Date: Jul 24, 2017 11:53 am Title: Chapter 9
He's helpless, smh
Date: Jul 24, 2017 11:46 am Title: Chapter 8
He forgave her far to easily, smh. Seriously he shouldn't trust her at all.
Date: Jul 24, 2017 10:43 am Title: Chapter 7
He should sue her for custody of his son. Her excuse for not telling Michael is bullshit and it's clear she did it cause he hurt her.
Date: Jul 17, 2017 03:44 am Title: Lover's Interlude
Well that was unexpected sometimes it's usually the guy who leaves but I'm glad she left him instead, cause if he has her and another woman by his side or that's just what I read in the chapter then Michael is wrong for playing her wrong it's not that fair on either of them or himself. Now I know how they broke up. Maybe they will get back together and this time Michael is a better man or not lol. Your compliments always have me blushing girl! Your too nice to me lol. Love ya too girl just keep it up!.
Date: Jul 15, 2017 11:20 am Title: Chapter 9
Wow loving this story. I bet he won't take it well if she says no like I would. He's just to used to getting his own way all the time to not be upset
Author's Response: Of course. Michael has gotten everything he wanted for so long, when someone tells him no... they're dead to him
Date: Jul 14, 2017 09:12 pm Title: Chapter 9
Yes yeeees l love that idea😇😘
Author's Response: Yes!!! don't we all?
Date: Jul 14, 2017 05:27 am Title: Chapter 9
I'm so tied for this decision. I want them to get back together yet I don't want her to go though the heartache all over again. Ah hell to the no why did Lisa damn Presley of all have people to appear in this story?! She better not any drama cause I am not here for her mess. But I'm suspecting she's here for a reason apart from being Michael's potential wife but we shall see hmph. I'll be waiting lol. Also girl I'm just a typical writer lol don't be honoured I like a story I'll support it.
Author's Response: Honestly I feel like the answer will be a shocker for some... Lisa was a big part of Michael's life so she will definitely be a recurring character... Yayyy and Nayyy for more dramaaaa! And I just love you so much and your stories! You really motivated me into starting to write and grow as a writer!
Date: Jul 13, 2017 03:24 am Title: Chapter 8
You finally return after such a long hiatus. Girl where have you been? Lol. But overall I'm glad the union wasn't a mess of splashed drama everywhere nice and calm.Joseph being nice? That's a shocker for me lol. The relationship Michael and lil guy has is so cute. Great but who're chapter <3
Author's Response: girllllll! Writers block ain't no joke. Of course. More shockers to come. Honestly
Date: Jul 13, 2017 01:42 am Title: Chapter 8
Yes! I want to see more! I love how Michael's family accepted them with open arms!
Author's Response: Of course! They were friends for YEARS before this. It's only right that they did so!!
Date: Apr 20, 2017 11:04 am Title: Chapter 7
I'm not sure if keeping their son from him was totally right but I can sort of see why. Still she should have given him the choice and it's wrong to not have both parents in a child's life. I bet the "her" is Diana Ross. I'm glad they're going to work together to raise their son now. Can't wait to see more!
Author's Response: Co parenting is key! However arguements are bound to happen!???
Date: Apr 20, 2017 09:56 am Title: Chapter 7
Welp there goes my emotions, the reunion was sweet and I'm just glad they didn't walk out on each other talking it all out. pfft 'friends' if mj has it it his way she will be in his arms once more. She has to explain to the little boy his daddy's statue cause mj can't walk in there normally and hope the media doesn't say anything or the Lil boy calls him 'daddy' lol. Keep it up 😉
Author's Response: Thank you love! You know i'm forever honored that you read my stories
Date: Mar 28, 2017 06:11 pm Title: Chapter 6
Yes this what l am talking about know you getting to good part so l can see why she and Mike brake up🙌🙌🙌
Author's Response: I had 2 Quinch your desire!
Date: Mar 28, 2017 12:10 pm Title: Chapter 6
I'm just glad Mike is ok and the tea that made them break up is going to be good.
Author's Response: Hey I love you and your stories so much, you are such a big inspiration to me and I am honored you are even taking the time out of your day to read my story. Moving forward I believe the tee will be too hot to sip!
Date: Mar 11, 2017 04:55 pm Title: Chapter 5
I am LOVING this story!! Can't wait to see what happens next! Although the time switches in the first two chapters were a little confusing, I could follow along. So excited to read more!
Author's Response: I'm glad you could make sense of it. I love you!
Date: Mar 06, 2017 04:32 pm Title: Chapter 5
Omg girl drive me crazy yes l think they going to meet again please update soon🙌🙋😱
Author's Response: Yessssss girl I will!