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Reviewer: eVa Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 30, 2019 07:14 pm Title: Chapter 22: Longing To Be Hold

Yay you updated!  I think it's cute when Michael had that little tantrum with Ivan hehe He's not used to getting bossed around when it comes to his work but Ivan means well.  I hope Ivan can figure out a way to stay with Michael.  They belong together <3  And I wonder what will happen during these 2 days that Ivan is gone. Is Michael in danger? He should be safe at Neverland but who knows.  Hope you update soon!  

Author's Response:

No, he is not used too be boss around and more tantrums should be happening in up coming chapters my darling and Michael will be in danger while Ivan is out,wait in see, thank you once again and see you next time. 

Reviewer: Saiii4534 Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 30, 2019 04:03 pm Title: Chapter 22: Longing To Be Hold

Ivan is sooooo sweet, and I hope he can stick around for Michael’s sake!!! Also, screw Damien for all that he’s done to poor Michael:,((

Author's Response:

Yes, he is the sweetest apart from his macho appearance. Haha! Love it girl, thank you so much, see you next time. I will be working on the next chapter, hopefully I will have it ready for next week.

Reviewer: BabyGirl123 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 29, 2019 07:38 am Title: Chapter 22: Longing To Be Hold

Poor Michael, Damien truly left deep emotional scars 


So hope there's a way for Ivan to stay or if possible take Michael with him to the future somehow 

Author's Response:

Yes, he left deep scars and it’s gonna take long for Michael to heal them. That would me awesome if Ivan could take Michael with him to the future.  Let’s see if it’s possible... thank you so much, my darling. See you next time, kisses!

Reviewer: Amaranth PaiPai Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: Oct 28, 2019 07:15 am Title: Chapter 4: Pleading For Damien

Hello, this is my first review on this website!
Pleasure to read you, I’m Coco. Your fic is the reason I joined this website in the first place, so I must say I’m really pleased to finally be able to know what it’s about!

The plot seems quite interesting, so far and you left me wanting to know what happens next; consider grabbing my attention a success. I also love how absolutely everyone refers to Michael as baby boy or angel, because he damn sure is.

Author's Response:

That’s right, isn’t he an angel? I hope you continue reviewing my darling, I’m working on the next chapter and thank you so much for liking my story.

Reviewer: PhantomhiveChanGoneMoonwalker Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 21, 2019 02:21 pm Title: Chapter 2: Assassination Attempt

Just read the second chapter, but omg my poor baby :(
I really enjoy your writing style though :)

Author's Response:


Reviewer: PhantomhiveChanGoneMoonwalker Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 21, 2019 02:21 pm Title: Chapter 2: Assassination Attempt

Just read the second chapter, but omg my poor baby :(
I really enjoy your writing style though :)

Author's Response:

Thank you, I need your reviews in order to continue updating this story darling.

Reviewer: PhantomhiveChanGoneMoonwalker Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 21, 2019 02:21 pm Title: Chapter 2: Assassination Attempt

Just read the second chapter, but omg my poor baby :(
I really enjoy your writing style though :)

Author's Response:

Thank you, I'm glad you liked it, I will update pretty soon. Hope you continue reviewing. 

Reviewer: eVa Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 06, 2019 09:49 pm Title: Chapter 21: An Odd Conversation With Bill

I finally had the chance to catch up with this story.  Poor Ivan is trying his best to keep it professional but they are very much in love.  I know Damien is also waiting for his chance too, perhaps he’ll pop up when Ivan is gone.  I hope you continue this story! 

Author's Response:

Hey, my girl, thank you so much, I'm glad to hear from you. Never in the world, I will let go of this story my dear, promise.

Reviewer: BabyGirl123 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 25, 2019 12:28 pm Title: Chapter 21: An Odd Conversation With Bill

Hope Damien isn't from the future or he will havr acces to the same technology as Ivan  



Poor Michael hope Ivan doesn't have to break his heart 

Author's Response:

We will see darling... and let us see if Ivan would be able to have the courage to break Michael's heart... umm, thank you so much. Hey, darling, I'm working on a new story, it will be called (Poor Little Rich Girl) it's something that I've been having in my mind, I don't know when would I upload it, be on the lookout and share your thoughts and thank you so much once again.

Reviewer: Saiii4534 Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 24, 2019 10:24 pm Title: Chapter 21: An Odd Conversation With Bill

Awww poor Ivan and poor Michael:((( This is becoming so sad

Author's Response:

It is, but wait, would he be able to have the courage to break his heart?... we shall see... thank you so much darling... kiesess!

Reviewer: Saiii4534 Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 14, 2019 06:37 am Title: Chapter 20: If There's A Way To Stay, I Will Stay

Oh noooooo!!!! Damien can take advantage of him while Ivan is gone:((( I hope Ivan can protect Michael even though he’s gonna be out

Author's Response:

Sure he can't, let us see what's going to happen on upcoming chapters my dear. thank you so much.

Reviewer: BabyGirl123 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 13, 2019 03:03 am Title: Chapter 20: If There's A Way To Stay, I Will Stay

I hope the other's can stop Damien while Ivan is away 

Author's Response:

Ah! Damien is hiding something for sure, let us see what’s gonna happen on the next few chapters darling and thank you so much for your wonderful support. Kisses 😘 

Reviewer: eVa Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Aug 28, 2019 08:18 am Title: Chapter 19: A Plan To Travel Back To The 80's

Ivan’s decision is to let those horrible things in 1993 happen?  I hope he changes his mind, it would save Michael from so much pain :(

its so nice to see Michael’s and Ivan’s relationship grow <3 Looking forward to your next update as always :))

Author's Response:

Aaah! We shall see what happens on future chapters, stay tuned my darling.

Reviewer: Saiii4534 Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 24, 2019 11:12 pm Title: Chapter 19: A Plan To Travel Back To The 80's

Man, things were starting to heat up quickly at the end for Ivan and Michael;))) But seriously tho, I really hope that altering the timeline of Michael’s life won’t bring too much trouble for Ivan:(

Author's Response:

Yeah, things were heating up and they will have more steamy scenes in future chapters and Ivan, he will eventually get in trouble with the government somehow... we will see, darling, and thank you.

Reviewer: BabyGirl123 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Aug 24, 2019 07:21 am Title: Chapter 19: A Plan To Travel Back To The 80's

Hope Ivan can go back in time to stop those sick minded families from meeting Michael 


They're so cute together, but Ivan better watch out what he says or Michael will figure out he's from the future

Author's Response:

Yeah, he better what out, poor Ivan the things he has to do for love, he will challenge and bend the rules in order to protect Michael. Hehe!... thank you so much darling.

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