Date: Jul 16, 2015 06:16 am Title: Coming Home
Good introduction.
Date: Jan 13, 2015 05:18 pm Title: I'll Be There
Date: Jan 13, 2015 05:06 pm Title: Coming Home
So nice i love the theme.
Date: Apr 22, 2014 02:50 am Title: Lost
Now jolie is really stupid. i mean is she that desperate, of course she doesn't love Michael if she does she would have had some dignity and at least morn him for sometime you don't just fall into another man's lap just because of needs. An Heartbreaker that's what she is
Date: Dec 29, 2013 05:27 am Title: The Beginning of an End
Wow!!! This was a great ending!!! I was relieved that it was just a dream but I'm sad Jolie didn't make it through through the birth. As always, a great story!! I hope you write another one soon!
Author's Response:
Thanks! Yeah Jolie's death was sad :( thank you so much for ur constant support hun love ya <333 :D
Date: Dec 28, 2013 04:37 am Title: The Beginning of an End
Wow! That twist at the beginning. And then the ending. :( What a wonderful story. Enjoyed it!
Author's Response:
Thanks hun! I knoww the ending was sad :(. Thanks for the feedback and thanks for reading my story :D
Date: Jul 30, 2013 10:46 am Title: The Truth
Oh crap! Here we go! It got crazy!
Date: Jul 30, 2013 06:26 am Title: The Truth
I'm so glad to see this story back!!! Poor Jolie is really stressed out right now. I really hope she can get away from Anubis and find out that Michael is alive. I still love this story!!! Update soon girly!
Date: Jul 30, 2013 01:15 am Title: The Truth
Omg please update!!!! I LOVE THIS STORY!!!!
Date: Dec 31, 2012 04:25 pm Title: Mistake
Hey you!!!
I am so so so so glad you are back with this amazing story! I know how difficult it is to write a story when ur in school and have a lot of work, I have the same problem.
Happy New Year!!! Nice update and I cant wait for more
Date: Dec 31, 2012 12:14 am Title: Mistake
I been waiting for u to update for like forever lol. When Michael is coming back? Damion gets on my nerves sorry to say. He knew Michael is alive and makes an move on Jolie. He is scandulous. i still enjoy ur story. Update soon pls? :D
Date: Dec 30, 2012 08:27 pm Title: Mistake
OHHH MY GOD!!! update!! please i just love this story
Date: Dec 30, 2012 03:49 pm Title: Mistake
First I want to say, I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE BACK!!!!!!! I've really missed this story. Jolie really needs to know that Michael is alive and well!!! I had a bad feeling about Damion in the first place. Hopefully that mistake won't happen again.
I love your story!! You're a great writer never forget that!! Also, when the going in life get's tough never give up! Always KEEP THE FAITH.
I can't wait for the next update!! I love you!
Author's Response:
Omg Thanks for reviewing gurrrl!!! Jolie is just in a vurnerable and sensitive state right now and like she don't even know what she doin. :[
Thank you for the love and the compliment! ^___^ it warms my heart :D! You too are a great and wonderful writer my dear <33 And thank you for the kind words of encouragment i really needed that :)
Date: Dec 30, 2012 03:22 pm Title: Mistake
Whoa Damion was way out of order 0_0 That MF had been planning that, right!?
BTW I started watching Criminal Minds some months ago and Derek & Spencer are perfecto together; I SHIP THEM. XD I had to say it haha.
Brilliant update ^.^
Thankyou so much for updating this, I can't wait till the next chapter. I hope we get to see whats happening to Michael omgg
Much LOVE , :))
, <33
Author's Response:
MMMhmmm gurrrl he is planning that ish like nobody's business. I don't watch criminal minds that much but i know what your're talking about ^__^ Thank you for reviewing and don't worry, we do get to see whats goin on with Michael :D!!!
Love Ya! <33
Date: Dec 30, 2012 02:53 pm Title: Mistake
Asdfghjhkla I had to do a double take to make sure my eyes werent fooling me haha.
OK I'll read the chapter now, YAYE XD
Author's Response:
OMG GURLLL I KNOW xD you are too silly!