Reviews For Inked Over
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Reviewer: brandyandMJ Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 16, 2016 07:56 pm Title: It Ain't Over Till It's Over

Well we all know that this isn't going to hold for michael considering the first chapter of this entire story. I wish it would've lasted though because now i can see that either pen or michael is going to do something to break one another hearts for michael to go back to Nye. My young heart just can't not deal. 

More soon!

Author's Response:

Yep we know this doesn't hold for too long so the next few chapters will lead us to how he got that far back into this thing with Nye. That's where it gets complicated but interesting. <333

Reviewer: mjsdirtydiana Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 16, 2016 07:12 pm Title: It Ain't Over Till It's Over

I think Nye isn't going to let go of Michael that easily!   Even though in reality she was fucking someone else a lot longer than he had with Pen!

I can see Nye having it out with Pen!  

I do see the drama coming!  

Author's Response:

Nye had started up with Chad after the first time Michael and Pen slept together. Well in close proximity any way. But as you can see she isn't giving up without a fight. The drama is coming. <333

Reviewer: Zendaya Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 10, 2016 08:37 pm Title: Back To NYC

Feeling and wanting Pen is one thing but coming to terms that you're falling in love/love her is another Mike. I was flabbergasted. Like daaammmn!!! I mean, a brotha can't help how he feels for a woman. I'm glad he and Pen are seeing eye to eye on things and taking it slow for now. Apparently he's more determined to break things off with Nye instantly though it may be a little hard but that's ok. As time goes the hardness will fadeth away. Lol. But I have a gut a STRONG gut feeling that Nye isn't gonna take this split very likely. I just know it she's not. Just have to wait and see what hapoenes.

More soon girl:)

Author's Response:

It's a precarious sitution with htese two.  They're both finding it hard to put those words on the table because it's more than complicated.  Michael has to get out of this thing with Nye and all that before those words can be said out loud.  For Pen it's more on the side of airing with caution. Fate may not be on their side just yet.  <333

Reviewer: HoneyToTheBee Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 10, 2016 05:10 pm Title: Back To NYC

AHH!!!! Don't end it like this!!! I can't wait to see this 'talk' happen. I'm praying so hard that Michael says what he needs to but I just feel like something's going to get in the way.... Pen is all in love and stuff too. My heart!!! It needs more.


Author's Response:

With Michael and Pen fate and them are not on the same page at all.  We see in the new chapter.  Yes Both of them are head over heals but as you know there is a journey ahead of those three words being spoken aloud between the two of them.  Your update is up my internet love!!! <333

Reviewer: Llamalouise88 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 09, 2016 10:00 pm Title: Back To NYC

I don't think Nye is gonna take it all that well. Hide the knives. She probably knows something (or someone) is going on behind the scenes hehe. I think Michael explained things well to Pen though, and am excited to see their future.

Author's Response:

Yeah Michael put it all out on the table for Pen very clearly.  Their future?  There is rocky road ahead! As For Nye as you will see in the new chapter even beiing passive is not safe LOL.  Thank you for reading!! <333

Reviewer: mjsdirtydiana Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 09, 2016 02:52 pm Title: Back To NYC

I have a feeling Nye is going to flip out!!

Michael deserves to be happy!  Nye has been playing him all along...Now she is gettting her just deserve...she is definitely going to blame Pen.


It seems Pen and Michael are on the same page...they both love each other but are not ready to acutally say it to each other..both need time..


Looking forward to reading more!

Author's Response:

Yes I do believe she's going to have a lot to say but will she be remorseful?  That's the question that gets answered in the next chapter. And Pen and Michael are both in love with each other but are afraid it's too soon to say. Thank you for reading love!!<333

Reviewer: Lovely One Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 06, 2016 11:34 pm Title: Rock And A Hard Place

That moment when you fave a story before reading even a word just because it's by TutThreeSevens :D

Flash read the whole thing o far and I have to say, I am split with which one I like more now! Ugh, why you do this. You must update, like right now :'( Your stuff is such a delight to read I need moreeeee

Author's Response:

HEY YOU!!!!! Welcome back lmaoooooo.  I'm so glad you got to read this story.  I'm honored so so honored you like my writing!!!!! <333 I hope this story, tho its so different from the first is just as entertaining.  Thank you again for reading bb!!! Hope you like the new update. <333

Reviewer: Zendaya Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 03, 2016 04:21 pm Title: Rock And A Hard Place

I saw your response and yes I have been gone for quite sometime now. When you get into the real world being away happens lol. I've just been dealing with life girl but I'm glad yo be back. I did update New Flame last month in case you haven't checked it out hopefully soon when you have the time. Just wanted to inform you on that.

Now... to this. Nye is seriously killin my vide yo. You gettin frisky with this Chad guy but wanna get mad at the thought of Michael messing with someone else. Huh! Honest too late for that and you have a huge dismiss announcement coming soon. Buh-bye. And as I said before, they were gonna get it in. Can I say nasty? But Michael caught me off guard with that statement too tho I knew it was coming but not this soon. Pen girl I'm just as frozen as you are!!! Idk what her response is gonna be but I hope she do realize it's not because of Nye. He's really into her as he said.

