Date: Aug 28, 2011 03:08 pm Title: Go Look...
Very lovely dear heart. It started to bring tears in my eyes. Im glad you wrote it, Michael wouldn't want us to be gloomy on that day. <3
Author's Response:
I know he's so so happy in Heaven darling! I found, there's no reason to be upset and mournful tomorrow because birthdays are supposed to be happy, right?
Date: Aug 28, 2011 03:04 pm Title: Go Look...
This was beautiful.
*cries* he is supposed to still be here...Happy Birthday Michael
Author's Response:
Aww. Thanks a lot. I know he feels all of the love we emit!
Date: Aug 28, 2011 02:49 pm Title: Surprise!
I whish you also a beutiful AUGUST 29TH !!!
Soo cute story, like it very much ;)
Author's Response:
Thanks! <3
Date: Aug 28, 2011 02:44 pm Title: Go Look...
It would be sooooo cool to celebrate his birthday with him....
A dream which will never come true, so sad :'(
Michael I looooove you !!!
And this story's cool, go on ;)
Author's Response:
I know. This was just a short story though. I tried to incorporate a lot of the things Michael loved like his family, Neverland and children. I'm glad you enjoyed it though! <3