now lol
Stay tuned!!
Date: Jan 19, 2012 09:38 am Title: Chapter 43
WoW I admire your writing style. This chapter brought tears to my eyes.
Its is so wonderful written but so sad. I totally suffer with Michael...
AndI hope the story dont ends here. I CANT I just CANT let this story go with this sad end ! Pleas tell me that it dont ends here or soon !!!!
Author's Response:
Well sweety thank you so so much for your kind words and your very kind review every time!! It really touched me :)
But to admire my writing style, it's maybe too much lol.
Well the story don't stop here don't worry...Actually, I maybe planned to do a sequel of it...
But I still don't know if I do a sequel (because I have a lot of ideas for one) or if I write everything in this story, which means it will be a very long story with a lot of chapters...
I don't know what it's the best...
Date: Jan 19, 2012 09:01 am Title: Chapter 43
Oh no poor Michael I hope that she comes to her senses soon or gets her memories from when she was Kate which, ever comes first. Nice update can't wait for the rest.
Author's Response:
Hi new reviewer lol!
First thanks for your review, I really appreciate :) !!
Then you have to stay tuned to see what will happen to them...all I can say it's that there's more drama planned!
Date: Jan 18, 2012 06:22 am Title: Chapter 42
I was sooo scared of this moment, and nw it is here....its worse than i ever imagined... she recovered all her memory at once so michael couldt explain anything to her ! And now shes totally angry at him, I'm so scared that she will leave without talking to him.
Perhaps it is the first shock... I hope it sooo damn hard. And this steve -.- Michael is ABSOLUTELY 100000000 times more beautiful and he's just the best she can have !
I wonder what happened before kate was with michael, was i an accdent... or did steve it intentionally ?!?! I dont know and I'm sooo curious !!!
It makes me sooo sad that Michael is in such a difficult situation now ! He dont deserves this !
Ana shouldnt handle THAT mean .... they were so close and she's wron, she knows him he isnt a stranger for her ! Well..... update !!!!
:D you're gorgeous
Author's Response:
Well it's pretty hard for her...She recovered everything and she understood that Michael lied to her.
As she said he was sleeping with her and stuff but he was lying to her...She gave herself to a liar...
It's a lot to deal with in one moment you know...
And I'm agree, Michael is so much more beautiful than Steve lol...
Stay tuned sweety!!