More soon girl :) <333

Author's Response:

Hey BB girl.  I'm going to be getting to your story asap.  I saw you updated another one and I'm on it too.  Welcome back!!!!  The real world is something else isn't it? But I'm glad you're updating as much as you can.

Nye is ridiculous but seriously they all are. There are no innocents in this whole thing.  But we will see next chapter that Michael tries to put things right.  Pen comes to her senses trust me.


Reviewer: iam_music Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 02, 2016 05:44 pm Title: Rock And A Hard Place

Chileeee cheese! Bye talking cash shit for a bitch who's cheating her damn self. Pen would beat the bone marrow out her ass. Smh I can't wait til Michael dump this worthless ho i swear. As far as Pen, ain't no telling what her response will be to what Michael said. I mean.. she's right ask what she did but at the same time she can't be too morally concerned with Michael leaving BYE for her when she been fucking him all this time so.. unless of course she was in it for a faded fuck like Rihanna said in Needed Me. lol either way, she needs to be honest about her intentions and real about her feelings as well just as much as Michael does. 

Author's Response:

Lmaoooooooo. Girl Pen is twisted up in this game. She shouldn't feel bad he's leaving Nye but crazy is as crazy does and she's been all up in that bed. Sometimes guilty pleasures have a way of biting you in the ass and she's feeling the teeth. We will see how long that lasts and if fate will allow them to move on. Dun dun dun!!! Lmao. <333

Reviewer: Redone Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 01, 2016 09:47 pm Title: Gound Zero

Welcome back! This is def one of the stories I want to catch up on. I hope you've been 'good' busy :)

Author's Response:

Hey Red!!!! Thank you. Yes I've been all kinds of busy....good, bad and everywhere in between. Catching my bearings and getting back in the swing so I can finish up these stories like you guys deserve. <333

Reviewer: Llamalouise88 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 01, 2016 08:36 pm Title: Rock And A Hard Place

lol@i'm a's ok real life is more important! But I do love this story and glad you came back. Also glad that Michael figured out what he wanted. Now what will Pen decide... Her answer could make things crazy or go perfectly, there's no in between really lol.

Author's Response:

Hey. Thank you good to be back!!!! Yes Michael figured out what he wanted but will life and fate conspire to reward or disappoint? We will see in the next chapter. It's a pivotal point coming up. <333

Reviewer: HoneyToTheBee Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 01, 2016 08:28 pm Title: Rock And A Hard Place

WOOOHOOO!!!! My internet love has returned!!!! Ai yai yai! Michael, sloooooow down son. He hasn't even broken things off officially yet with Nye and he's already telling another woman he wants to be with her. He's gonna get Pen's feelings all twisted up if his 'clean break' doesn't go as planned (which I believe it WON'T). 

Sigh... I missed these two SOO MUCH!!!! Don't leave me like this again!!!!

<3 <3


Author's Response:

Heyyyyyyyyy Internet love!!!!! Yes I'm back and to let you know I've already started on the next chapter so I'm invested. Lmaooooo. 

Michael needs to hold is horses right. But you'll see what he says about this in the next chapter. Clean break wanted. Clean break needed but will clean break come true?!?!?! Drama ahead is all I can say. <333

Reviewer: mjsdirtydiana Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 01, 2016 08:02 pm Title: Rock And A Hard Place

Pen, doesn't seem to happy that Michael is breaking it off with Nye to be with him....

Will she stay with him?  Will he actually break free from Nye?


Looking forward to finding out!  


Author's Response:

Pen is conflicted and I'm not even sure even she knows why. Lol. Michael knows it's time to let go of Nye because he doesn't love her in that way anymore. Let's see if fate and life will slow him to do so. <333

Reviewer: Zendaya Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 28, 2016 08:57 pm Title: Come With Me

I'm getting two vibes from him. He wants to get away from Nye tho they seem to never be on the same page as much like they use to I guess but just can't seem to get rid of her. I mean she is his fiance. And as for Pen he's automatically drawn to her. He wants to play with fire but not get burn all at the same time. Impossible.

Now this vacay he requests she comes along may be something very very special.... and nasty too. Lol. From the last chapter it's bound to happen.

Author's Response:

Heyyyyyyyyy you!!!!! How have you been?  Long time no see around.  Missed you!!!! That fire will lwasy burn.  They will find this out soon enough.  Let's see how this all plays out.  Welcome back bb!!! <333

Reviewer: mjsdirtydiana Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 16, 2016 11:21 pm Title: Come With Me

I think Mike and Pen are going to become a couple, and Nye is going to be out in the cold?....

great update!

Author's Response:

We will have to see about that. If you remember from the first Chapter things get hectic within that one year. Thank you for reading Hun!!! <333

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