Date: Aug 03, 2016 10:35 am Title: Chapter 4
Yoouse your eyes girl!! The man likes you why wouldn't he kiss you smh. As always Janet alleyway the matchmaker you gotta love her lmao.
Author's Response:
You are so right! She needs to open them damn eyes. Michael has feelings for her! ....or does he?????
And Janet loves to play match maker lmao and thanks again for reviewing
Date: Aug 02, 2016 10:28 pm Title: Mahogany
I didn't like it...
I absolutely loved it
Author's Response:
I'm so glad you love it! <3333 more on the way!!!!
Date: Aug 01, 2016 06:10 am Title: Mahogany
I'm really just loving these insights to more and more of Chanel's backstory and what lead her to make the decisions she did.Not to get too deep but I've always thought a person's foundation and their beginnings shape who they later become.Her being self-conscious of her darker skin and being picked on.Women even little girls are so harsh on eachother and critical ''Oh I'm prettier than you'' Oh my skin is lighter'' Oh my hair is straight not nappy''such a shame.but I'm glad she had her two besties in her corner.And Mike is still a trip a drunk trip but nonetheless maybe that to is what drew him and Chanel together he was bullied and severly picked on for his looks and appearances as well and the sexual attraction of course LOL but yeah great chapter girly and Baby Mike is beyond adorable just like his daddy.CANT WAIT FOR MORE.
Author's Response:
I'm glad you love them! Because you know from my other stories that I love flashbacks! I love showing you all the character's backgrounds. But hmmm you were on point taking about Chanel being picked on and how that could drew Michael in because of his childhood. I loved your input on that! Baby Mikey is just the cutest and more on the way girl!! Thanks again!
Date: Jul 31, 2016 11:19 am Title: Chapter 2
ooh mj is slick and smooth in that flashback lool. but i do like the chemistery between them which is adorable but im seeing lil signs mj might have feelings for her he isn't opening up about hmmm~~
Date: Jul 31, 2016 11:17 am Title: Intro
team chanel all the way the girl has some fire in her if we were friends ah I wouldn't want to get on her damn the girl has no chill but that what must have attracted mj to her XD.
Date: Jul 31, 2016 11:16 am Title: Mahogany
ok i had to creep out of my damn silent reading cave and say something for this chapter smh. I'm honestly glad Chanel didn't go down the lane of creeping with men but used her dance platform to better use even if its a small glimpse you gave us of her past. Plus baby mikey ahhh is so cute i envision him as when michael was as a child pre-j5 era.
also drunk mj needs to quiet it chanel won't take no crap hunty! *snaps fingers*
Author's Response:
I'm glad you're reviewing! lol! And yup I'm glad Chanel didn't go down that lane of being with strange men in that platform. Baby Mikey is so freakin adorable. I love writing baby characters! And drunk Michael is a mess! And Chanel is not havin it lmaooo thanks for reviewing!
Date: Jul 30, 2016 09:51 pm Title: Intro
Poor CoCo. I'm glad to see she learned how to stick up for herself. Bless her heart and I'm even more glad to see that she has Michael and Mikey in her life now.
Cant wait to read the next chapter
Date: Jul 30, 2016 09:21 pm Title: Mahogany
Seems like Chandl had a difficult life! I'm glad to see that Micharl is being. A man and taking care of his child! He seems to like Chanel more than he is letting on!
Author's Response:
She did have a difficult life but just like anything it made her the person she is :)))) and it is great swing Michael as a father. And hmmmm...only time will tell. Thanks for reviewing!
Date: Jul 27, 2016 05:00 pm Title: Chapter 2
I like there banter. But my feeling is deep down they bothe like each other more than they let on!
Author's Response:
Michael and Chanel are pretty funny. And hmmmmm...we would have to read and see what would happen next lol! Thanks!
Date: Jul 27, 2016 05:00 pm Title: Chapter 2
I like there banter. But my feeling is deep down they bothe like each other more than they let on!
Date: Jul 27, 2016 03:51 pm Title: Chapter 2
Nene! I like where this is going! Great start, can't wait to read the nxt chapter.
Author's Response:
Thank you so much! And more on the way!
Date: Jul 27, 2016 01:30 pm Title: Intro
I only read the summary but that little exert was so funny I had to comment. I will be favoring this story for sure.
Author's Response:
Lmao! Thank you so much! Hope you enjoy!! <333
Date: Jul 27, 2016 01:22 pm Title: Chapter 2
I loved getting to know more about Chanel and also the backstory of how she and Mike met.Michael is something in this story and he and Chanel play off eachother so well I'm really looking forward to seeing more of what will go down in they're world.And Chris and Michael's debate over KFC and Popeye's cracked me the hell up personally I prefer Popeye's just sayin LOL but yeah you got another good one on your hands girly and wether you decide to make it a short one or long i'll definately keep reading.
Author's Response:
Yes! You know I love flashbacks. 😠I always have. Michael really is something lmaooo and it's more to come with those too. And Michael and his damn KFC lmaoooo obsessed or nah? I like Popeyes chicken with KFC's biscuits lmaooo and thank you so much girl! And more on the way! <333
Date: Jul 25, 2016 05:29 pm Title: Intro
This story is so funny Michael and Chanel are to much and baby Mike is cute😂😘
Author's Response:
Thank you so much! And I'm glad you are enjoying it! More soon :))
Date: Jul 25, 2016 10:13 am Title: Intro
Always Team Mikey for sure but gurl I like this funny as all get out and Chanel is my girl she got spunk for days and seems she can give as good as she gets.
Author's Response:
Can't go wrong with Team Mikey! Lmaooo and yes girl! She has so much spunk! And it's more to come. Just wait and see :)))) Thanks!