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Reviewer: Redone Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 22, 2017 07:22 am Title: She's baaaccck

Yeah, the more sporadic the writing, the more sporadic the reviewing. I'm totally guilty of falling behind in reading right now. I just want to build up a solid chunk that I'll be able to digest at once. Well, that and life stuff.

Author's Response:

Yeaaah, I kind of opened the door to that one myself. I hope life isn't too hard and that you're still enjoying it! And I hope that work isn't still burying you. 

Reviewer: TutThreeSevens Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 22, 2017 05:42 am Title: She's baaaccck

It's ok girl. We understand. I know life really gets in the way for all of us. I know me for sure!!! Congrats on making it to the second semester. I remember mine college is NO JOKE!!! Revel in the free time tho you have quite a few semesters to go and sometime you'll have more time than others. It's all wonderful tho and you'll look back at it all with so much gratefulness. One day at a time is the key. Don't worry I haven't forgotten about your stories  I'm still trying to catch up!! <333


Author's Response:

Life is no joke. And thank you! I'm taking college as seriously as I can and try not to get too overwhelmed. I am enjoying the college life, but the dorm life is... that's another story for another time, haha, but thanks!  It's all good, but I see you caught up in my stories and I appreciate it girl! 

Reviewer: Lorry Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 22, 2017 01:32 am Title: She's baaaccck

Still here lol. I know your struggle girl I found my first  term a damn struggle and I still have parts of my work I ain't finished let's hope the new term won't kick me in the ass Lmao. Good luck to us and writing I don't update frequently like I used to its sad but life gets in the way and school so take your time 😎 

Author's Response:

Yes girl, we were both in the struggle. I hope your new term is better than the first and that you kick it's ass and succeed! 

Good luck to us, I agree to that. I've been meaning to check out your stories and with some free time this week hopefully I can start on one (maybe even tonight). I'm trying to get back into the habit of reading others stories.

Reviewer: mjsbadbabygirl Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 22, 2017 01:20 am Title: She's baaaccck

Hey! I haven't heard from you in a while, I'm glad to see you're doing good. I'm gonna be starting school this september instead because of money issues but I have gotten a job and surprisingly I was offered a internship for a magazine becaause of my writings. I haven't been on here in a while myself either (I should be writing lol) but I'm glad to see you're still writing too! I've always loved your stories!

Author's Response:

Hey girlie and I knoooowww, I missed being on here. 

That's completely understandable, but when you do start I wish you the best of luck and I hope you succeed in whatever you're trying to do! 

Aww, thanks for reading! 

Reviewer: Gabby7 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 21, 2017 09:46 pm Title: She's baaaccck

Hi! Congrats on making it to your second semester! I know the stress of being a full time student...I was taking 12 hours this past semester plus working 40 hours a about stress overload. And you're taking 17 hours? Glad you're still able to find time for yourself and be able to write. I'm just now getting back into writing since I have the time now. And yes, go see the world! Let it be a gift to yourself for making it through your first year of college. What's your major? 


Anywho, keep your head up and continue to push forward. 

Author's Response:

Thanks Gabby! Girl, you had it hard with being part time and still able to put up 40 hours a week. 

Yes, I made my schedule so I only had two classes on T&TH, but my history class ended up being online so I only have Math on T&TH. I'm glad it happened, it gives me a chance to write, re-read my chapter, and then update it. 

I definitely will be trying to travel a lot this year and yes, I deserve a pat on the back for getting through this lol! 


Thanks so much girl and you too! 

Reviewer: LouieLlama Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 21, 2017 08:41 pm Title: She's baaaccck

I'm still alive. Still kicking. Pushing hard as fuck through my junior year of high school. Pretty good though. I'm glad you're back!

Author's Response:

Yes girl, push through! Junior year is a very important year. Finish strong and get ready to fill out those college applications/scholarships! 

Reviewer: Redone Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 31, 2016 05:05 am Title: About Me

It depends on the type of music. Certain types of classical have been shown to enhance learning. As does learning while moving at a low intensity steady state. 

That being said, there is such a thing as state-dependent learning, which is essentially that you are more likely to recall something if the state you are in is the same state of conciousness as when you learned it. Basically, if you want the best odds of remembering answers during a test, then have your study environment mirror that of your test taking environment. OR, use great cues (smell is a huge one, as the same structures which process smell have been associated with memory) and test taking strategies (let me know if you need some).


Finally - remember that academia is a marathon, NOT a sprint. 

Author's Response:

I've experienced that before, I spray a certain perfume and it's like my freshman year flashes before my eyes LOL. It's a tragedy actually. 

Sure, I'd love some test taking strategies! I need all the help I can get. 

Reviewer: KOP77 Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 26, 2016 09:14 pm Title: I wonder why i chose the college life

I'm in Bollege as well lol. Being a full time student athlete is starting to wear me down TBH. I find that I don't have the same drive for my education as I did in high school. I don't know why, but I'm just not as motivated. I'm pretty far from my loved ones as well and I miss my womb buddy like crazy! My roommate's cool and my teammates are okay but I'm just not into doing a lot of stuff they do. 

My older friends all tell me that the first semester/year of college is the hardest cause it's a big jump you take into adulthood and you begin to really start figuring out what you want to do in life (i.e. Major and what not). So the way I see it is that there's hope for us! Lol

And I agree with the previous commenter, Jesus is a biscuit lol. 

