Date: Jan 20, 2019 06:02 pm Title: The Fallout...
What a ending! I’m speechless

Date: Apr 28, 2015 10:23 pm Title: The Fallout...
i would love to see where this story goes it feels so incomplete but its agreat story i love it
Author's Response: Thank you! If you scroll down one review (I think) you'll see a really long response to a comment. In that response, I provided a summary of what Nicole and I had planned.
Date: Apr 28, 2015 10:55 am Title: On The Road Again...
Well thank you you for responding to my never ending questions and clearing things up for med84;a039;
Author's Response: No problem. You've probably been one of the most engaged commenters I've ever had and I love the fact that you've critically read each detail and actually kept up with the story. *bows to your literary prowess*

Date: Apr 28, 2015 08:51 am Title: On The Road Again...
I'm satisfied with the way it ended. It's lets me put the couples in what would be my perfect world/ relationship for them, lol. I had a hitch that Budge was pregnant when she found out about Fe, all that throwing up after the fact and stuff.
Now going off of what you said it was going to be like... I hate that Fe was literally left alone after Jermaine and Budge found out and reacted to the news. That woman needed them and they abandoned her. I know that they were hurt and all, but they didn't even listen to her or Michael's side, despite Budge hearing the convo between Fe and Michael. I wouldn't agree with Budge purposely getting pregnant by Jermaine. If I was Felicia I would forever resent her for that. Michael purposely got Fe pregnant without her consent and I feel that with Budge and Jermaine being who they are and being selfish, they planned for it to happen. I hate that this is what led Michael down the road to addiction, but I guess that's just how the cookie crumbles. He had to live with the fact that he damn near tore two marriages apart; his and Fe's. Budge is still too old to be getting jealous of Fe and Michael being together. She needs to get over herself as Fe doesn't rain on her parade when Jermaine is constantly blowing her back out . I still don't like Budge much as much as I want to, and I know that I keep on saying that, but it's true and I speak nothing but the truth, lol. I don't even know what else to say. There's so much, it makes my head hurt !!
A couple more questions though:
Was their relationship gonna be outed?
Were the children gonna be told/aware of their brother/sister/cousin relationships with each other?
I don't know if I missed anything else that I wanted to say.
Once again this was amazing! It's one of those stories that I'll probably revisit every few months/ yearly.
Author's Response: Nicole was supposed to write a Budge update with her reacting to overhearing Michael and Fe where she's asking herself what she's going rondo with a baby on the way. I actually understand why everyone left. It just happens to suck for Fe. As for J and Budge's baby plans, yeah it was originally on purpose. BUT it was supposed to have been in a funny, lighthearted way. Believe it or not, all of this was supposed to be fun and sexy. But then Nicole would deviate from the plan and make Budge depressed or jealous about something and that would bring on the darkness. Admittedly, it made for good drama. But it also served to make Budge unloveable. Matter of fact, she originally had Michael impregnanting Fe for selfish reasons. Simply put, Budge wanted to take a break from having kids (I kept telling Nicole that 8 were too many) but Michael wanted more. So he got Fe pregnant just because. It was my idea to have it be his warped way of helping her instead and unknowingly causing problems. It made more sense and took away one more way for Budge to claim that Mike was selfish and make him run after her for forgiveness (which irked my nerves to no end)!
That exact thing you said about Budge being jealous while still sleeping with Jermaine was a HUGE sticking point to me. It still makes no sense, which is why I still stand by my edit *looks up to heaven* Sorry Nicole. But having her ride JerHurricaneTongue while claiming she felt Mikebwas picking Fe over her was just crazy. Granted, Mike and Fe were obviously growing closer than Budge and J, but that's because Nicole kept insisting that Budge was able to separate emotion and sex and wasn't falling for J as planned. So she thought it was logical for Mike to do the same. *shrug* I disagreed and we had to go back and stick a few mentions of Budge's conflicted feeling into the story in order to make her sudden turnaround in Osaka make a little sense. But anyway, on to your questions. And I hate that this response section always erases my spaces between the questions and gives you huge paragraphs. Sorry.
