Reviews For Brown Eyes' Blues
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Reviewer: mjjlover1120 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 23, 2015 04:09 pm Title: Epiphany

This girl is pregnant. She has to be pregnant. Charlie is pregnant. This is set in stone. By my words. She's pregnant. And I don't think Asana did too much at all. She was honest and real but not overly protective. Especially for what she went through herself. Usually mothers push their daughters boyfriends away when they have situations like this but she did good. Slash I think will be happy when he hears about the bany on the way. It'll bring some joy to everyone I hope. 


And I apologize for revising so late ;--; I legit thought I read this. 

Author's Response:

It's all good BB you don't have to apologize. Lmaooo the amount of times you declared she's pregnant tho. They sure enough was going at it hard enough it was inevitable. Asana while she's trying to protect her baby she knows Charlie is a smart girl. She raised her right so she trusts her judgment. No harm in a little motherly threat tho right?  Lol.

Slash will take time to heal from his own hurt but he'll be happy for them. <333

Reviewer: HoneyToTheBee Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 21, 2015 03:30 pm Title: Epiphany

It's funny how in this story and in CTTG Michael's meeting the parents at the same time LOL just had to point that out.

Charlie's pregnant, at least I hope she is. And I get it. It's hard to celebrate when his best friend just lost what he now has, but Michael better cheer up. I don't like how he was all quiet and stuff - happy, sad, confused and shit. His initial reaction to hearing the news for certain will make up my mind how I feel about him.

He's still too damn horny. I mean who is that horny ALL THE TIME?! LOL!!


More soon!!

Author's Response:

Lmaoooo. I realized that after I was editing this chapter. All these good things are coming to them at a very sad time. It's going to be a while before they can share their good news without feeling like their stealing the spotlight. As for their horny asses. They're enjoying each other. Lol. Don't fight the bubbling love!! <333

Reviewer: Zendaya Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 20, 2015 03:24 pm Title: Epiphany

Girl, I kinda got scared for Mike there for lil minute cause when Charlie left to the bathroom all I could do was sit here in fear for this man. Lol. But honestly, I don't think Asana, which is a beautiful name btw, was being harsh. She was just being real with him and letting him know if he messes over her daughter it's his light skinned ass. Charlie's been hurt once she doesn't need to be twice.

And now that I think about it, Charlie is most definitely pregnant. The signs are there and plus, her and Mike haven used protection since, the first time they did it I believe. Mikey is about to be a dadddddyyyyyy!!!!!

More soon :)

Reviewer: Zendaya Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 20, 2015 03:22 pm Title: Epiphany

Girl, I kinda got scared for Mike there for lil minute cause when Charlie left to the bathroom all I could do was sit here in fear for this man. Lol. But honestly, I don't think Asana, which is a beautiful name btw, was being harsh. She was just being real with him and letting him know if he messes over her daughter it's his light skinned ass. Charlie's been hurt once she doesn't need to be twice.

And now that I think about it, Charlie is most definitely pregnant. The signs are there and plus, her and Mike haven used protection since, the first time they did it I believe. Mikey is about to be a dadddddyyyyyy!!!!!

More soon :)

Author's Response:

Thank you. I love the name Asana too. She was being very real with Micharl because experience is the best teacher. She's looking out for her only baby. Yeah the songs are all there that she might be pregnant. We'll see. ;) <333

Reviewer: fenderjazzkid Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 20, 2015 11:55 am Title: Epiphany

So I knew she was pregnant as soon as she started throwing up, talking about smells. But let me get to everything else. I'm still feeling for my poor Slash. Like I said before, I'm so glad Michael is there for him and Charlie.

Mike's stepping up and taking good care of his best friend, too! I was so happy to hear that he was doing that for him. Slash needs to be as comfortable as he wants right now. Same goes for Charlie.

As for her mom, I think she's just looking out for her. She's been down that road, and doesn't want that to happen to Charlie. That's her only baby. My mom is the same way. I think when you're an only child, a parent worries even more. They know you don't have any siblings to look after you so they have to be those siblings.

Asana is just looking out for her. I believe Michael will take good care of her though!

And yeah, she straight up confirmed that pregnancy when she said take care of my babies. BABIIIIEEEEES. Not just Charlie. Mamas always know.


Author's Response:

Michael is very loyal and protective of the people he loves so it was no doubt in his mind that he would take care of Slash. I love Asana she kept it all one hunnid with Michael. Ain't no body gonna hurt her baby and Lee life with balls. Right now it's mother's intuition that Cahrlie is pregnant. But is she really? Dun dun dun. Stay tuned!!