Author's Response:

"Bollege" is that a crips v. blood reference? Lol. 

You know, I was sitting here studying for a test that I have tomorrow and I was basically reevaluating my whole life. I'm thinking of changing my entire major and maybe even what I'm thinking about doing in the future. I don't know... but i'm thinking hard because I don't want to be one of those people who are constantly changing their major. 

I agree, it is the hardest. I wish you the best luck in your journey and if you're looking to vent about this college life just hit me up in this blog and I'll rant and rave with you

Reviewer: Redone Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 26, 2016 09:10 pm Title: I wonder why i chose the college life

Mine was 9 hours away. The first quarter of college is the hardest. Adulting is hard, but it also feels good to make real money and not have to live dollar to dollar. You came with a tv? Lucky. I used my 'puter. Studying in one window with a tv show playing in the background = quality studying smile

Actually, that got me through grad school and boards. hehe

I'm glad you got your car. You are much wiser than I was!

As to eating clean - beware of dirty food.

Author's Response:

As to eating clean - beware of dirty food ... I think the five second rule is still alive and kickin' LOL just kidding. 

Yes i brought my TV. I wouldn't have had I known that my roommate was bringing hers. But we had a lack of communication over the summer so I just went ahead and brought my own. I still use my computer though... it's like portable netflix - amazing. 

I study with music although I heard that it's not very effective... but I can't stand dead silence and if I have the TV playing I'll end up watching whatever is on. 

Reviewer: Lorry Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 26, 2016 10:30 am Title: I wonder why i chose the college life

Girl I feel you on a level of just yeees! university is kicking me too in terms of ideas and how do the hell do I tackle this ?!? and having just job at the time same time. let's hope I don't suffer a nervous breakdown gosh let's hope not. but I live with my mum and not paying rent that's not too bad excluding my student loan goes to transport since my uni is in London and I live outside..

Rant done.


That's how my life is going and at least you can update 😂

Author's Response:

Lol, I'm glad you feel the same! You have a job? Does it make it harder for you? I thought about getting one, but my grandma damn near had a heartattack when I told I was going to get one. She basically said no.. flat out. Oh cool you live in London.... I'd love to study overseas... if i could get over my fear of flying. 


I always try and find time to type a little something. I already slack on updating, I don't want to fall of the face of the earth for the entire school year so I try my hardest to not neglect my readers. 

Reviewer: Redone Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 13, 2016 02:55 am Title: A little post for my readers so you guys know I'm not dead.

Yeah, that's been why I haven't started reading Year '93, I figured there would be big gaps with how busy you are, and I'm saving it for a binge read ;)

College - you can't pack too far in advance, because the idea is that you bring things you use on a daily/near daily basis.

And yes - I got hooded :)

Author's Response:

Lol, I kind of figured you were holding off until the word/chapter count was up, I don't blame you. 

True. I've also had people buy me stuff that I don't intend on wearing/using until I get down there and everything is all around my room and my living room so I figured packing up some of that stuff will create space and be one less thing that I have to worry about. 

Congratulations! So are you completely done with school and it's just strictly working now, or is there more?

Reviewer: Redone Signed [Report This]
Date: May 08, 2016 01:06 pm Title: Graduation Next Weekend

You can completely igore this paragraph because I'm just typing to meet the 300 word requirement in order to post. So la de la de da.



Author's Response:

Lol, my apologies Redone. I was just so close to three hundred words that I didn't want to make another big paragraph of pointless ranting.

Reviewer: Redone Signed [Report This]
Date: May 08, 2016 01:04 pm Title: I'm just ready to graduate

College?! No, I'm graduating soon, though

Author's Response:

Yes college, why not move on to the next chapter of my life that's costing me $30,000, lol. 

Did you gradute yet??

Reviewer: mjsbadbabygirl Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 23, 2016 01:13 pm Title: I'm just ready to graduate

I also love your prom dress!

Author's Response:

Thank you!

Reviewer: Gabby7 Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 18, 2016 08:03 am Title: I'm just ready to graduate

First, congratulations on graduating and your prom dress is gorgeous! Sometimes the transition from high school to college isn't easy, but it looks like you have your head on straight stepping into this new journey in life.

And Florida...yay!! 😊 What part? 

I can understand your grandmother's concern though and since I've gotten older, I personally would feel the same way as she does about letting you go down there. 😔Sorry. That's just the parent in me. How far of a drive will it be and from what state are you driving from? 

I know you might hate this, but will a parent be in attendance? I think that'll be great and help your grandmother feel at ease about letting you go. 

And 9 hours back home? My goodness. Will you have a traveling buddy? 

Author's Response:

Awww thanks so much. 

Probably Orlando... or Panama? I have no idea yet.

It'll probably be a 12 hour drive and I'm driving from Ohio. 

And no parents just five 18 year olds most likely. Well I'm going to college in August which is just as far away as florida is so she's gotta let go eventually... ?

It's actually more than nine hours back home. We went to my college for their open house on April 2nd and it took us 12 hours with all the trafic. But two of my friends are going to the same college at me but neither of them have their license so I'd be the only one driving. 

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