Date: Sep 24, 2015 01:34 am Title: Ok New Deal
Good for her for setting her boundaries and refusing to take his shit! His apology was ehh really kiss ass, and pathetic but actions speak louder than words all the lines he used are really really cliche and i dont hear the sincerity and emotional maturity in them. Lets be real she came back cuz shes missed Ronald. Thing is what if he gets tired of her one day and these feelings for her stop, are they gonna try dating? Or just continue being friends with feelings for each other who fuck?
Author's Response:
They're still not sure. They didn't give what they have a name and that's mostly on Michael. In essence it's what it was before just now they have the cards on the table. Trust me it makes no sense to either of them and you'll see them battle that in the upcoming chapters. They're both trying to stay aloof even though they have real feelings they're trying to hide big time. He did kiss her ass big time but he was being real at least in his mind. <333
Date: Sep 24, 2015 01:20 am Title: TriAngles Are My Favorite Shape
Yep hes pussy whipped and/or hes just that good at getting what he wants. Hes being a controlling dick, oh all i want is you and you should be flattered by that cuz im me and i have amazing ronald. Great song choice!! Love that one! Hes just annoyed at the possibility of her being satisfied by someone else who she might think is better than him. Competitive ego streak really.
Author's Response:
Oh yeah he's possessive too. He has no right to be and in another case he probably would care. But like you said Charlie does have some kind of spell over him. The chase wasn't easy at all and that threw him off. He's definitely competitive. <333
Date: Sep 24, 2015 01:08 am Title: Seal This Deal
Thank you for writing him as a douchebag and not a misogynistic dick. He doesnt lead women on to think that their arrangements are anything more than sex. Oh wow. Get in get out smooth criminal style of course. Loved how you described ronald as being michaels hype man i had to look that up haha thats so true though ronald totally is. Wow hes that impressed with Charlie's kit kat, hes def pussy whipped. Oh boo hoo she left you in bed by yourself, she didn't have to stay to satisfy your ego. He wants a no strings relationship but gets annoyed she didn't stay for breakfast? Wow..
Author's Response:
Lmaooo. He was gripping the sheets to his chest and everything. The shoe was on the other foot here and he wasn't used to it. He's definite not misogynistic. He's respectful in his own way. He just loves sex and women. A commitment phobe. <333
Date: Sep 21, 2015 11:43 pm Title: Close Call... Come Away With Me
Charlie has her hook deeply pierced in his cheek! He ain't going nowhere anytime soon. This man has actually denied pussy. He denied it. Consciously! He ain't even kiss her! This is deep and I'm starting to wonder if his love is deeper than Charlie's. I don't feel any bad way towards her if so because he did do her wrong before this new deal but I also worry for Michael. Maybe he's falling too quickly and that's why he sends her away? Idk but I'm ready for the next part! They just getting better and better.
I see this nigga still got his jealously too lol
Author's Response:
She got him in a hook alright. But let him tell it and he'll deny that shit quick fast. He turned down Coco even tho Ron wanted to act up. Big deal for him. We'll see just how much each is putting on the line soon. <333
Date: Sep 21, 2015 09:10 pm Title: Close Call... Come Away With Me
I admire his for not giving in and I know that it weren't easy for him. I think that he should tell her. Y know wat they say that honesty is the best poilcy coz if she finds out from another source that he almost cheated on her; she will be furious. So Charlie is coming to Neverland during the break on the Dangerous tour huh? I think that thing will get very interesting with her and Mike. Can't wait for more :
Author's Response:
He did good not giving in. Such a close call. Yup Charlie is headed to Neverland. That's uncharted territory for Michael. Let's see how he reacts to her being there. <333
Date: Sep 21, 2015 10:49 am Title: Close Call... Come Away With Me
Take back the whole damn gold star. Just because he didn't fuck Miss Coco isn't good enough. he should have never been in the position to get that close to her in the first place!!! And then to use Charlie to get off what another girl had started.... tsk tsk tsk!!! (The phone sex tho... HOT) but buy Ronald a muzzle!!! For God's sake!!
