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Reviewer: KarenR63 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 18, 2020 01:58 pm Title: Chapter 1:Money Problems

Great story so far!

Author's Response:

Hey! Thank you so much.

Reviewer: TheEightiesLover Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 13, 2019 08:18 am Title: Chapter 1:Money Problems

Yeah I think it's a shame that not many people come to this site anymore, especially ones that read slash fiction. You'll always have an interested reader in me though :)

Author's Response:

Thank you darling... Hope to hear from you on the next chapter.

Reviewer: TheEightiesLover Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 12, 2019 09:58 am Title: Chapter 2: A Sharp Dressed Man

I miss this story 😭 do you plan on updating soon? x

Author's Response:

I do plan to make another update, darling but I also need you to come back and review. I need at least 3 reviews on each chapter in order to continue, this way I know that my readers are still interested in the story. I love this story and I will updated as soon as I’m done with THE TIME TRAVELER.  Promise!! Thank you so much darling.

Reviewer: BabyGirl123 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Aug 31, 2019 05:37 am Title: Chapter 9: Lust

Oh Michael do something about your mean side, poor Adrian doesn't deserve your mean side poor thing did nothing wrong he loves you 



Author's Response:

Yes he is mean and poor Adrian he is really madly in love. Things will get morse for Adrian.

Reviewer: TheEightiesLover Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 30, 2019 07:45 am Title: Chapter 9: Lust

Yay!! I'm so happy you updated, this was a great chapter, very sexy. I get what you mean about it being hard to imagine Michael as a dominant, but you do a very good job with it here. I'm eagerly looking forward to them having penetrative sex, hopefully Michael takes it slow with Adrian. I'm also looking forward to read about Michael falling in love with him - maybe a bit of jealousy might forward that up a bit? 

Author's Response:

Thank you, sweetheart, I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter...and, yeah Michael wants to take it slow, he is not in love, not just yet. We will see in future chapters how this relationship will evolve. Thank you so much though.

Reviewer: TheEightiesLover Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 25, 2019 12:26 pm Title: Chapter 1:Money Problems

I will of course review every chapter you post after this point. I love the way you depict Michael in your story, and Adrian is so sweet. I'm sure he'll have Michael falling for him in no time (if he isn't at that point already!) I will be waiting patiently for the next chapter xx

Author's Response:

Thank you, my darling, expect an update this Saturday the 31ist.

Reviewer: TheEightiesLover Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 25, 2019 02:19 am Title: Chapter 8: A Short Interview

I loved this chapter. Can't wait to read about the sex between Michael and Adrian, whenever you feel up to writing it. 

Author's Response:

Thank you so much darling, would you comeback and review? I need at least two reviews to continue updating this story my darling. I really have information for this story but I also need your reviews. I’m going to work on the next chapter and I hope to see you back. Thank you so much once again. Kisses!

Reviewer: rossigirl Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jul 16, 2019 05:55 pm Title: Chapter 8: A Short Interview

Wow, another great chapter! It’s interesting that Adrian is from Argentina. His father is an ass for leaving his family! Can’t wait for the next chapter! I hope you find inspiration soon!

Author's Response:

Thank you so much for supporting this story my dear. I will comeback to it one day.

Reviewer: BabyGirl123 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 30, 2019 02:25 pm Title: Chapter 7: Under His Spell

Hopefully Adrian will be able to see his mom and sister on a regular basis



Author's Response:

Yeah, that would be so nice... whe shall see darling... thank you!

Reviewer: rossigirl Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 28, 2019 05:23 am Title: Chapter 7: Under His Spell

Wow, that was an intense chapter! Pamela is such a bitch! That scene in the SUV was really hot. I feel bad for Adrian for lying to his mom. I hope Michael will be a good master and not a bad, mean one. Please, please update soon! Great chapter!!

Author's Response:

Thank you so much, darling... we shall see if turns out to be a good master..

Reviewer: rossigirl Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 28, 2019 05:42 am Title: Chapter 6: Another Man's Broken Heart

Wow, intense chapter! That Pamela is a real bitch! Adrian better be careful around her! I feel bad for Jason, but I bet you Adrian will fall in love with Michael. Great chapter, can’t wait for the next one!

Author's Response:

Yes, poor Jason, but I think I will bring him back in future chapters, don't worry my dear. Pamela has one more trick under her sleeve. stay tuned and find out... thank you, baby, for coming back... kisses!

Reviewer: BabyGirl123 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 28, 2019 04:53 am Title: Chapter 6: Another Man's Broken Heart

Love at first sight already happened (not just for Adrian) ;) 


Hopefully Jason will stay a good friend him, he needs that, specially with women as Pamela around


And Pamela shouldn't she be mad at Michael ? Instead of treathing to hurt her 'replacement' I mean Adrian can't help it Pamela wasn't picked again, it's not his fault 

Author's Response:

Ahh! yes, it happened, but Michael will be on denial for some time, and yes, Allan is a great friend to Adrian, just wait and see what plans they fave for their future, and Pamela, she knows he has been dumped she will do something on the next chapter to get Michael's attention. stay tuned like always and thank you my dear.

Reviewer: BabyGirl123 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 21, 2019 01:54 pm Title: Chapter 5: Overwhelming Rules

So many rules, hope Adrian will learn all of them

Author's Response:

Yes, indeed, poor Adrian but he will eventually give Michael headaches... thank you for your lovely review, darling... kisses!

Reviewer: rossigirl Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 21, 2019 05:13 am Title: Chapter 5: Overwhelming Rules

Wow, that is a lot of rules! Let’s hope he can follow them. Let’s also hope he can talk to Jason. Great chapter, can’t wait for the next one!

Author's Response:

Le'ts hope so, cause Adrian is a little daredevil himself, he loves his freedom, let's see how long would he sustain without breaking... haha! Thank you, baby.

Reviewer: BabyGirl123 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 17, 2019 02:50 am Title: Chapter 4: Sexual Tension

Hopefully Michael will stay this sweet cause Adrian deserves all that sweetness poor thing really need to be treated with all the kindness he deserves  

Author's Response:

We shall see, darling cause the poor baby is going to fall for in love like crazy. Thank you so much 😊 dear!

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