Reviewer: mjjlover1120 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 15, 2015 12:29 pm Title: If I Don't Love You This Way

I had to hold back tears in the beginning of this girl!!! I'm glad it ended on a somewhat happy note. I can't believe darling was pregnant!! :( So much tradgey! Is Charlie pregnant too? 


Sorry I was late reviewing! Don't hate me lol

Author's Response:

It's all good BB. You know the love is there. Hmmmmmm. We will find out soon what ails our dear Charlie!!! <333

Reviewer: HoneyToTheBee Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 11, 2015 07:23 pm Title: If I Don't Love You This Way

FINALLY I get a minute to sit down and read this!!

Damn... poor Slash... she was pregnant?! And they just got married!! Girl, how much torture you need to put on this poor guy!

Michael being all sweet and supportive. Like who is this guy? LOL Is Charlie pregnant too? Why is she so sick and tired all of the time. I  know the grief is hard on the body, but this hard?! You got me suspicious. 

I like Michael ok, just like. 

Author's Response:

Yeah poor Slash he had like a triple whammy. I know deep down you love him and refuse to admit it. Lmaoooo. "Who is this guy?" You ask. He's who he would have been had he not let his past hurts dictate how he dealt with women. Youth and callous disregard for sentiment after being hurt made him a man whore. It doesn't happen to everyone but he went that route unfortunatly now he's back!!! <333

Reviewer: Sugar Felice Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 11, 2015 07:36 am Title: Close Call... Come Away With Me

I have been enjoying the story, but o me Mike's language with her is still very rough. I mean if he cares and wants her around, why does he still talk to her in such a crass way? "Now come give Mikey a slice of that pie"? That's not romantic one bit. ijs

Author's Response:

He's still ruff around the edges because he has yet to succumb the fact that he has fallen for her. He still has a ways to go to that and you will want to hate him. Lol but just when you think he can't get any worse he gets that much better then his true self comes through. You will love him in he end I promise!! <333

Reviewer: Sugar Felice Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 10, 2015 06:09 pm Title: Sweet Sweat

He is some HOT SHIT! Love him!

Author's Response:

He's something else for sure. <333

Reviewer: Sugar Felice Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 10, 2015 09:00 am Title: Ich Liebe Dich Mehr

Oh, I am loving this Mike! Hot sexy selfish and dickbrained! Keep him coming...(he may not be the only one) lol

Author's Response:

Heyyyyy thank you so much for checking out this story. Michael surely started out in full on man whore mode. Lmaoo. He's got a journey! <333

Reviewer: MJSWIFEY Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 09, 2015 06:25 am Title: If I Don't Love You This Way

Omg so sweet and loving. Taking care of Charlie. Poor Slash. Great update.. I love this story!!

Author's Response:

Michael has regained his former self. He was always the romantic but hurt hearts and time made him hard. Charlie has definitely woken his true nature once again. Thank you for reading love!!! <333

Reviewer: TenderLovingCare Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 08, 2015 10:12 pm Title: If I Don't Love You This Way

FUCCCCCKKKKKK! i usually don't come on this site as much anymore, but whenever I do it's always your stories that I search for :) 

so i caught up on all of the chapters & these were my facial expressions while reading ---> 😳😭😒😍😍😍😍 (that's when they declared their love for each other) then when I thought everything was going to be fine and dandy ----> 😱😱😱😓😓😓😓 

losing the love of your life and your child must be fucking horrible. But losing them at the SAME time is just heart wrenching... 

I wish I could make this review longer, but I only have limited computer time! Hope all is well. Keep up the good work. And thanks for blessing my life with such a wonderful story. It's very nice to just sit back, read, and forget about the world for a while. 

Take care!

Author's Response:

Awe hey there sweetheart. I'm glad when ever you can get on and read. I smile when I see your reviews. I hope all is well. Don't forget to can email me anytime. This is a rollercoaster of a story and love and loss goes hand in hand. Let's see if the story can garner any happiness after all the sad. It's inly right. Thank you so much for looking for me!! <333

Reviewer: Zendaya Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 08, 2015 10:11 pm Title: If I Don't Love You This Way

Once again, I'm in damn tears here. It's still so unreal to me that Sanjee is really gone. Like I'm still trying to adjust that and she's just a character  in a story, but I feel the pain that everyone is feeling. Poor Slash went bookoo crazy after finding out his love was gone forever. Smh :( But what really shocked me was that they eloped and was having a baby on the way but that was very very short-lived for them both. 

