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Reviewer: Nick Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 09, 2019 09:04 pm Title: Chapter 10: Odd Kisses

Nice and everything, but more death and destruction, I want to see the world burn... ok no :v

Author's Response:

All my god, my girl... yes there will be action but in future chapters though, hold on but more importantly stay tuned... thank you for reviewing.

Reviewer: BabyGirl123 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 09, 2019 06:30 am Title: Chapter 10: Odd Kisses

Yes I think Damien has physically hurt Michael before


Damien can try to outsmart Ivan all he wants but he won't succeed 


I'm sure Damien ends up being fired, he can't even keep an eye Michael while he's around him 24/7 It's like Ivan says he has no excuse to loose sight of him 

Author's Response:

Damien certainly feels under pressure, something is going to happen and Michael is about to explode! You shall see darling, thank you for your lovely review... kisses!! 

Reviewer: Saiii4534 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 07, 2019 12:18 pm Title: Chapter 10: Odd Kisses

Ooof, Damien is trying to outsmart Ivan, and Ivan is trying to not fall in love with Michael. Yikes

Author's Response:

Haha! you got it... thank you for reviewing, darling. 

Reviewer: eVa Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 30, 2019 10:12 am Title: Chapter 9: Enchanted Like An Idiot

Thanks for the update!  Uh oh, Damien isn’t going to take Ivan’s plans lightly is he? Lots of tension coming.  Damien seems rather suspect to me, who was he talking to I wonder?  Keep up the good work!  I hope you update Disappeared, Gone in an Instant.  I just love all your stories :))

Author's Response:

Not really, the man sees Ivan a big threat when it comes to Michael, or in his plans. we will see, darling. He was talking to someone yes indeed and soon we will find out to whom, and yes, I'm working on DISAPPEARED, GONE IN AN INSTANT, stay tuned and thank you for reviewing.

Reviewer: BabyGirl123 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 29, 2019 03:09 pm Title: Chapter 9: Enchanted Like An Idiot

Hmm Damien has something to do with the treaths I think?


Maybe Ivan doesn't have to go back to the future? 



Author's Response:

Hmm... perhaps he does, but we shall see in future chapters my dear and Ivan as well, perhaps he will not go back or maybe he will or perhaps he is not allowed to stay for some reason we don't know yet. Anyway, darling... always love your reviews, thank you... kisses!!

Reviewer: Saiii4534 Signed [Report This]
Date: May 29, 2019 01:25 pm Title: Chapter 9: Enchanted Like An Idiot

I love it, keep up the great work!!!!!!:)))

Author's Response:


Reviewer: staciethehedghog Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 13, 2019 08:02 am Title: Chapter 8: Clashing With Damien

Now that's what you call true friendship indeed ☺ More Please!

Author's Response:

True, it is... Love, darling!

Reviewer: staciethehedghog Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 12, 2019 10:51 pm Title: Chapter 7: A Kiss At The Cafe'

Where there is love, there is hope indeed 😉 

Author's Response:

Exactly! love to hear from you darling... thanks!

Reviewer: Saiii4534 Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 10, 2019 02:52 pm Title: Chapter 8: Clashing With Damien

Dammmnnn, Michael has caught feelings for someone other than his maannn :0

Author's Response:

YEAH, he does, but he is on denial... stay tuned honey... thank you so much.

Reviewer: BabyGirl123 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 10, 2019 01:02 am Title: Chapter 8: Clashing With Damien

Oh Michael deep down you know Damien is not good for you and I agree with Kallie you only have Damien around because of what he knows, maybe in the beginning you loved him but not anymore

Author's Response:

Umm, yes it could be... Hey, darling, I'm going to update -DISAPPEARED, GONE IN AN INSTANT- in a couple of days, let me know if you are still interested, and thank you so much for your support.

Reviewer: eVa Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 02, 2019 08:08 am Title: Chapter 7: A Kiss At The Cafe'

Aw something is definitely blossoming between Michael and Ivan.  Great job on the update!  

Btw, I loved your story about your daughter :D  and you’re right, the more shit they talk talk about him, the more we love him.  There is NO chance they are taking him down with lies and deceit. 

Anyways, I very much look forward to your next update.  Please never stop! <3

Author's Response:

Thank you so much darling... and yes! let us keep loving Michael till the end of time!! 

Reviewer: Nic976 Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 31, 2019 06:10 pm Title: Chapter 1: Going Back In Time

I really like the idea of this story so far. I like the idea of time travel regarding Michael Jackson's life events.

Reviewer: Nick Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 28, 2019 04:03 pm Title: Chapter 7: A Kiss At The Cafe'

I will feel sorry when Miller leaves Mike when he says to the future U.U

Author's Response:

Who knows, he might not leave, perhaps there will be a way he could stay. We shall see, stay tuned... Thank you, darling. kisses!

Reviewer: BabyGirl123 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 27, 2019 11:51 pm Title: Chapter 7: A Kiss At The Cafe'

That' one sentence 'But Damien exists' that tells me Damien probably bullied him into the relationship instead of mutal feelings 

Author's Response:

Umm, that could be a possibility, if Michael fell for it at first and now he feels trap because Damien knows too much. We shall see how this unfolds my dear. kisses! 

Reviewer: Nick Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 23, 2019 06:12 pm Title: Chapter 6: Colliding With Damien

That I confused the protagonist's uncle with the boyfriend

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