Date: Jul 07, 2012 01:47 pm Title: Announcement.
I wish u become inspire again and finish it. I enjoy it really

Date: Feb 21, 2012 11:31 am Title: Announcement.
PLEASE DON'T DELETE THIS STORY!!! you need to keep writing for this story!!! So PLEASE UPDATE FOR THIS STORY :) please!!!!
Date: Oct 15, 2011 08:15 am Title: Best Friends Forever...
Wow 16? U r a phenomenal writer! I am 17 and I am a horrible writer. Anyway keep up the good work!
Author's Response:
well, I've always been pretty grown for my age xD
anyways, thank you, it's great to know you like my writing :)

Date: Sep 10, 2011 03:05 pm Title: Announcement.
YAY!!! Plzz hurry and update!!!

Date: Jul 24, 2011 07:15 am Title: Lack of Resistance.
loved it x
Author's Response:
thank you so much :)

Date: Jul 24, 2011 12:13 am Title: Best Friends Forever...
Good story! Love it! I don't think I could have a friend with benefits. I mean cuz it seems someone will get attached if both of you don't. Know what I mean?
Author's Response:
Yeah, it's pretty messed up! But these two can't help it... ;)

Date: Jul 23, 2011 11:14 pm Title: Lack of Resistance.
Author's Response:
I will see what I can do. I'll update as soon as I can, I promise ;)

Date: Jul 23, 2011 10:23 pm Title: Lack of Resistance.
Haha nothing is wrong doll, I love it! Hah i wish they would grow a pair and tell eachother how they feel hah jk, ill wait for that to come laterr ;) cnt wait for the next part! Great jobbbb
Author's Response:
Thank you so much!
Let's see what happens next... :)

Date: Jul 23, 2011 10:10 pm Title: Best Friends Forever...
Haha thats what i love about you xD you write a 2100 words+ chapter and you claim that its small honey, i read chapters that were like 200 words long haha :) you already know im a big fan of your writing and im sure this story will be greattt!
Author's Response:
It's pretty small, comparing to others I've written xD
But maybe you're right... I might have overreacted a little!
Thank you so much, your reviews always make my day ;)

Date: Jul 22, 2011 03:16 am Title: Best Friends Forever...
wow this story is soo good! I love it already!!!!! update soon plz :)
Author's Response:
I'll update as soon as I can. I'll work on it ;)

Date: Jul 22, 2011 02:35 am Title: Best Friends Forever...
oh man I can't wait til you update great story :)
Author's Response:
thank you, I'll update as soon as I can :)

Date: Jul 22, 2011 12:50 am Title: Best Friends Forever...
Author's Response:
I don't know how soon I'll update, but I'll do my best :)
Date: Jul 21, 2011 08:28 pm Title: Best Friends Forever...
I saw the title and it reminded me of the movie coming out tomorrow and I had to read it.
You've got real talent
Author's Response:
I had no idea there was a movie with this name :o
it was a total coincidence!
but anyways, thank you so much for the review ;)

Date: Jul 21, 2011 07:29 pm Title: Best Friends Forever...
im liking this a lot and I can tell from here this story is gonna turn into something great :)
Can't wait for the next chaper xx
Author's Response:
thank you, I'll keep it interesting ;)

Date: Jul 21, 2011 07:10 pm Title: Best Friends Forever...
Great start. I really like this. There is definitely chemistry there between them. I just wish they would both admit their feelings to one another. Update soon
Author's Response:
I'll do my best to update as soon as I can :)