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Reviewer: Amaranth PaiPai Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 18, 2019 08:05 am Title: Chapter 13: Adrenaline

Holy daaaaaamn, SHIT IS GOING DOWN! Ivan finally knows what’s really going on and no hell or heaven can stop him. Anyway, this was such a scary chapter; I couldn’t stop shouting and worrying from the comfort of my bed, lol. I’m doing my very best from keeping the spoilers to a minimum because there must be readers who check the reviews before anything else. However, I won’t be as considerate in this review. >:)

Damien actually tried to fucking kill Mike? Motherfucker... That’s insanity. The amount of abuse he went through without anybody else knowing creeps me out so much. What is Ivan’s plan now? Does Damien have any more hidden intentions?

The bathtub scene was especially good, I couldn’t believe my eyes. Damien apologising like that’ll erase the fact that he further injured, sexually assaulted and almost drowned Michael in less than a few hours is idiotic of him and paints a well-represented view of what some abusers do after harming their victims. You’re doing very well with Damien’s character and Michael’s reactions, the first is mixture of violence and cunningness and, even though Mike is a very psychologically strong fellow, it would be unrealistic if he were able to deflect the entirety of Damien’s aggressive behaviour. I loved that you let Michael resist Damien in his own way through mostly tiny acts of defiance.

I can’t wait to know what comes next, please keep writing so we can all find out!


Author's Response:

Damien's character is not done, he will cause more trouble in future chapters my darling, wait and see.... I'm so glad that you are reviewing each chapter, it really means a lot to me, thank you so much for supporting my story... kisses!

Reviewer: eVa Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 18, 2019 06:03 am Title: Chapter 23: Back To The Future,1987

Ahh the bad era, Mike looked absolutely devine <3  No wonder Ivan couldn't resist kissing him.  But will that have consequences?  I love this story, please continue :)

Author's Response:

Yeah!! he was divine, gorgeous absolutely true, we can't blame, no. we shall see the consequences on upcoming chapters... thank you so much my darling... kisses!

Reviewer: Amaranth PaiPai Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 18, 2019 12:21 am Title: Chapter 12: Sleeping With The Enemy

Like, Michael was having a good time just a couple chapters before... ;_; That twist was so DAMN good, holy crap. Damien has gone that far just to fulfil his sick desires!?!? Omfg. The suspense, though! What a good cliffhanger. I couldn’t stop thinking about how fucking scary that seems and all the abuse Mike mentioned. How fucking dare Damien!? He’s nuts, absolutely batshit insane! What a horrifying experience. I knew it, I knew something terribly serious had to be going on behind scenes for things to happen the way they did. Jfc, what a chapter. I’m so scared for Mike, dear goodness... Please, keep writing more! I need to know how things will develop!


Author's Response:

Hey, darling, thank you so much.... you got it though, this is Damien's character, what more can I say? Hope to see another review from you.

Reviewer: Amaranth PaiPai Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 17, 2019 08:16 pm Title: Chapter 5: Tensions Escalating

Damn, the situation Ivan is in is not good. How can he resist the desire to talk to and hug his uncle after losing him such a long time ago? It must've been hard... It was so funny, though, the way he was attempting to conceal his face from Will and his uncle! Plus, Alek telling all the important stuff to Ivan until the end keeps putting him in such tough spots it's funny! I can't wait to read the rest!


Author's Response:

Poor, Ivan, his uncle was a role model for him seeing him young was quite a big deal for him and Alek means no harm, why he delays and makes decisions at the last moment has an explanation; I will explain the mystery of this character in future chapters my dear... stay tuned.

Reviewer: Amaranth PaiPai Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 17, 2019 08:09 pm Title: Chapter 3: The Relationship Between Michael & Damien

Wow! Damien was a nice addition to the story. His possessiveness and jealousy are extremely dangerous treats in a character who's in love, even more so when combined with determination, fearlessness and aggresivenes. No matter how much they love their special one, they'll always be prone to evolving into a peril for others and themselves. I believe this applies to Damien quite well and clears many new directions this story could possibly head to. Michael's thoughts were just plain adorable... When I read Mike didn't actually forgive Damien for hurting his arm, I swelled with pride. You go, babs, show 'im who's boss!

Great chapter, please go on!


Author's Response:

Poor baby, he had to play tough though, but deeps inside he feared Damien, you will understand his reasons. Damien is the devil.

Reviewer: Amaranth PaiPai Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 17, 2019 07:53 pm Title: Chapter 2: Assassination Attempt

OMG, OMG, OMG. Man, that sure was a ride! Ivan had his hands full in only a few hours! And, hoo, boy... That Michael reveal of yours was... So cute!

