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Reviewer: sunkid36 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 01, 2020 12:13 pm Title: Chapter 38 The Memory Of Jason

Great chapter again! But I am so confused, how can Ivan be Jason without knowing it? And how can Michael cheat on Ivan? I thought he was this cute innocent baby who wouldn't do anything bad like this? But still this is by far the best story I've ever read!

Author's Response:

This is what happened; Jason died in 1980 when he was only 22 but he reincarnated in 2013 as Ivan. Now, Ivan can't remember his past life, though the only thing he remembers is being in love with Michael since he was a child. He never mentioned to anyone because he was afraid of being treated as he had mental problems. However, his uncle James knew his nephew Ivan reincarnated and that was the main reason he has chosen him to travel to the past so that Ivan would remember his past life and so he would have another chance to be with the love of his life. Ivan soon will start to remember his past, it will soon come in his dreams. He will remember how he died, that would be in future chapters, my dear... And yes, cute and innocent, Michael is capable of cheating but his love for Ivan is genuine and solid. Le's see if he will have the nerve to cheat on Ivan... Thank you, baby, for loving my story... kisses!

Reviewer: staciethehedghog Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 30, 2020 06:39 pm Title: Chapter 37: On The Phone With Alek

Oh Lord...let's hope he can white like himself out of this

Author's Response:

Let's hope so, hope you are doing well, honey, stay safe.

Reviewer: eVa Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 29, 2020 07:21 am Title: Chapter 38 The Memory Of Jason

A fool in love? He probably is but that happens sometimes, and it's easy to do with Michael ;)  I do hope Michael tells Ivan the truth about Jason, I'm curious to know the story about them and what happened to Jason.  And how will Ivan find out he was in fact Jason. So many questions! Keep up the good work! :)

Author's Response:

Thank you baby, you will all see the story of Jason and why Michael feels guilt because of this death. And honey... SORRY!! FOR CHAPTER 36, I DID NOT NOTICE THAT I'VE UPLOADED IT WITHOUT EDITING, ALL THE GRAMMAR ERRORS WERE THERE. Feel free to check it out once again. 

Reviewer: fernando Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 28, 2020 11:55 pm Title: Chapter 38 The Memory Of Jason

Yes he is a fool in LOVEEEEE but i kind of think that Mike would cheat in the future

Author's Response:

Haha!! perhaps he will, you shall see, thank you so much for reviewing and baby, sorry for chapter 36, I did not notice that I uploaded it without correcting all the mistakes... sorry, and please do check it out once again. Hope to hear from you again.

Reviewer: BabyGirl123 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 28, 2020 11:08 am Title: Chapter 38 The Memory Of Jason

If only Ivan knows he's Jason and Michael is still in love with him and will never betray his true love 


Perhaps the uncle cheated too and they we're toxic for each other?



The mystery continues lol 

Author's Response:

Michael was the one who cheated and James, Ivan's uncle suffered so much for that ordeal, and yes, Michael is still in love with Jason. Darling, thank you so much and pelase make sure you check out CHAPTER 36 once again, I uploaded it without fixing the errors... SORRY!

Reviewer: wings919 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 28, 2020 09:21 am Title: Chapter 38 The Memory Of Jason

Love makes one a fool .either Michael .But cheating would weaken a relationship ...Michael should’ve known that.Michael is not perfect, but he didn’t intend to hurt Ivan though sometimes he did.Still his innocent and cute reaction always win Ivan’s heart.Thank god Ivan always told him his feelings instead of pretending ok. they really need to talk About these things.
This story always so attractive that I can truly feel the pain of the torture between them.You are so amazing a writer!Thank you and stay safe and go on this sweet story haaa

Author's Response:

No, Michael is not perfect and he also likes women, therefore, Ivan has problems, though Ivan is the love of his life, he can't help himself to have a good look at the ladies. Let's see if he would be strong enough to keep himself out of trouble with all the beautiful women that would be around him. Baby, thank you so much for loving my story and please make sure to check CHAPTER 36 once again, I have uploaded it without fixing all the grammar errors... SORRY!! I'VE BEEN EDITING ALL THE CHAPTERS, that's why I've noticed that this chapter 36 wasn't edited at all... Haha!