However, he is making small steps. I mean inviting her to Neverland seems like a pretty big deal.
More soon!!! <3
Author's Response:
Lmaoooo Ronald does need a muzzle. I can say this though he did throw that muzzle in even though he was week for a minute and had her in his room. Baby steps will get him there. Let's see what adventures in Neverland brings. <333
Date: Sep 21, 2015 07:54 am Title: Close Call... Come Away With Me
I ssy he derserve five gold stars for that causr the temptation was real in this chapter Michael i salute you baby cause you could have easily gave into some free loose no good bad ordor poon that wasn't Charlie's. (Not saying hers bad, lol).
I do wish he could have told her but then again he didnt di anything but i think she should know. i guuess. They dont need to start their relationship off with hiding things.
so mike never invited his women to Neverland. Charlie is a absolute first. Hmmmm, that means alot if he is doing thag. I guess he really does have the feels for her bad.
Author's Response:
He did so good by refusing the poon. Although his ass shouldn't have had her in his room in the first place. So he can get the half a star for that. As for telling Charlie he didn't just yet but we will see if he does in the future!! I miss your stories BB. I hope all is well!! <333
Date: Sep 20, 2015 10:33 pm Title: Close Call... Come Away With Me
Michael turned the tail down. Let me clap for the baby.
But damn, how their phone sex gon be that hot? They were together, you can't tell me they weren't. It felt like they were together on that one. Effffff that phone. They were together lol
Things are definitely progressing. He's turning the ass down and inviting her to Neverland? This is big. Baby is serious and is growing up. I am so proud.
Well, idk about telling her. Maybe he should so she'll know how serious he is. Then who says she'll believe him when he says he didn't do anything? I'm all for honesty though, so if he does tell her, good for him. Maybe she'll understand since she's been there.
More soon!
Author's Response:
That scene was pretty vivid wasn't it?!? Lol. But he restrained himself and it was a good thing. We will see if he tells Charlie or not. As for Neverland it's a big deal. He's never had any tail come their as wayward as he is. It's a special thing that Charlie gets to go there. <333
Date: Sep 17, 2015 11:02 am Title: Ok New Deal
anyway, enough of the excitment lmfao
I .....appreciate...his willingness to talk to her and treat her like more than a simple fuck. he did some romance this time u.u i like it. (sex was bomb as always omg) I am ready for this new deal to go either way though lol I doubt he will quit the other women cold turkey and shes stubborn so im curious to see how long this will last.
(i give it two weeks)
Author's Response:
Lmaooooo. You got me with the caps lock!! He is a controlling little shit. As for the new deal. We will see!! <333
Date: Sep 15, 2015 11:59 am Title: Ok New Deal
I'm watching you Michael. That's all I gotta say. It's like part of his brain wants to give in and be the man he should be but the other part is so resistant to believe that he is love with her.
But damn I don't blame Charlie for stepping back into the ring.... That man knows how to put it down!!! I wouldn't be able to resist either. hit me up!
Author's Response:
I got my eyes on you *Drake voice. Keep you eyes on him for real. <333
Date: Sep 15, 2015 12:28 am Title: Ok New Deal
Well damn Charlie.
Of course Michael was out of line. I mean, the nigga is questioning her about something that ain't even his damn concern. Why should it matter to him of she was fucking around with other dudes??? Ain't you fucking Cammy and other bitches Mike??!?!?!? ;) whatchu mad fa??? Anywho, he had no right coming at her like that tho and I'm glad she left...... for the time being.
So now they have a new deal. I think I know where its going. Michael done realized that he has feelings for her and vice versa so he wants to try it out with the new deal. Well, my opinion on that, go right ahead. He's not afraid to admit having feelings now so why not. But I wouldn't have expect Charlie to jump ship that quick. Wasn't you pissed off at him? But I guess feelings for a person like Mike makes you think and feel otherwise, huh.
