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Reviewer: Meikel-Tatey16 Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 09, 2011 11:50 am Title: Chapter 11

Can you write another Story with Mike and Tati? I Love Mike and Tati Storys :D

Maybe you can use Liberian Girl :D

Author's Response:

Wonderful idea !!! Next chapter : LIBERIAN GIRL !!! With michael and tatiana thank you so so much, I'm so happy when I get new ideas, will be up soon !

Reviewer: Meikel-Tatey16 Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 09, 2011 11:36 am Title: Chapter 4 THE WAY YOU MAKE ME FEEL

Cool, The Way you make me Feel :D 

Funny and cool Stories, but i really didn't understand the first. Haha ;D

Author's Response:

The first one... IN THE CLOSET you didnt understand yeah it has nothing to do with the summary from the song, more with the lyrics. I used them for my first chapter... this is about Michael who comes home and goes in his massage tent, there Alicia waits for him.... she always felt kind of more abou him.. and she " shows " him , and he feels also that way ( he feel also more for her ). But the action they had in the massage tent they have to Keep IN THE CLOSET... because Lisa Marie Presley ... yeah right , i didnt showed that good :(

Thank you for reviewing, cool when you ask !!! <3

Reviewer: iloveyoumj Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 26, 2011 01:22 pm Title: Chapter 9 GIVE IN TO ME

this idea is gold but i still think yu should do rock with you or for all time i love tht song and those pichas of mike-mike where do yu find them?or do yu do them yurself

Author's Response:

Oh, right !!!! ROCK WITH YOU

sorry, that i forgot :D

This will be the next chapter :D OMG I've great ideas, thank you so much for reviewing.

No, i dont do these pictures myself, I have them from the internet, you just have to search : PHOTOSHOPPED PICTURES OF MICHAEL JACKSON

Thank you so so soo much <3

Reviewer: Alina Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 26, 2011 01:17 pm Title: Chapter 1 Instructions

well....can you please do ,,I just can't stop loving you" ?

It's so romantic...and I LOOOOVE IT!


You're A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!! kidding....

Much L-O-V-E, 

      Your fan!

Reviewer: Alina Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 25, 2011 12:57 pm Title: Chapter 1 Instructions

OH yeah...I'm your FAAAANNNNNNN! I ABSOLUTELY LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE your little fantasies....they make me feel so's like entering into another world....seriously!


Much L-O-V-E,

                     Your fan!

Author's Response:


Thank you so so SOOO much Alina <3333

Have you probably a new idea for a story ???

Reviewer: 2human4nature Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 25, 2011 11:42 am Title: Chapter 1 Instructions

You should do give into me

Author's Response:

Yeah ! GREAT !

I'll do GIVE IN TO ME next, thank you so much !!!

Reviewer: mrsmjjbarbie Signed starstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: Aug 28, 2011 12:47 pm Title: Chapter 6 BREAK OF DAWN

My favorite song in the entire world is "Break Of Dawn"!!

Author's Response:

I looove that song also !!! But my favourite's WILL YOU BE THERE... its so cute when se speeks at the end <3333

Reviewer: Alina Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 28, 2011 11:51 am Title: Chapter 7 DIRTY DIANA

cool! I love it !

Author's Response:

thank you so much <333 I think you are my biggest " fan " arent you ? ;)

ANd thank you so much for reviewing you make me smile every time

Reviewer: damonikalovesmj Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 27, 2011 05:34 pm Title: Chapter 1 Instructions

Hey what happened to my request for Remember The Time?

Author's Response:

 I dont know .... I never get it ?

But sure ;) I'll write also a short story abou REMEMBER THE TIME

Thanx for reviewing <333 XD

Reviewer: Alina Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 27, 2011 10:26 am Title: Chapter 6 BREAK OF DAWN

wow,thank you so much ,it was AMAZING,I love it! and YES ,I would LOVE to hear your other story,I'm sure it will very GOOD and INTERESTING! GOOD JOB!love

Author's Response:

Thank you som much !!! <333 I'll write the other story also ... thank you ;)

Reviewer: iloveyoumj Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 25, 2011 11:54 pm Title: Chapter 1 Instructions

can you please do rock with you that song always had me wondering what he was talkin about cuz i kno he aint talkin about dancing : )  rock with you please

Author's Response:

Thanx for the review ;) ROCK WITH YOU will be also one of my storys

But i think I dont know more than you ... :()

Reviewer: MJs Baby Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 24, 2011 01:31 pm Title: Chapter 5 SMOOTH CRIMINAL

Aw that was cool!! :) Ermm .... ... ... ... Ohh I got one Moonwalker, like with the three kids and the bad gangster!!!

Reviewer: AtMJsHouse Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 24, 2011 11:01 am Title: Chapter 1 Instructions

Could you do Dirty Diana? I think that would be an interesting one

Author's Response:

Yeah ;) I have great ideas for Dirty Diana .... first BREAK OF DAWN, then Dirty Diana

Thank you so much for reviewing ;))))

Reviewer: Alina Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 24, 2011 06:56 am Title: Chapter 5 SMOOTH CRIMINAL

wow,you're doing quite a great job!congratulations! I love it! can you do please ,,Break of Dawn"?

Author's Response:

Heeeyy thank you very very much <3

Sure, the next story ; BREAK OF DAWN

thank you so much, love you all ;)

Reviewer: chi chu Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 01, 2011 01:23 am Title: Chapter 3 GIRLFRIEND

Can you do The Way You Make me feel next with mike and tatiana please.

Author's Response:

Your the winner !!! I'll make : THE WAY YOU MAKE ME FEEL

with tatiana... and MICHAEL <33333 1-3 days then i have it... THank you so much for the review!!! <33333

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