Reviews For Inked Over
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Reviewer: mjjlover1120 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 20, 2015 04:26 pm Title: I Can't Help It

Pen know damn well she aint leaving no MJJ Ink. If she do, she know damn well she aint leaving Michael. The dick and apparently his lips are too good, Honey!! You aint going nowhere. 

Author's Response:

She know she can't control herself round that man. Hell he can't control himself around her. So leaving would take care of that wouldn't it? We will have to see. <333

Reviewer: mjjlover1120 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 20, 2015 04:13 pm Title: Complicated know what, I aint even gon say it. I say it too much lmfao you should know what I'm going to say about him. Girl. I wont even say it this time lol. He sitting here getting hard not in any type of mood for the NyeHi then gon give in when she start sucking. She persistent but hell I do NOT blame her. A man like Michael?? Chi..I'd be persistent too. 

Pen done got her ass drunk and called Michael lmao her crazy ass! What is about to come of this ATL trip????? Is someone gonna invite someone on a whim and go at the impossible again??

Author's Response:

He don't want no Nye Nye. Lmao. He caved though I mean she was on him like a tick!!! Lmao. The drunk call is classic though. <333

Reviewer: live_laughxx Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 07, 2015 02:22 pm Title: The Train To Destiny...

Oo.. I like it, it's different.

Author's Response:

Hey welcome to the story!!! I hope you enjoy! <333

Reviewer: HoneyToTheBee Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 06, 2015 11:33 am Title: I Can't Help It

A workoholic intoxicated with workohol LOL I love it. That was so Michael. Ugh okay, Nye and her shady ass needs go to and Pen needs to STAY!! Girl, don't think about leaving MJJ Ink. 

I would have straight choked Michael out for playing that voice mail. I left a voicemail on an ex's phone (we were together at the time) singing Whatcha Say by Jason Derulo. Most embarassing moment of my LIFE!! So I can feel Pen on this. Jerk move Michael LOL.


Author's Response:

Michael is such a cornball. Lmaoooo. Nye is shadier than Mochael's giving tree. 

Lmaooooo he played it because they were the only ones around so it wasn't so bad. I know she was mortified but she expected him to do something to tease her. Awwwwe look at you singing to the boo!!!! Did he tease you? <333

Reviewer: Redone Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 06, 2015 10:38 am Title: I Can't Help It

Discouraged?! Oh no - why? I mean, you are one of the most followed authors on here...

Love doesn't come with conditions....just sayin'

I love the closet scene. But why was she singing and dancing in the closet? I thought she was all nervous and rattled that Michael was coming. Was it to distract herself? An attempt to loosen up?

Mas, por favor!

Author's Response:

Yeah I was (still am a little) feeling discouraged about the quality of my work. Hoping it's still interesting reading. I'll push through it though. Thank you for asking. <3

Pen is the carefree type but somehow with Michael she gets flustered so she was trying to calm her nerves and let go a little. Be herself.  I'm sure she didn't expect him to come into the supply closet at that moment. It was hilarious though. She was more mortified he played the voice mail than she was being caught. <333

Reviewer: Redone Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 06, 2015 10:23 am Title: Complicated

I think Nye did it on purpose. An accident would contradict the rest of the character traits that have been shown.

I think Michael is an idiot for keeping it going with Nye. He's not in love and the fact he's avoiding her shows that. I don't care if they have that history - he's avoiding her out of guilt, not for cheating on her, but for cheating on Pen....that says his engagement is over.

And you're right - I'm glad there's another chapter to read :D

Author's Response:

You're right his connection with Pen is a bit stronger than the one he had with Nye right now.  the guilt is more so that he's carrying on in the relationship because of obligation even though Pen seems to be on his mind more than ever. Unfortunatley that's how it will be for a bit. He's in punk mode right now.

Lol two chapters are always better than one! ;) <333

Reviewer: nicedollalex Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 04, 2015 04:57 pm Title: Gound Zero

In my opinion, this is one of the best stories on mjfiction. I'd get me some Babyhairs any day, ahah! Great job <3 have a look at my story if you like, I started writing just after finishing reading yours!

Author's Response:

Thank you so so very much for reading. I appreciate it!! I hope you keep enjoying the story as it goes on. I'm glad you started exploring writing. You're doing great!! <333

Reviewer: paris-jane Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 04, 2015 06:40 am Title: I Can't Help It

Ooop! Damn 

Author's Response:

Ooop is right. We will see what they get themselves into next!!!<333

Reviewer: Redone Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 04, 2015 03:51 am Title: Gound Zero

I need to catch up. Tonight or tomorrow, I promise. Life needs to be less crazy.

Author's Response:

Girl don't I know it. As soon as you think things will ease up a bit in comes way more than what left out the door. Ugh. But take your time Hun. Sometimes it's fun to have a few chapters to read at a time so it works out! <333

Reviewer: iam_music Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 03, 2015 11:01 pm Title: I Can't Help It

I already knew Nye was trifling as hell and it's wonderful to have confirmation. That bitch ain't worth two dead flies chile. She don't love Michael, she loves being with him and the status it brings her. That bitch is basically a Kardashian. In love with the fame and status it brings to be Michael Jackson's girl. I swear she ain't shit, I hope the bitch chokes on her managers dick and then gets hit by a semi. Speaking of, she's gonna be fucking him soon, just wait on it. This Chad dude? Yeah he finna be hitting that. I don't even feel bad about Michael cheating cuz at least it's more than just a physical thing with him and Pen. They digging each other on a for real mental level as well.. It's running deeper than just fucking. So Nye can gon somewhere and die please. A mess. And yeah Pen just might have to do something cuz they can't work around each other like this. The temptation and chemistry is too strong. She just might have to leave but Michael probably won't let her 

Author's Response:

You have me out her DYING!!!!! Lmaooooo. "That bitch ain't worth two damn dead flies chile." Dead!!!! But you right tho she's very attached to the status. Given her background her take on what love is is fucked but it's no excuse. 