Reviewer: eVa Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 24, 2020 11:03 pm Title: Chapter 37: On The Phone With Alek

Will Ivan tell Michael that he's from the future? I have no idea if he would believe him.  Although it would be cute to see Michael travel to the future with Ivan and see his reaction to the future world hehe

And Damien, will we see him again soon? Can't wait for the next chapter 

Author's Response:

One day he will have too but I think, though now, it's too soon. Oh, yes, it would be cute if Ivan takes Michael into the future. You will see what would happen and Damien would be lurking around, in Germany, oh yes, he will.

Reviewer: HeerHira Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 23, 2020 08:38 am Title: Chapter 37: On The Phone With Alek

Ooohhh finally after 6 years, i am back. My Queen of slash fictions i missed you sooo much.....! I used to have account name *heer* back than, if you remember. I remember your story The Intruder. It was amazing but you removed it. I am happy that you come up with a brilliant concept again. I am in love with this story plz continue it never remove or abondon this story plzzzz.

Author's Response:

Welcome back sweetheart, I am really happy to know that you liked my story and don't worry I will not remove this story for nothing in this world. You know, I've been thinking of bringing back THE INTRUDER, though, after I'm done with this one. Thank you so much for your lovely review and please be safe.

Reviewer: wings919 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 22, 2020 09:45 am Title: Chapter 37: On The Phone With Alek

I always love to see Ivan obsessed with Michael . I think it’s dangerous if he has to go back to the future .And will Ivan be jealous of the younger him?Maybe he will because what really matters is Jason was his first love and he could have been someone else.

Author's Response:

Oh, yes, Ivan is deeply obsessed with Michael, sincerely and positively way, he adores him and yes, it's really dangerous for Ivan to travel back to the future, mainly because of Michael. you will see how he's going to manage this issue on future chapters. and yes, Ivan is jealous of Jason though, once he realizes that is him it would die out... haha! Poor Ivan... anyhow, thank you, baby.

Reviewer: sunkid36 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 22, 2020 12:47 am Title: Chapter 37: On The Phone With Alek

That was so sweet and Michael is sooo adorable! Bruhh I am already sooo excited for the moment when Ivan will tell im that he is from the future. I was really anxious the whole chapter because I thought Michael was listening to the phone conversation.

Author's Response:

Haha, sorry... it's too soon for Michael to know, but yeah, it would've been a possibility that he might've been hearing the conversation but Michael was sedated and exhausted by that passionate moment. It was impossible for him to get up and sneak on Ivan. Anyhow baby, thank you so much.

Reviewer: BabyGirl123 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 22, 2020 12:22 am Title: Chapter 37: On The Phone With Alek

Oh that would've been intresting to see Ivan takeing 1992 Michael into the 2049 birthday party of his mother


Hmm why can't Ivan remember Jason? And how will Michael react to the time travelling? Does he want to visit the future? Can he? 

Author's Response:

Ivan will soon be getting those memory flashbacks of his past life, it would get to him, you will see, and about that trip back to the future to his mother's birthday party, you will see how it's going to happen, that should be happening in future chapters. Even though Ivan is happy to know that he's allowed to tell Michael that he is a time traveler, he still has doubts and he's afraid to lose him. However, as Alek said, he was to prepare Michael for this. We will see how it is going turn out in future chapters my dear.

Reviewer: Nick Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 18, 2020 11:49 am Title: Chapter 36: Burning With Desire

Sex was exquisite ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Author's Response:

Yes, it was, haha! stay safe, darling.

Reviewer: eVa Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 17, 2020 10:10 pm Title: Chapter 36: Burning With Desire

This chapter was caliente! I'm glad they made up.  But I now wonder what the trip will bring? 

Author's Response:

Haha! yes, it was hot; you will see what's going to happen on this Dangerous tour. Ivan changed the course of time, though fate will always want to return to collect the events that did not happen... you will see.

Reviewer: sunkid36 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 17, 2020 10:47 am Title: Chapter 36: Burning With Desire

YES!! Finally they are good again :) Chapters like this make me happy but I am also already really excited for the events that will happen in Europe.
Amazing chapter!

Author's Response:

From now on, only touring around the world and drama... you will see... thank you darling.

Reviewer: staciethehedghog Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 16, 2020 01:21 pm Title: Chapter 36: Burning With Desire

So sweet and hot...Thank God they are back together. And Ivan...mmm...he even makes me feel more hotter than August with that body 🌹🌹🌹💖💖💖💖☺☺☺☺

Author's Response:

Yes indeed, he is fuckin hot, haha! Baby it's so nice to hear from you, I hope you are taking care of yourself by staying safe and thank you so much for your review. Kisses!

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