God always takes the good ones for certain reason we do not know but she's in a better place now and she'll be truly missed. 

Now to Michael and Charlie, I'm so adore their new relationship now.Mike is being the best companion he can be by comforting his girl in her time of need and grief. He's doing such a great job being there for her and vice versa. 

More soon Tut.


Author's Response:

Slash lost. One minute he had everything the next it was all gone and there was no getting it back. Michael once he came to grips with the face that he was very much in love with Charlie there was no going back to his old self. Live and learn. They could just as easily been in Slash and Sanjee's shoes you know what I mean. Not every great love story starts out with rainbows. <333

Reviewer: fenderjazzkid Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 08, 2015 09:53 pm Title: If I Don't Love You This Way

I feel so bad for everybody. They all lost a friend/sister. Poor Slash, though. I'm glad he knows Michael and Charlie are definitely there for him right now. Michael's gotta be strong for them both, but I know he won't mind. Poor babies though :(

But as usual you had to take my soul away. They got married and were expecting a baby. *stomps for 17 days* WHY WHY WHY WHY

I know it can happen to anyone, but let me be dramatic. The parallels are right there. They all got together around the same time. Those two were madly in love, made a baby, and were about to live a great life together. Michael and Charlie moved a bit slower with theirs, but still. It was all right there. They could have easily been Slash and Sanjee.

Vice versa

Life will do that and it sucks. You can be so happy and then bam, that's it. Another one of those moments of having to live for you, and living the best life you can because it can all go away tomorrow.

Slash and Sanjee did just that.

No, thank you for sharing this incredible story with us!

(you know I still wanna fight. i got bats and hammers over here)

I love you!


Author's Response:

It's definitely a sad sad situation. It shows how quick life could take a turn from happiness to abject despair. Nothing is promised and I think in the next chapter it will fill out even more just how similar but opposite the two relationships are. Oxymoron that it is I hope it makes sense. Michael has realized it but has yet to speak the words out loud. Lmaoooooo. I love you too!! <333

Reviewer: fenderjazzkid Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 28, 2015 04:23 am Title: Joy And Pain

First of all, i'm eating breakfast right? Yes I know it's like 5 in the morning and I should be asleep. But I was working and reading the story was my reward. So I'm eating and this guy proposes.

I CHOKED ON MY BREAKFAST FROM LAUGHING. Sir! How you gon propose while you beatin the guts up? Lmaoo only yoooooooou. I don't care what anyone else says, it works just well for him. I didn't see it coming. I loved it. 

I think Michael wants to marry her. I know our boy has a past, and I know he's wild as hell. I think he's serious. It was more than a moment for him. I believe him. Maybe it's because I'm always there to see the good in him. Idk, but I believe Michael.

I don't think she's blinded. I mean, she sees how he's here for her in her time of need and all. He just can't be there for sex, you know? He really wants to be there for her.

BUT SANJEE! I feel so bad for Slash and Charlie. That was his love and her sister. I wish I could give them both a big hug, but I know Michael's there for the both of them and this is why I love him so much! It's so incredibly sad. I told you I was gonna cry. Gawd, Ima be a mess for the rest of the day.

I wonder if Charlie's family will lose it over the marriage proposal. Like, are they were for her accepting so quickly?! Good lord! I can't wait to see it go down.

It wasn't too much, imo. Shit like this happens in real life. Flying high in April, shot down in May.

That's life.


Author's Response:

Lmaooo. Girl you need to take your ass to bed!!! But I'm glad it's work that kept you up because that means I can expect some treats!!!

Anywho...Michael is impulsive we all know this however he is serious about the proposal. In his past he's gone the traditional route. Waited and asked sweetly with a ring and all that it ended badly both times and unfortunately that contributed partially in him locking his heart and love away.

This in turn gave Ronald life to his own detriment. Lmao.

He's different now in the sense that he feels he's going to go for it. Waiting wasn't an option for him. Not with Charlie. The love will cultivate and thrive whether they wait or not because they both feel it's real. And that's why Charlie said yes. She's not blind like you said. She knows there are hurdles to get over. 

The proposal is an agreement they made in the act of physically expressing their love. It's not an on bender knee affair and frankly I don't see that kind of thing for them. It's an exercises in non conformity lol. It's also a parallel to what we're about to learn upcoming. I hope everyone gets it. Fingers crossed. 

Poor Sanjee and Slash. More tears will be shed. But stick with me. I hope not to lead you astray! <333

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