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Reviewer: Badgirl Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 18, 2017 02:53 am Title: Chapter 34

They had a great idea of marrying in a vineyard. As for Lizzy, do not return to ruin their matrimonial life and if he comes back he will be happy for them.

Author's Response:

who knows what lies ahead for Lizzy.  Only time will tell.  thanks for reviewing

Reviewer: Tigereyes Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 18, 2017 01:50 am Title: Chapter 34

Oh I had a horrible feeling this was the final chapter - so glad to see it isn't!! there's still so much further to go with this, and the wedding is going to be absolutely out of this world.


I'd be a bit mad at Jess eyeing Michael's ass so openly like that, but then again I'm a hot-headed Aries who's pretty protective over what's mine lmaoooo. I'm sure Lindsey will miss her so much, and they'll have a ball when she goes to the vineyard to visit.


Can't wait for the next chapter!!! x

Author's Response:

I'm not sure how much longer I'll keep it going so dont be too disappointed when the end comes.  it was originally supposed to be a one shot then was going to stop when they finally got together so I'm on overtime.  thanks for reading and reviewing though.

Reviewer: BabyGirl123 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 18, 2017 01:38 am Title: Chapter 34

I like the idea of the wedding destination it's a great idea 


I hope Lizzy is truly happy for them and not suddenly is overly jeoulous or anything and maybe she'll find a place nearby? So she can still see Katie 


Hmm actually Jess and Levi isn't a bad idea they could work, don't they kind of know each other?  And that way Jessica will be close to Linsey too if she and Levi get serious enough to move in together  



And I'm sure Michael and Lindsey will have cute babies together

Author's Response:

who knows what the future will bring for Lizzy.  only time will tell but I do know it will be peaceful.  thanks for reading and reviewing

Reviewer: neptuneblue23 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 17, 2017 05:57 pm Title: Chapter 34

Very good chapter!! I can't wait for their wedding and I think Lindsey's idea is perfect!!

Author's Response:

thanks.  Glad you liked it.  thanks for reading and taking the time to review.

Reviewer: Kareen1303 Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 10, 2017 05:16 pm Title: Chapter 33

So glad they decided to get married, they really hit the jackpot with one another. And also very romantic that he gave her his grandmothers ring. Can't wait to see how this will develop. =D

Author's Response:

vegas..jackpot.  thats funny.  thanks so much for revieiwing.  I'm glad you like it.  mmore to come.

Reviewer: BluJayWay Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 01, 2017 04:51 am Title: Chapter 33

I'm squealing with joy! This was the update I was hoping for!

Author's Response:

Lol. The proposal?  Sorry it took so long than.  Thanks for reading.

Reviewer: captaineo73 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Aug 18, 2017 11:32 am Title: Chapter 33

wow, he proposed, i loved this chapter too, couldn't wait to read this one! he was so sneaky checking with her parents and then his mother. So pleased she said yes, looking forward to what will happen next, can't wait to see what Levi thinks of them getting married. 

Author's Response:

Glad you liked it I was worried they were engaged too quickly but I guess it worked.  Thanks for reading.

Reviewer: captaineo73 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Aug 18, 2017 10:04 am Title: Chapter 32

awwh poor Michael, hopefully he gets better quickly so he and lindsey can make up for their weekend! great chapter as always 

Reviewer: Tigereyes Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 14, 2017 02:28 am Title: Chapter 33

There's nothing wrong with a quick romance - me and my husband were engaged within 6 weeks and married in six months :) That was 14 years ago, and everybody said we wouldn't last. You know inside when it's right, and we knew. Sometimes you just have to follow your heart, as Michael and Lyndsey are doing. Woohooooooo!!! xx



Author's Response:

Well the time seemed to be right for them as they have a deep connection especially for michale and lindsey being "the one". He's got it bad.  Thanks for reviewing

Reviewer: mjsdirtydiana Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 12, 2017 08:17 pm Title: Chapter 33

Yay!  They got engaged! Hmmmm is there going to be a bun in the oven?  The way these two go out it if not now it will definitely happen soon?

Author's Response:


Reviewer: mjsplaything Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 12, 2017 07:48 pm Title: Chapter 32

Awwww. Poor Mikey. The 24 hr bug sucks big time. Hopefully he will recover soon so they can enjoy their time together. Even poor Katie had it too. Kudos to Lindsey for taking care of her man! Even Levi and Julia stepped up!

Reviewer: mjsplaything Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 12, 2017 06:38 pm Title: Chapter 31

Oh my God. This is awesome! I'd wish some handsome man would whisk me away to a magical vineyard, start a wine business, and I get a piece of it too! U got a good man and a job with it! Yasss!

Reviewer: mjsplaything Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 12, 2017 06:08 pm Title: Chapter 30

Aaaaaaaaaah! I knew it. A whole vineyard. Michael is too much. Hopefully Lindsey will calm down and be happy about their new business venture. That's Awesome!

Reviewer: mjsplaything Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 12, 2017 05:30 pm Title: Chapter 29

Whooo.... did Lindsey seal her fate? Will she possibly marry Michael and have his little moonwalkers? Only time will tell...

Reviewer: BabyGirl123 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Aug 12, 2017 12:58 am Title: Chapter 33

He's such a romantic guy, Lindsey is one lucky woman


Hopefully there will be much love and luck in their future they deserve it

Author's Response:

Well he's truly in love and knows a thing or two about thanks for reviewing 

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