Her and Chad cutting it close. 

Michael and Pen share a connection he doesn't with Nye. We'll explore that next!! <333

Reviewer: fenderjazzkid Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 03, 2015 10:04 pm Title: I Can't Help It

Uuuuugh Nye *sighs in hee hee*

She wants the fame so bad. Like, I believe she loves him but she loves fame more. She wants to be somebody so bad and she's sticking with him for that pretty much. He's a great guy and I don't blame her for not wanting to lose him. But shit, he coulda been a friend maybe! But that's another story for another universe

Di came through in ways i can't explain. I love her so much lmao She had me cracking up as soon as she popped up. Then she dropped some Hamlet and I was done. That's my girl idc.

Then Michael played the audio of the "dying cat" I WAS DONE WITH HIS ASS. I would have been so embarrassed lmaoo This nigga is definitely loving it anyway

That kiss was perfect. How you gon write a short ass kiss scene like that tho? WE GON HAVE PROBLEMS IF YOU DO THIS AGAIN

It was perfect damn it

Pen's ass know damn well she ain't goin nowhere. I don't see it. I don't smell it. I don't feel it.

But what i can't discern is, are you mad at it?

Yes, I had to throw Psych in there

Great update!! <3 

Author's Response:

*Cries in Shamone...

yeah girl Bye out here posin like Michael in his leg warmers on the cover of Maxim. I think you know the dynamic. She's like a fame vampire. 

I swear my fave person to write is Di. I'm glad I have her reprieve in this version of the story. She's ma girl! 

The Kissing had to be short if it was any longer they were getting naked in that supply closet. It might happen too. We'll see. Lmao. 

Tou know do well Pen is wayward as hell she might just up and bounce. <333

Reviewer: Zendaya Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 03, 2015 08:24 pm Title: I Can't Help It

Hmmmm, so Nye did a cover for Maxim in panties???? Well well well, she better hope Mike don't find out .... so soon cause knowing him, her ass will be burnt grass, lol. And I knew her ass was sneaking around with that Chad negro or whoever. Talking about some heated moments they had, hmmm. You's a hoooooo!!!!

Lawd, Pen head is all up in the damn clouds she ain't even listen to a damn word Di was saying. All because of him. But we all know Diana know something is up and she will def find out. 

Another intense and mind blowing kiss. See, they can't even stay away from each other even if they wanted too. The closer the faces, homerun for their lips. Pen might as well stay and not leave. She know she don't want to. ;)

More soon.

Author's Response:

Yes girl. Maxim in panties and not just in the mag but on the cover of it too. She's gonna have some splainin to do. Lol. Yeah they had some heated moments but they haven't done the deed yet. 

Pen is all up in them clouds. As much as she fightin... We'll both of them putting up a struggle and failing cause they can't keep their mouths to themselves.  We will see if she musters up the balls to walk away. <333

Reviewer: KaraBeloved Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 17, 2015 10:14 pm Title: Gound Zero

I like this! The title is catching!

Author's Response:

Thanks Hun. I hope you enjoy the story!!<333

Reviewer: fenderjazzkid Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 16, 2015 12:38 pm Title: Complicated

He's not in the mood. Oh, sir. I love you.

Mike's staying with her because he's afraid it'll happen again. At least, that's what I think. It's just like being on the verge of a breakup, and the person says they're gonna kill themselves over the other person. It guilts them into thinking they should stay.

I'm pretty sure it's a form of abuse too. You're forcing and manipulating someone to stay in a relationship. You should just let them go. Nye should have done that. SHOULDA BEEN DONE DAT

Now, Michael's in this guilt state for several reasons. This relationship doesn't work. He can't force it and she can't either. I don't think he's cared to get out and now he does. Pen's here and his mind is extra fucked.

The drunk singing is my world omg lmaoo I was dying but it was so cute


Author's Response:

He's too much. He wasn't in the mood cause if he was being honest it wasn't Pen's poon that was in the table. I'm sure if it was he would have been up in it like a peach cobbler. Lmaoooo.  It is manipulation and for damn sure it worked. He's hanging on out of guilt and residual feelings. He does love her in a way. <333

Reviewer: HoneyToTheBee Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 15, 2015 09:10 pm Title: Complicated

As much as I want to diss Michael for the beginning of this chapter, my dislike for Nye justifies his actions LOL. Pulling the 'I'm not in the mood' line. That should be clue number one to that dumb bitch that he's got something on the side.

He's all in savior mode trying to save the good in Nye, boy give it up. Whatever sweet she had inside of her is long gone like you need to be. 

Pen all lying to herself like she ain't already addicted to that D!!! Girl! and then leaving him a drunk message!!!! OMG I bet she is gonna be so embarassed. I am for her!!


MORE SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Author's Response:

He is in savior mode and its like Nyr had him by his sensitive ass balls. He's too worried about what happened happening again and he does care for her well being. Let's see what goes down next!! <333

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