Date: Jan 25, 2021 12:39 am Title: Chapter 19: Scorned By His Master
Now what??
This is getting intersting
Author's Response:
Now, Enzo is gonna lose his shit, you will see. Stay tunned, my dear.

Date: Jan 21, 2021 03:52 am Title: Chapter 19: Scorned By His Master
Oh boy, what's going to happen?? On the one hand, I'm glad Michael is giving Enzo a taste of his own medicine but on the other I'm worried Enzo will completely lose his temper. Looking forward to the next chapter!!
Author's Response:
Oh, Enzo is going to lose it, you will see my darling. Stay tunned. :-)

Date: Jan 20, 2021 07:15 am Title: Chapter 19: Scorned By His Master
I hope Michael would fall in love with another person... I’ d like to see Michael dance with Alex so everyone could admire his beautiful movement.Maybe he could live on his own.Then Enzo will know how to treat him.
Author's Response:
Hehe! you will see what's going to happen. Enzo will learn to treat him but that's in future chapters. Thank you darling.

Date: Jan 20, 2021 03:56 am Title: Chapter 19: Scorned By His Master
OMG esto se puso intenso pobre Mike lo que le espera y bueno debo decir que Enzo se lo buscó ni modo
Author's Response:
LLa beras lo que le espera al poblre, sera fuerte. :-)

Date: Jan 20, 2021 01:17 am Title: Chapter 19: Scorned By His Master
Oh oh Enzo is about to loose his cool, hope he won't hurt Michael, he can't help it people treat him nice, if Enzo didn't leave him alone it wouldn't have happened
Author's Response:
Exactly, I'm afraid his reaction will not be pretty. You will see my dear. :-)

Date: Jan 15, 2021 09:57 am Title: Chapter 1:Money Problems
Please update this one too
Author's Response:
Sure, dear, I am working on the chapter. Thank you for asking... see you soon.

Date: Jan 03, 2021 11:59 pm Title: Chapter 18: Moans And Groans Through The Night
Hahaha damn that was intense!!
Author's Response:
It sure was, my dear... Thank you.

Date: Dec 01, 2020 09:11 pm Title: Chapter 18: Moans And Groans Through The Night
Enzo and his temper always get the best of him. I don't know how much longer Michael can go along with those rules before he decides to leave. We shall see.
Hmmm and more drama on the yacht I suspect? 😬 Can't wait!
Author's Response:
You got it, what more can I say? There will be drama... thank you darling.

Date: Nov 28, 2020 08:51 am Title: Chapter 18: Moans And Groans Through The Night
Oh my god it’s hot as hell but I feel sorry for Michael at the same time .He deserves a true love...Enzo has to make a change or he would lost his precious baby .
Author's Response:
Yes, is hot and dirty, this story will have lots of hot sex. Our poor baby, this is jut the beginning, you will see darling. Thank you so much.

Date: Nov 28, 2020 04:14 am Title: Chapter 18: Moans And Groans Through The Night
Pobre Mike si Enzo sigue con sus reglas puede que pierda su única oportunidad de en el amor
Author's Response:
Asi es amiga, lla veras lo que ba a pasar con Enzo, le ba a doler asta el culo! haha!

Date: Nov 28, 2020 02:47 am Title: Chapter 18: Moans And Groans Through The Night
Enzo does have a jealousy problem he needs to work on, Michael loves him too much to even think about someone else he was just being polite, hopefully Enzo will work on his jealousy or it won't be easy for them to have a future togther
Hope nothing bad happens on the yacht
Author's Response:
Yes, indeed, he has a problem because he is extremely jealous and posessive. Michael will shed tears before Enzo learns a tough lesson... you will see baby. Something will definitely will happen in the yacht, oh, yes.

Date: Nov 21, 2020 12:57 pm Title: Chapter 17: In The Hot Tub
Omg, I deeply apologize bc I did not comment before. But this is amazing, one of the best works here. I have an obsession with this fix, I'm gonna wait all the time possible. Keep writing, I'll keep reading
Author's Response:
Thank you, darling, I'm working on the next chapter, though I'm going a bit slow. I've been quite sick, and busy after recovering. Bear with me everyone and sorry for the delay.

Date: Nov 18, 2020 02:25 am Title: Chapter 17: In The Hot Tub
I finished all 17 chapters this is sp great, keep it up !!
Author's Response:
Thank you so much, I'm certainly will.

Date: Nov 14, 2020 08:54 am Title: Chapter 17: In The Hot Tub
I love the photos in the story.They fitted well!The sex scene was hot as usual ðŸ˜Enzo won’t realize his love until Michael doesn’t belong to him anymore I guess...Everyone loves him after all.
Author's Response:
Yeah, you got it, that's is a great posability waiting to happen. Sorry for the long wait, darling. :-)

Date: Nov 14, 2020 08:01 am Title: Chapter 17: In The Hot Tub
Que lindo Michael ojalá y Enzo reconozca y acepte sus sentimientos por Mike
Author's Response:
Si no lo ase, le puede costar mucho, como perder el amor de su vida por su maldito orgullo. Me encanta practicar mi español con tigo, amiga. No soy muy buena para escribirlo, pero me defiendo. Hee hee! Thank you so much my friend.