I think they should actually go for it if it's something they really really want to do. I'm all for it 100% I believe it will bring them closer if they don't fuck all the time and just talk. But other than that, they'll get close.
More soon.
Author's Response:
He is something else. His ass asking her shit he don't need to know plus he did what he was accusing her of doing.
He new deal is a test as you've seen. <333
Date: Sep 14, 2015 08:55 pm Title: Ok New Deal
I'm not surprised that she was like nigga fuck you and dipped as Mike was being a asshole. Like where did his get off y'know? He's lucky that she didn't slap him. I think that they were both trying so hard but they just can't resist each other. So it looks like to me that they are slowly falling for each other if that's any indication of their fuck session or was it lovemaking? See I get love making and fucking mixed up at time as embarrassing as it is to admit that *blushing* I want to see how this new deal will work out and how far it take them. And I think that its so sweet that Charlie remembered his b-day. Wat a perfect way to celebrate his b-day than for Michael to have b-day sex with Charlie lol. Can't wait for more luv XD
Author's Response:
Yup he went all the way out of line. Lol when it's soft and slow and live is involved it's making love. When it's frantic, needy fast. That's fucking but it can happen between people in love. High speed passion. Lol. He was pretty surprised she remembered his birthday even though they hadn't been talking for a while.<333
Date: Sep 14, 2015 08:38 pm Title: Ok New Deal
Lmaoo I'm dying at this dude sounding like some bitter ass 8th grader. YOU LET HIM STICK HIS DICK IN YOU?!?!?! But yeah, he shouldn't have been all on her case when he knows damn well they agreed to what they agreed to! Don't even start Michael.
I see Contonka truck don't own a shirt. He on some Jacob Black shit.
New Deal. This is like history class when we learned about the new deal. Some new shit will pop off, that's for sure. New deal, new shit. No telling what's about to happen.
I don't think it was dumb. I don't know. He seems to be serious about it, but who knows. From what I've heard, she's got somethin goin on. Idk tho!
I'm new to this story, so I'm still in for surprises. That sex scene omg. I had to read it in front of my mom. IM DEAD.
Another great one, mama! <3
Author's Response:
He is such a asshole. As if he didn't stick HIS dick in some other chick after he stuck his in her. She should have kicked him in the balls with his rude ass.Lmao at Contanka and that dude don't like shirts. Thank you doll!! <333
Date: Sep 10, 2015 07:10 pm Title: TriAngles Are My Favorite Shape
Michael... no. She just caught you with a girl in your room giving her ALL the more right (more than she already had since they made a deal - no strings attached) to do what she wants to do.
His jealousy is off the charts! And he needs to realize one major thing:
THE WORLD DOESN'T REVOLVE AROUND HIM. Though it may seem so. He needs to pull his head out of his ass and realize what's really going on here. He has legit feelings for her and if he'd just be open and honest about them he may have a chance. It's when people start playing GAMES that everything goes to shit.
Ugh, girl... #jesusfixit
Author's Response:
Michael is completely full of Michael. He can't fathom that she has the right to sew her seeds too since he's planting a whole damn garden. Lol. His jealousy is off the charts!! He's fighting those feelings tooth and nail. We'll see if he at least acknowledges how wrong he is so they can move forward. <333
i need like your email or somfin so we can chat outside of here!!
Date: Sep 07, 2015 01:00 pm Title: TriAngles Are My Favorite Shape
She need to leave his ass with blue balls. Fuck he tryna be possessive for when he's still fucking every piece of loose puss in a skirt? Bish boo bye. Charlie needs to walk off like welp.. Keep imagining my face on them hoes. I'm going to get some Cato, bye.
Author's Response:
Your almost spot on but you've read before. Lol. His ass will be out in the cold for a while. <333