Date: Jan 01, 2012 09:39 pm Title: ALT. ENDING- June 25th
i'm so sorry...I had to come back....I tried to read the next chaptet, but I can't. I can't finish reading this alternate ending. It hurts too much...
As I was reading I even said through my tears, "Why am I doing this to myself?" I already have a happy ending, why am I HERE? I miss Michael so much....I can't stop crying. I never met him, never knew him....but this hurts like I lost my own loved one. Like, my mom, my sister, my father, brother, or boyfriend..
All I can,think about is how FINAL everything is. I swear, I can't think straight right now. All the pain coming back like it's FRESH & NEW....alll I can think about is how alone Michael must've been when he umfair it,is that someone as sweet, kind, loving, sincere, beautiful and selfless have to suffer and die in a tangled web of deceit shrouded in a cloud of mystery....why did they have to CONFIRM IT?
Why couldn't he have just been in a coma? Then wake up, get well, go,on tour and make a Comeboack? This hurts me... I can't stress this enough how much this hurts. To know that I now have to live the rest of my life without him....I'll never get to meet him....go to his concerts....see him continue to shut the entertainment/fashion/EVERYTHING imdustries down with his PURE kills me.
You know...these tears are just a reminder of how much Michael really means to me, you...everyone in the world. I don't know what else to say right now but....your writing,is awesome. But I just gotta leave the EXTRAS part alone.
Date: Jan 01, 2012 09:24 pm Title: ALT. ENDING- June 25th
This hurts me in the worst way....I'm in,tears right now. I remember it all like it,happened yesterday....the hours of talking BIG SHIT like, "Awwee, Michael's in a COMA. But watch how he wakes up so he can go on,tour and go Moonwalking across the stage like he SHOULD be doin'....just WATCH. he's not dead."
Then the CONFIRMATION of his death....
Date: Jan 01, 2012 09:08 pm Title: ALT. ENDING- I Need You
Author's Response:
Yup...perfect words.
Date: Jan 01, 2012 06:16 pm Title: Author's Note
Author's Response:
**Hug Back** :)
Date: Jan 01, 2012 04:02 pm Title: ALT. ENDING-Goodbye
I did something unusual and I read the alts first. I just want to get the tears out. I love that it's written like this my ending will be she's in a parallel right not fighting for life but at the same time embracing death unconsciously I'm not to sure what's going to happen to her.
Gigi you are so talented. Seriously writing is your thing. I think this is the only story where I have cried for Mike and Michael, smiled at them, loved them and hated them. Thanks for sharing your story.
Date: Jan 01, 2012 03:45 pm Title: ALT. ENDING-Grief
I miss him sooo much ;(
Date: Jan 01, 2012 03:41 pm Title: ALT. ENDING- June 25th
I knew I shouldn't of..but I had to..I had to read this. Jeeze *cries* you'll think it be easier to deal with by now. Its not.
Author's Response:
I know. It took me a LONG time to write the chapter and gather up the strength. I had to pull emotions from that day back that I wanted to forever bury, but I felt it needed to be done.
Date: Jan 01, 2012 02:41 pm Title: Author's Note
Aww I really enjoyed this story I hare to see it end:( you were awesome!!!! Can't wait to see what else you have in store for us readers!!!:)
Author's Response:
Thanks so much for sticking with it and always leaving reviews and comments. I apperciate it so much and i really enjoyed writing the story. :)
Date: Oct 23, 2011 12:34 pm Title: It's A Girl
awwwww!!!! love michael's excitement even if at times is annoying for michelle lol
Author's Response:
Lol. Michael loves the babies!
Date: Oct 23, 2011 12:28 pm Title: First Trimester
aww I love this cute! You feel the love btwn the two :)
Author's Response:
I'm glad you can feel it. That was the whole reason I made this companion piece. Thanks as always for reviewing! :)
Date: Sep 29, 2011 09:25 pm Title: Michael's Suggestion
Author's Response:
New update up. :)
Date: Aug 25, 2011 12:02 pm Title: Elizabeth's Concern
now it makes more sense and now I understand Michael more. He's right but so was she. What a mess!
Date: Aug 16, 2011 03:37 pm Title: Meet The Parents Part Two
Loved it!!! Can't wait for the next update!!
Date: Aug 16, 2011 02:35 pm Title: Meet The Parents Part Two
Joseph smh...get over it. I love Michael's and Michelle conversation in the end.
My brother had a real hard time dealing with his wife family. One day he got so mad at his wife father he said "Look I would be over the moon if you all liked me but frankly I don't give a damn if ya don't I already have what I want from your family anyway" lol