Date: Jan 21, 2017 09:56 am Title: The Guilt After The Pleasure
Yeah we knew this bullshit was coming chile smh. Honestly Pen needs to step back, far feok
this shitshow so she doesn't get hurt. Cuz this is a hot mess. Keeping up appearances is not gon save this bitch feelings and will actually be more detrimental if we being honest. You only around cuz she don't know her ass from a hole in the wall is not helping her Mike. And I wish chad woulda just came out with the fact that they're fucking so maybe this whole guilt trip he's on would cease. So much fuckery here smh. Pen needs to just run for the border chile. Michael putting his captain save a ho cape on and I'm already over it.
Author's Response:
Yep so now we know how his ass got back into the fray. Guilt is a helleva drug. SMH. Now you know Chad wasn't going to blow their cover he was having the best of both worlds when Nye and Michael were together. It will come out later tho. Not when you think. Pen is going to back up FAR!!! That's just how she is anyway and you know when she finds out he's going to be playing house it's going to be worse. The cape is flapping in the wind already. <333
Date: Jan 21, 2017 08:28 am Title: The Guilt After The Pleasure
Pen is gonna be pissed if he wants to keep appearances up with Nye, understandably. Pfft and she had to find out what's going on from tmz. I don't blame her for distancing herself from him for a while. I Did not see the memory loss thing coming tho, good one!
Author's Response:
Yes for sure Pen is going to be pissed but she's not going to show it. Her thing now is to just give him the room to do what he has to do. She's in love with him and it's going to eat at her that he's going to be playing least when she finds out. <333
Date: Jan 20, 2017 10:35 pm Title: The Guilt After The Pleasure
Starting at chapter 22. I'll definitely be catching up tomorrow.
Author's Response:
Girl I'm with you. I finally caught up with one of your stories now I'm on to the next one!!<333
Date: Jan 20, 2017 10:06 pm Title: Muppet Fakes And Bathroom Breaks...
"Rag doll on acid" hahahahaha am dying here xx
Author's Response:
Lol Di is something else right? Welcome to the story. I hope you continue to enjoy it!! <333
Date: Dec 13, 2016 06:57 am Title: Wake Up Call
Why couldn't BYE have just died? That woulda made things much more simple. SMH. Pen and Michael just had a beautiful night, now here this bitch and her drunken ass drama comes cuz she just can't accept Michael don't want her used and dusty ass no more. All I know is this here, Michael is falling in love with Pen and you can't compete where you don't compare. BYE is a moment of convenience and to stop her from harming herself, and basically being around outta guilt. That's a drag all by itself. Michael has real love for Pen. That shit with BYE has been dead and gone. I hope michae finds out she been fucking Chad too. Sick of this bitch.
Author's Response:
Lmao. What drama would there be if your nemesis just died. Girl I know how you feel!!! Just know she's going to be crawling deeper under your skin in he upcoming chapters but she won't stay there for long. Pen and Michael had a sweet night but as you know Nye won't let them live. More to come!! <333
Date: Dec 11, 2016 11:06 pm Title: Wake Up Call
I think he did the right thing waking her up and telling her he was leaving. Maybe he should have said Nye was in the hospital and hope she understood or came to not come across shady idk. Anyways, great chapter and will always be here to read more when you get time :)
Author's Response:
Yes for sure it was the right thing to wake her up. I'm sure he didn't say too much because he had so many things swirling around in his mind. It did come off a bit shady. Thank you so much for having in there with me love!! <333
Date: Dec 11, 2016 08:49 pm Title: Wake Up Call
OMG!!!!!!!!! Now with the little bit of tea you just gave me, I'm going to need more!!! I'm so excited to read how this all plays out.
No doubt Pen's thinking, what the fuck?! He was just all about her and then suddenly poof he's out the door.
Even though I hate Nye, can't help but feel bad for her at this point...
More soon!!! Don't keep me waiting this long again! lol
Author's Response:
Girl it's about to go down!!! Pen had all right to feel a way for him just up and leaving. He did tell her so that's good because he really could have just bounced. I'm glad he didn't because that leaves room for him to come back and have a conversation. Nye will become a sympathetic character for the next few chapters. (1or2) <333
Date: Dec 11, 2016 08:19 pm Title: Wake Up Call
Michael should've told Pen why he was leaving! I could see this being a bit of a problem between them in the future!
So Nye was in a car accident? Will she survive? If she does will it make Michael feel guilty and stay with her to nurse her back to health ruining his relationship with Pen?
looking forward to seeing what happens next
Author's Response:
I think Michael didn't say because he really didn't know what was going on fully. He just wanted to get to the hospital because the doc said Nye was critical. We know Nye survives because Michael and her do end up at the alter as per the first chapter. Now we see how they get there. <333
Date: Nov 09, 2016 08:52 am Title: Trick And Treat
Bye just needs to gon head and die so we can can REALLY say bye. Beyond tired of her shit.
Author's Response:
I know you've had it with this broad Nye. Girl she finna get deeper under your skin. Just hang in there her bullshit can't last forever. <333
Date: Nov 08, 2016 03:33 pm Title: Trick And Treat
I'm just curious, is Shana in this story is the Shana Mangatal we all come to known in real life???
