Date: Mar 18, 2016 03:47 am Title: I'm just ready to graduate
I laugh because I had senior-itis at the beginning of junior year that was so bad my teachers even joked about it. They should've just let me into college after sophomore year. Come to think of it, I've had the grad equivalent of senior-itis for the last two years.
I'd get a laptop so that you can bring it to class and take notes. Most schools have wifi enabled classes. My PCs all crashed quickly, so college pushed me to Mac land (this decision was reaffirmed in grad school). Just make sure you have Word. I used a printer in college, though I could have just gone to the library.Think of it this way - the life of a PC is usually 3 years before it crashes or is too outdated. The life of a Mac is usually 5 years. Do you want to risk losing a paper 8 pages in?
I'm iffy. Granted, I've seen the worst, so I'd be hesitant about that kind of a road trip. A flight, yes, but the roads can get dangerous and it's the South. You'd have to look into where you should and should not stop.
Author's Response:
I'll probably invest in a Mac... I suppose it would be worth the money.
You're not in college anymore, are you?
And we've come to the conclusion that we're flying, so hopefully it'll be really fun. I've never flown before so I'm terrified.
Date: Mar 18, 2016 12:59 am Title: I'm just ready to graduate
Brandy congrats once again! I'd say just go have fun anywhere as long as you and your Friends are careful I can't suggest anywhere I live all the way in UK lol,
Author's Response:
Thanks so much Lorry!
Date: Jan 26, 2016 06:53 pm Title: Because my readers deserve explanations for certain actions
So I've put my sweat, blood, and tears into this story.
You bled into your story? Ewww :P
Will try to get them back to you tomorrow and if not, Friday evening. Like I said my world = right now. <3
Author's Response:
Yes, so unsanitary, I know lol.
And thanks for all your help!
Date: Jan 26, 2016 01:14 pm Title: Because my readers deserve explanations for certain actions
I understand everything you're doing and I support you and please send the story to me because I do sometimes go back and read it lol. I can't wait to start eading your new story I'm headed over to it now!
*removed by admin*
Author's Response:
Date: Jan 25, 2016 09:23 pm Title: Because my readers deserve explanations for certain actions
I need the chapters for I Want You Back. I love that story.
*removed by admin for rule violation*
Author's Response:
Date: Jan 23, 2016 08:42 pm Title: Recycle Bin Cont...
I really enjoyed reading this! Its so adorable and cute lol, she's such a badass but so is he and it makes them perfect for each other cause they match each others sassiness lol.
Date: Jan 08, 2016 10:13 am Title: A lot has happened...
Congrats! And good luck on your new journey!
Author's Response:
Thanks so much Gabby!!
Date: Jan 08, 2016 08:03 am Title: A lot has happened...
Hey Brandy! Just want to say first congrats for getting into your college even if it wasn't your first choice it's great! Well I've been eating and being in bed as always well as writing before uni resumes . Lol
Author's Response:
Thanks so much, I'm really excited for college.
Lol laying in bed and eating sounds like the best right now.
Date: Jan 08, 2016 04:36 am Title: A lot has happened...
Hey Brandy!!! Congrats baby girl. That's an amazing achievement. Tuskegee is a great school!!! It's always good to get a head start for college credits. I did the same before my freshman year started. College is an amazing experience. A chance to learn and grow as person. I met myself there in many ways. I wish you all the best when you do start.
I Haven't forgotten about PP or the stuff you sent I promise. <333
Author's Response:
Thank you so much and a lot of people have been telling me that Tuskegee is great and I can't wait to go there and experience it myself.
Me and my friends are really excited to go to college so if you have any tips let me know! I'm open to anything right about now.
And oh yeah yeah, take your time,it's totally fine!
Date: Jan 08, 2016 02:52 am Title: A lot has happened...
I thought you were torn about going to D.C.? I'm sorry you didn't get your first choice; I'm not sorry you won't have to deal with that traffic.
Good move with the courses! I saved a lot of money doing something similar. Are these AP courses?
Glad to see you back on here :)
Author's Response:
I was but it was still what I considered my top choice and where I would always tell people where I wanted to go so I was disappointed/upset when I didn't get in but I suppose everything happens for a reason lol.
Yes, I decided why not. Uh from when I signed up online I didn't see in that would be AP, so I think they're all just the regular courses.
And it's glad to be back. I'm trying to get back into the zone of writing.
Date: Jan 07, 2016 10:28 pm Title: A lot has happened...
Oh my goodness I'm so proud of you!
I wish I could be as efficent as you and I go to private school lol. Well I've been applying to schools but I haven't been able to take my SATs yet due to the money situation me and my mom have been in.
Its hard because I want to go to college so bad barely anyone in my family has and I feel like I would be letting them down even more. My holidays were good I got the things I wanted and I'm getting my mother a great gift, its a surprise birthday party in VA where we used to live (We're in NYC now) but I hope she enjoys it we haven't been there in almost two years.
I'm also trying to find work ugh it sucks.
I missed you girl haven't seen you in so long!
I'm still here with you!
Author's Response:
Thanks so much girly!
Well hopefully you'll be able to take those SAT's soon. I take mine January 23rd so I'm a little nervous.
You know you can get a lot of money being the first in your family to go to college, fastweb is a good site for scholarships.
Awww, that's so sweet! I'm sure your mom will love it.
I missed you guys too and thanks for your continuous support it's really glad to be back!
Date: Nov 15, 2015 06:45 am Title: Chapter 5
stopping by to say hi friend
Date: Nov 15, 2015 06:34 am Title: Chapter 5
<3 Let me know if you ever want to float some ideas and/or vent about something. I've been there and am still somewhat doing that.
Date: Nov 15, 2015 03:54 am Title: Chapter 5
Girl I've been going through the same exact thing so don't worry, we will still be here even though a lot of us maybe be also filling applications and scholarships (me lol). Good luck on your journey to college!
Date: Nov 15, 2015 01:51 am Title: Chapter 5
Hey bramdy, I totally understand what you mean school and wriringy mj fiction is overwhelming ×_×. So take all the time you need, when your ready to come back I'll be waiting for your stories (not in a creepy way) lol