1. No, they were never going to be outed. I don't know if you've ever been, I know Nicole hadn't, but Neverland is WAAAAAAAY out in the cut. I've personally been there 3 times including flying over on a helicopter tour. That is the perfect place to have that mixed up family. Michael owned way too much land for anyone to know what was going on out there. And, I personally believe that RL MJ had enough loyal employees that anyone who knew about his actual shenanigans (and no one will ever convince me that there weren't any) kept their mouths shut.
2. We were actually still struggling with that idea. We don't know. As toddlers, Budge's kids acknowledge Jermaine as their uncle. But I can't say whether Felicia's child with Michael would have ever known about her cousin/sibling status with everyone. We would have figured that out down the line.

Date: Apr 28, 2015 12:53 am Title: The Fallout...
You and Nicole were one hell of a team!! This was such a great journey!! And im glad you got to share it with us.
Author's Response: Thank you! There was so much more we had to cover. Nicole wanted to go through it all (addiction, trials, and we hadn't decided if we were going to stay true to things in 2009). But we had so much more drama and laughs in our mental outlines. We were taking a break and then it happened.
I can tell you that Budge was going to take the kids and leave. J was going to move out for a while and write Word to the Badd (which is going to upset everyone). Fe was going to have no choice but to stay because she was on bed rest. Guilt was going to eat Michael up, leading to his addiction (which would be kept secret). J was going to come back around the time Fe was put on bed rest to take care of his wife (who he would forgive) but wouldn't have anything to do with Michael. Fe wouldn't really warm back up to Michael until the baby was born. Budge would come back around the same time as J, but she's cold shouldering Michael (and Fe a little too). Budge only comes back because she is also pregnant, she just didn't get a chance to tell Michael because she was too hurt by what she overheard. Fe's baby was supposed to be a girl. J was going to swallow his pride and take care of the baby because he loves Fe, but we hadn't decided if we were going to allow Michael to play the role of Daddy at home or make him act like Uncle around the kids. Michael was going to bite the bullet and make up to everyone, but we hadn't figured out how to do that yet. Budge was going to have high blood pressure issues with the new baby due to the stress of the situation. Both babies were gonna be born within days of each other, with Budge being resentful that both guys were more worried about Fe than they were her. Babies born and everybody settles into a (slightly altered) sense of normalcy again with the new rule in place that primary wives can only be impregnanted by primary husbands. But Budge, still holding on to some resentment, accidentally(on purpose) gets pregnant by J about a year later. Michael starts working on the new album and Bidge gets upset because ITC is a song that he writes about his co-marriage AND Budge suspects that the moaning and groaning he was doing was due to some extra studio work by Fe (yes, Budge gets jealous and insecure again). First allegations never happen because we figure, there's no way with both girls there. Everyone finds out about Michael's addictions in their own way and stage an intervention. They attend a group therapy session to really discuss the co-marriage they've been in and it's impact on everyone (I didn't like this cause I thought it would be boring). J and Fe finally get pregnant on their own and there is minimal drama except she is pregnant, horny, and not getting any because no one likes hitting that stitch inside her. So, once the stitch is removed, she pretty much walks into the room and announces to everyone that one of the penises there had better stand at attention or she's gonna rape somebody (lol). This starts Budge on a fantasy about both guys, which she jokes about, but the guys decide to give it to her for her next birthday. Nicole was going to write that scene because she had been looking for an excuse to do it. Budge gets pregnant again and isn't quite sure whose it is. Budge starts feeling neglected by Michael again because he's spending more and more time with Fe and their daughter and she starts to write, which leads to some of her poetry being turned into songs on Janet's album (Velvet Rope). After having the new baby, things chill out a bit, even though Budge is still holding on to some insecurity that Michael loves Fe more than he loves her. I think a few years pass with minimal drama (although Nicole insisted I write Fe getting it with both guys too. I did, just so I could get it over with before I lost my nerve lol) I think Fe got pregnant by Michael one more time and Budge got pregnant too, right around the time of the trials. There was supposed to be a really emotional scene where Michael writes everyone a letter, in the event he goes to jail, telling everyone how much he loves them and why they are so important to him (including J). After the trial is over, Michael still decides to leave the country, but J and Fe decide to stay. J and Fe were to be mostly written out, at this point, and Nicole wanted to focus on Michael and Budge. They eventually come back after James Brown dies, but J and Fe have left Neverland for their own ranch and Michael doesn't want to live there without them. There is a little contact between everyone, but people were worried about Michael's health because he doesn't seem to recover from the trial. In one version of the ending, Michael still passes and the letters are delivered by his attorney and the story ends with everyone's reaction after reading it. In the alternate ending (that we hadn't completely decided on) Michael lives and everyone eventually moves back in together in Vegas and goes through the trial of raising a bunch of teenagers who have inherited the Jackson beauty and spunk.
