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Reviewer: prichaelspeachyqueen Signed starstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: Jun 17, 2019 07:49 pm Title: Chapter One: I was once very innocent.

It was good enough 😁 but just more detail and next time, re-read your chapters because they have WAY TOO MANY ERRORS in them! 😁🤗

Reviewer: Saiii4534 Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 14, 2018 03:50 pm Title: Chapter One: I was once very innocent.

I hope you update this book soon because I love it so far

Reviewer: JacksonYaoi Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 14, 2015 05:38 pm Title: Chapter One: I was once very innocent.

Not thinking about finishing this story? :c

Reviewer: ILoveMJ777 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 29, 2015 01:39 am Title: Chapter 5: Guilty pleasure


Reviewer: Mikeybear101010 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Jun 02, 2015 03:44 pm Title: Chapter 5: Guilty pleasure

AWN d84; he would look so precious in that outfit. and yet this story is still intresting Keep going....

Author's Response:

Yeah thanks, Sorry for taking forever its just problems is happening with my children so far. And I will be able to get back to this story in a snap if I could. But right now. My 2 daughters are having a problem and I will like to try to cure them first before going on sweetheart. I am sorry but, I will be back in a split if I can. 

Reviewer: dreamlover Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 02, 2015 01:18 am Title: Chapter 5: Guilty pleasure

Ha...ha!! He would look so pretty...The image is fine dear...Have you read what's been going on? We must be carefull what images we put on our story chapters. Go on the main page and read it...It is more wiser to do it this way than acutally adding his face on the image...Some MJ fansites are being warn to be sued for posting those images...It's pritty serious girl... check it out....Anyhow...continue dear...I love it...

Author's Response:

Thanks he will look awfully beautiful inside that bunny outfit. And, after you did tell me that I did went and read what they said on the main page. Glad you told me that. Because If i added his face the owner of this site ass is grass. So thanks for telling me that. I don't want this site to be messed up like that because of something like that. And yeah it's serious and I will continue soon. Glad you told me Bestfriend. Love yah!


Reviewer: JacksonYaoi Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 01, 2015 11:06 am Title: Chapter 5: Guilty pleasure

I know that this will come out mean, but Mikeybear would look adorable in that outfit. Waiting for what happens when the two arrive at the strip club.

Author's Response:

Yeah besty he will look beautiful in that outfit. Like really cute. Glad you're tunning in for more. Love yah

Reviewer: JacksonYaoi Signed [Report This]
Date: May 28, 2015 09:11 pm Title: Chapter 4: Blood on the dance floor.

Oh. I'm curious as to what Richard has in store next for our beautiful Mikey. More!

Reviewer: LogosFEV Anonymous starhalf-star [Report This]
Date: May 28, 2015 03:04 pm Title: Chapter 4: Blood on the dance floor.

The story line is great honey, but you gotta be more detail,  you gotta bring more,  and if you make it so chapter shot is only telling the reader lasyness. Bring me more baby I know you can do it.

Author's Response:

(Sigh) I know. It's just that. I am a descritive writer. And, the short chapters are repersenting lazniness I know. And, leaving them on scary cliffhangers. But I will try to bring more. Like longer chapters...I will try. 

Reviewer: dreamlover Anonymous [Report This]
Date: May 27, 2015 10:24 pm Title: Chapter 3: You'll be here a while

Why is Michael doing all alone in a store? He should have been more careful, and now he's going to pay the consequences of his actions. But, I guess he wanted what we all want, the feeling of being free. Oh! my god my poor baby, he'll suffer now in the hands of his rapist...

Author's Response:

Yes, Michael will might have to suffer in bad hands. And, we all pray that he makes it out soon. Baby Mikey will count on himself to save himself during this kidnap process. Stay tuned in more Dream lover! Love yah!

Reviewer: Raven Anonymous [Report This]
Date: May 27, 2015 03:08 pm Title: Chapter 2: Familiar face with a wicked attraction

Watch out pretty boy he's up to no good. I love it xoxo <3

Author's Response:

Glad you're enjoying the story love yah! 

Reviewer: JacksonYaoi Signed [Report This]
Date: May 26, 2015 07:51 pm Title: Chapter 3: You'll be here a while

More! I think Richard is coming in for the "kill."

Author's Response:

He is! And, Michael will suffer bad consiquenses throughout the story. Glad you're staying in tune for more though. Love Yah!

Reviewer: SlashGirl Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 26, 2015 02:23 pm Title: Chapter 3: You'll be here a while

Awwww poor Mikey! He is captured! I loved it! Hugs and kisses! <3

Author's Response:

Yeah! I am so glad you're feeling bad for Mikey! Stay tuned in more though! Love yah!

Reviewer: dreamlover Anonymous starstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: May 25, 2015 11:03 pm Title: Chapter 2: Familiar face with a wicked attraction

I love it girl...I just hate how you leave me this way, in daying in suspense... please make it longer...

Author's Response:

Sorry...Lol, I don't know. I just like to suspence! love yah!

Reviewer: SlashGirl Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 25, 2015 11:37 am Title: Chapter 2: Familiar face with a wicked attraction

No not the cliffhanger again! XP I loved it and I know that that Richard... Is going to be oh so messy in this story... I just know it! But I loved it miss! Hugs and kisses! <3

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