Now, I see Cali and Saul are flirting mightyyyy heavy at the part. Poor Pen was third wheeling outta this world. Kml. Good thing Mike text her ass to come up to the roof so he can tell her the news. But he tried. He really tried scaring her. She ain't Di Mike lol.
*sigh* Nye let it go sister. Please for me. You're only setting yourself up for embarrassment but then again Mike may be put on the spot and Pen if she makes it to the party.on time before he and Pen leaves. I'm kinda hoping she does just so I can see the drama. Lol. Just sad huh??? I know.
More soon hunny. :)
Author's Response:
Lmaoo No Shana is not that Shana M. Ugh. I can't really get with that woman and her BS. But I digress. You know Saul is Cali's boo so I had to bring back that romance. They were meant to be. Lol. Trust me you will see the drama! <333
Date: Nov 08, 2016 08:51 am Title: Trick And Treat
OMG!! She's going to get in a car accident isn't she... And then Michael's going to be feeling all sorry and protective and shit... ugh. Just when him and Pen were making ADORABLE moments together.
I was cat woman for Halloween too by the way LOL! It wasn't the Halle version either the costume was actually called Wicked Kitty.
Side note: Michael and Di's relationship tho... they crack me up so bad!! lol "Thanks best friend." rofl.
Author's Response:
Lol. Everybody is getting the gist of what's going to happen with Nye and her dumb ass. Ugh when it comes to dragging Michael down she will always be there to do it and he LETS her do it. Ugh!!!!LOL Wicked Kitty!!
Michael and Di are goals as friends. They fight they love they're loyal to each other af!!! <333
Date: Nov 05, 2016 10:29 pm Title: Trick And Treat
The first thought that came to mind was that Nye is too drunk to drive, and she is going to get into an accident! Hopefully I am wrong.
Michael will be distraught thinking it was all his fault and he and Pen will fight...
Nye will get there and see them both leaving and cause a scene that was my second thought!
Looking forward to finding out what happens next!
Author's Response:
As you you will see you hit the nail on the head with saying Michael's guilt (however unfounded) when it comes to Nye will be his down fall. <333
Date: Oct 17, 2016 09:26 pm Title: It Ain't Over Till It's Over
Finally the break up!!! But it wasn't good Mikey boy. Not good enough for me. But hey, I guess he can slide being that it .... worked but the aftermath is coming to eat his ass. Nye seems like a crazy ass bitch so I'm so prepared for the drama. Now, I just don't like how hypocritical she was being when Michael said he slept wit someone else(Pen) like if he can come clean to his dirt you can too hoe. You had another man running up out the house minutes before Michael arrived. Some chick she is!!! I'm just ready to see the drama unfurl and when Nye gets a hold of who Mike slept with. It's gonna FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC:)
More soon.
Author's Response:
I think Michael did the best he could in the breakup. He told her the truth about sleeping with some else and it not working. Nye on the other hand has her own secrets and is still being shady as hell and wants to hold on to Michael. What happens after the breakup and we know they end up back together is on both of them. Michael for being gullible and feeling guilty, Nye for being shady and deceitful in he end. It all catches up to them. <333
Date: Oct 16, 2016 10:35 pm Title: It Ain't Over Till It's Over
I'm actually glad he didn't say it was Pen he slept with. Cuz she woulda tried to be on some bullshit and Pen woulda had to knock that bitch to Mars. No ma'am. Michael is right in a sense, their relationship was clearly dead and gone before Pen even entered the picture, she just solidified it. Pen and Michael belong together, them fools age like twinflames. BYE could never compete. There's no way. And she's truly a lame ass cowardly sour pussy ass bitch for not telling him she been fucking Chad too. It wouldn't have made a difference cuz Michael ain't coming back no damn way! Smh weak ass ho. Chile I just hope Michael keeps his distance from that broad and somehow finds out she been fucking Chad too. Cuz I am beyond over BYE tired ass.
Author's Response:
She would have been harassing the poor girl had she known it was Pen. Michael was smart not to tell her because he knows how Nye is. Nye wants her cake and to eat it to. Michael provides her with a sense of security not just financial but emotional. Because of her troubled past she wants something or someone to hold on to and it so happened that Michael is who he is so it works out very beneficial for her. It doesn't even seem she's that vested emotionally in the relationship anymore either but she's going to refuse to let go anyway. Smh. <333
Date: Oct 16, 2016 08:46 pm Title: It Ain't Over Till It's Over
Ughhhhh Nye.... let the man go. He just told you he's slept with someone else. YOU'VE slept with someone else. There's nothing to fix here besides your damn pride. She's about to pull something stupid to mess up Pen and Michael's little thing they've done started. I can't STAND women like Nye and too many exist in the real world for real.
Michael was so calm and mature about this break up too and then she here she goes... ughhh!!! I need MORE SOON!!!
Author's Response:
But you know she's not owning up to her improprieties at all. At leas Michael was honest with her and himself but her. She's holding on to her Chad secret till the grave practically. Best believe women like her exist in his world and its not rare. <333