Author's Response:

Cute as hell indeed! :-)

Reviewer: Amaranth PaiPai Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 17, 2019 07:42 pm Title: Chapter 1: Going Back In Time

Hello again, dear!

I decided to come back and leave a review for every chapter from now on! I really want you to continue this story and know what happens next.

The concept of your fic is just so cool! where did you get the idea from? How did you come up with the original characters' names? They sound mysterious. Love ya!


Author's Response:

Hi! I really appreciate that you will go through each chapter and leave your review, thank you so much... and, I came up with the storyline after watching a movie on Netflix called the OUTLANDER, it's about time travel. However, it has nothing to do with my storyline, it just gave me the idea to come up with my own version. I thought about an agent traveling back to save Michael from all the misery he lived in his life. I also wanted this agent to break some rules and fall in love with this client, I wanted him to also have his own story which is a mystery and that mystery will unfold in future chapters, you shall see if you stay tuned for future chapters... anyhow daring, thank you once again... Kisses!

Reviewer: KarenR63 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 17, 2019 01:38 am Title: Chapter 1: Going Back In Time

This was a great read!

Author's Response:

Hey!! 👋 Thank you so much, hopefully you continue coming back.

Reviewer: Nick Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 16, 2019 07:48 pm Title: Chapter 23: Back To The Future,1987

I improve my life and ruin too, when I return I will no longer be his Michael

Author's Response:

I.. umm 😐 I don’t understand what you mean to say. Hope you are doing okay, darling.

Reviewer: Saiii4534 Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 16, 2019 08:56 am Title: Chapter 23: Back To The Future,1987

I doubt Michael will get over that kiss tho:/

Author's Response:

I don’t believe it as well, stay tune and see what’s going to happen next. Thank you so much.... kisses!!!

Reviewer: yourburgersarethebest Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 15, 2019 09:59 pm Title: Chapter 7: A Kiss At The Cafe'

It was a wonderful chapter! How do you think Miller's character is growing here? I want to hear your perspective on this!

I liked how Miller was able to think on his feet to keep up his act, such as when Miller identified himself as a hitman because he knew that Michael was scared of the investigative bureaus of the government.

What I didn't like at times were the lines of dialogue that were too obvious. I would have liked to have seen more creativity in the dialogue! 

Good update, Mystica!

Author's Response:

Sorry for the inconvenience, I believe some chapters were not the best. I'm going back to some of them and I am doing a lot of editing, I have recently edited chapter 8. If you have read it please do read it once again and see the difference. Thank you for your honest opinion and your lovely reviews.

Reviewer: BabyGirl123 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 15, 2019 03:57 pm Title: Chapter 23: Back To The Future,1987

Glad Ivan took care of idiot 1 and hopefully soon he'll take care of idiot 2


Hmm I can only hope that kiss means Michael will never get involved with Damian because hes still thinking about Ivan who he'll realise when he gets back to the current time (5 years later) was the guy from 5 years ago ?

Author's Response:

He would definitely ask himself that question, Ivan had changed some events he did not suppose to, but he did it for love, therefore, when he gets back, he will see a different Michael... and something is going to happen, you shall see... thank you so much darling... kisses! 

Reviewer: yourburgersarethebest Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 14, 2019 10:59 pm Title: Chapter 3: The Relationship Between Michael & Damien

This is a really fun story! I found Damien to be a little annoying, but I don't mind him! Good job!

Author's Response:

Hey! Thank you so much... kisses!

Reviewer: yourburgersarethebest Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 14, 2019 10:57 pm Title: Chapter 2: Assassination Attempt

“Oh… shit… shit!! I think he’s out! You should have called me earlier, motherfucker!” I picked up my pace and followed the singer behind very carefully keeping my distance so that my conversation could not be heard. (This line had me laughing!! LOL!)

“You… you’re not wearing a uniform.” Pale skin, widened eyes were gazing with uncertainty. (I like the feeling that I got from this line. It felt like a small silence to ponder on Michael's expression. I enjoyed reading this.)

What the fuck is the matter with his fuckin security guards?(WHEEZING!)


I'm loving it so far! Great pacing.


Author's Response:

I’m so glad you do, darling... thank you so much.

Reviewer: Nick Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 08, 2019 08:26 pm Title: Chapter 22: Longing To Be Hold

Thank you for writing to me and I love your story :)

Author's Response:

You are so welcome, darling, and keep it up, just bear with me, I'm a little busy working in two stories and sometimes I get overwhelmed and my inspiration goes out the window. anyhow as I've said, I'm so proud of you and how you have improved... cheers!

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