Reviews For Smooth Criminal
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Reviewer: Keepitinthecloset Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 07, 2012 05:07 pm Title: Smooth Criminal

this is sad please bring her back :') bring on the second part or do a twist :D that was a beauitful story. cant wait to see what happens the suspence is killing me. you have a great talent bless your heart. Much Love and god bless you

Author's Response: I am going to edit the story and put in more detail. The song lyrics showed that Annie died and this story is based on the song and short film however she is coming back for the sequel of this story :D. God bless you too thank you and always L.O.V.E

Reviewer: Keepitinthecloset Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 07, 2012 04:54 pm Title: Smooth Criminal

Michael have powers? that was cool

Author's Response: Yes he does :) is like the movie Moonwalker mixed in this story it was a surprise for the readers that i intended.

Reviewer: Keepitinthecloset Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 07, 2012 04:41 pm Title: Smooth Criminal

wow that chris or dylan guy is something else being agressive and all. i cant stand men like that.

Author's Response: Dylan sorry for the mistake. He is very aggressive like men in real life that either they get what they want or else.

Reviewer: Keepitinthecloset Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 07, 2012 04:25 pm Title: Smooth Criminal

that good that the money is paid and hopefully it is all good

Author's Response: At first i thought i was a bad author since noboby reviewed my stories but now iam very happy i have :)

Reviewer: Keepitinthecloset Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 07, 2012 04:17 pm Title: Smooth Criminal

that's a great chapter

Author's Response: Thanks :D

Reviewer: Keepitinthecloset Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 07, 2012 04:06 pm Title: Smooth Criminal

that nice of Michael to help her out with the legal problems of karen club. i seen the smooth criminal music video i loved it he is so talented. i love reading your stories.

Author's Response: I can't get enough of that short film the music the scene the beat it all inspired me to write this story. Yes Michael always helped people he was an angel to me. Thank you! Iam so happy you like reading my stories :)

Reviewer: Keepitinthecloset Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 07, 2012 03:28 pm Title: Smooth Criminal

its impressive how they met in a club.

Author's Response: Thank you :) i appreciated.

Author's Response: Thank you :) i appreciated.

Reviewer: ItsMiamiOverHere Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Jan 03, 2012 01:30 pm Title: Smooth Criminal

Michael should've used his magic to save her better yet, he should've used his magic to get there on time lol. You should continue this but remember what I suggested. I think the next part will be great if you did it

Author's Response:

do you wan't to co right the next part with me? iam looking for authors and you're a good one

Reviewer: ItsMiamiOverHere Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Jan 03, 2012 01:21 pm Title: Smooth Criminal

Shortest chapter lol Magical powers??? lol where did that come from. I laughed so hard at that. Not that its ridiculous but it just came out of no where

Author's Response:

lol yes it was a surprise lol

Reviewer: ItsMiamiOverHere Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Jan 03, 2012 01:18 pm Title: Smooth Criminal

Oh no, Annie got kidnapped :(

Reviewer: ItsMiamiOverHere Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Jan 03, 2012 01:14 pm Title: Smooth Criminal

It's a good story line

Author's Response:

Thank you, i appreciated :)

Reviewer: ItsMiamiOverHere Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Jan 03, 2012 01:09 pm Title: Smooth Criminal

Oh and I think that, you could put it into a better form. There's nothing wrong with this, Its just confusing a bit. And again, everything happens so fast, I dont know what's going on

Author's Response:

i know is just that i wrote it fast becuase i had a tight schedule.

Reviewer: ItsMiamiOverHere Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Jan 03, 2012 01:01 pm Title: Smooth Criminal

Again for this, just basically everything I said for the first chapter. I get confuse a little reading this but it's ok

Author's Response:

i'll make it better. thanks :)

Reviewer: ItsMiamiOverHere Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Jan 03, 2012 12:53 pm Title: Smooth Criminal

Ok, when reading this there was just a few typos, which I dont care about. Everyone makes mistakes. As for this chapter; to me it was took sharp turns, like...everything just happen. For example: Michael met Annie, Michael and Annie went outside. The stars was out. Michael: this is pretty Annie agreed" blah blah blah

I think it should be more smooth, I should say lol For example: On a very dark night Michael entered a club that he never been to before. Then you could describe the club setting or what not.

As Michael went to get a drink, he heard a very sweet voice ring in his ears. He turned to the stage and saw a very beautiful girl. He decided to stay for her little show. So he sat down front row to watch her amazing performance. Then you could go into details about her perfomance.

"This girl is very talented" Michael thought to himself. When the girl finished, she realized a very unfamilair face after looking into the audience. She went down to Michael and introduced herself and blah blah

You should use more details to the story and let it all smooth out. When reading this, I couldn't imagine the story. The image didn't come because everything happened so fast.

You should work on that more but Im going to read the next chapter now

Author's Response:

wow you are good. i did had  a similar thing to that but i changed it. you are a great author. Thank you for the review. :)

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