Date: Jul 19, 2011 10:41 am Title: Chapter 3 - The Secret...
Aww thats real love right there. It must have been so hard for her to give up her baby but she did what was right :)
Date: Jul 19, 2011 10:34 am Title: Chapter 2 - The Kiss...
Great job! I always find it entertaining to read the rules of old times when like man and woman couldnt even be in the same room at the same time or any of the sort. I wonder how they survived all of that. Their kiss was hot! Hah i know she acts all stubborn but no doubt she liked it:)! I wonder if she'll find out that michael is faking his id and is really someone else. Cnt wait to read the next chapter
Date: Jul 19, 2011 10:13 am Title: Chapter 1 - The Beginning...
Wow i honestly like this a lot :) i love when people make stories that date back in like the 1800's, i guess because i like learning about that stuff in school lol but great job!
Author's Response:
I love the older stuff as well. It was so different then :)
Date: Jul 19, 2011 06:11 am Title: Chapter 6 - The Talk...
I love that she's going with him, but it's so sad she has to leave her sick father. I 'm sure he'll be heartbroken and very worried about her
I wonder how long they are going to keep running . Will they ever find out she is royalty also. Will he ever go home with Annalissa and be king one day or go home and have to marry his chosen bride?
Love this can go so many ways!! Keep going girlfriend, I'll be there!
Author's Response:
thanks hunnie. You are the best and always one of my fave reviewers on both stories :)
Date: Jul 19, 2011 03:31 am Title: Chapter 6 - The Talk...
I'm really starting to feel for this story, I'm just loving this story! I'm glad that Annalissa is going with Michael and starting their lives together, they were really made for each other. But it's sad that she's leaving her father though but I know that she loves her father and her father loves her too. Anyways I love this chapter <3
Author's Response:
I'm glad you are enjoying it so far. Thanks for reviewing and reading it. <3
Date: Jul 19, 2011 02:04 am Title: Chapter 6 - The Talk...
I think Annalissa should go w/ Michael but tell her dad before hand so he can make sure she is safe every step of the way to London. They should be able to keep in touch while she is there living with Michael. She should also ask a resident who is not leaving to make sure her father is being taken care of. Michael should have to be ushered to his mother and father and explain his reasoning. They should most likely agree with him after all. BUT, it's no fun for me to sit and narrate your story, so do as you like!
Author's Response:
haha I like reading suggestions so feel free to let me know what you would like to see in the story. I listen to my readers. :)
Date: Jul 19, 2011 12:17 am Title: Chapter 6 - The Talk...
Author's Response:
server seems to be up and working so new chapter is up as well :) enjoy!!
Date: Jul 18, 2011 11:30 pm Title: Chapter 6 - The Talk...
Annalissa should tell her father that she is leaving. I think her father should tell her about who she is so that she doesn't have to find out for herself.
Author's Response:
thanks for your thoughts. Let me know what you think of the new chapter :)
Date: Jul 17, 2011 10:17 am Title: Chapter 5 - The News....
I think I need another update.
Is Michael going to leave? If he does, will he go back home or keep running.
Will Annalissa go after him.
Can't wait for more!
Author's Response:
hey hunnie. sorry for the delay. You got it. New chapter is up. xoxo
Date: Jul 15, 2011 08:01 am Title: Chapter 5 - The News....
I love this story please update really soon.
Author's Response:
thanks. new chapter is up :)
Date: Jul 15, 2011 03:43 am Title: Chapter 5 - The News....
Author's Response:
your wish is my command. new chapter is up. xoxo
Date: Jul 15, 2011 01:51 am Title: Chapter 5 - The News....
Whoa! Didn't think she would find out like that! Poor woman. Her real past is definitely coming back to her.
Author's Response:
yeah...crazy huh!
Date: Jul 15, 2011 12:47 am Title: Chapter 5 - The News....
love this
Author's Response:
thank you :)
Date: Jul 14, 2011 11:19 pm Title: Chapter 5 - The News....
Wow so much happening in this chapter. She hears about her "real" mother. Now she knows Michael is a prince.
Now that she knows the truth, Michael feels he has to leave. OMG, I hope not.
Great chapter girlfriend.
Oh ya, Michael answering the door with just his pants on and shirtless and a towel around his neck. BE STILL MY BEATING HEART....visions of sexiness
Author's Response:
yeah vision of sexiness is right LOL
Date: Jul 14, 2011 11:01 pm Title: Chapter 5 - The News....
omg I love your story! it's amazing!!! I can't wait to read more update soon!!!!
Author's Response:
Thank you so much :)