Whew! Ok, that is the rest of the story as I remember it.
Date: Apr 28, 2015 12:37 am Title: Setting Things In Motion...
Author's Response: Yeah, Michael thought he was slick. If he had just given her a little bit more time to work through things on her own...
Date: Apr 28, 2015 12:24 am Title: Your Heart's In The Right Place, But...
Come on Fe!!!! I can admit that she's being selfish now. The first time I've ever been disappointed in her lol. She has a point but at the same time she doesn't know if it's gonna hurt to try now. Michael is slick and has target on his head for even thinking about impregnating Fe. J and Budge would hurt him. But I think it's sweet that he's trying to do this for her and his brother, no matter how crazy fucked up it is.
Author's Response: Yeah, I allowed her to be selfish. Now, in her defense, she has spent all three books putting everyone else's needs and wants ahead of her own. So she was due a little selfish time. But, yeah. She did J dirty, even if he did have Wife #2 on deck.
Date: Apr 27, 2015 11:56 pm Title: I Know It Makes Sense, But...
Now they're moving in? Oh lawd. I don't even know what to think... Is this good or bad? How long will it be before they do something to piss Budge off and she kicks them off the property? How long before they all get tired of each other?
I'm so glad that Fe atleast got that off her chest. I just knew that Budge was going to try and talk about ALMOST losing Phoebe and make it about herself . But she didn't permanently lose her babies, Felicia been living in a world of hurt since then, I suppose. She doesn't want to try because she doesn't want to be disappointed and I kinda don't blame her.
Author's Response: Exactly!!! Budge had a close call, but Phoebe pulled through. It's not the same and it wasn't fair of her to act like it was.
Date: Apr 27, 2015 11:04 pm Title: Snitch...
Michael about killed me calling Jermaine to snitch on Fe!!! That made my night! It shocked me to hear that Jermaine still held onto that pain of when he found out that Fe and Michael had been together.
Author's Response: Jermaine likes to act like nothing ever really bothers him. But he put a lot of work into trying to be a better man for her. So, I'm not surprised that her one transgression still bothers him.
Date: Apr 27, 2015 10:10 pm Title: Oh Baby Of Mine...
I just feel so horrible for everyone involved. Budge almost lost Phoebe, something she's never been close to encountering. Michael neither. Then there's Jermaine who also deals with it in his own way, being that he and Felicia have lost two already and he's also closer to Budge. Then there's Felicia who knows what it's like to lose a child and wouldn't be able to stand her best friend going through the same ordeal. That's a sister for you. When Fe witnessed Paris calling Jermaine 'da da', my heart dropped and broke for her. I hope something gives. I know that she feels some type of way about this situation.
Author's Response: Wait.....did I actually hear a little compassion for Budge? Looks like someone doesn't hate her as much as she claims.
As for Felicia and the "Da Da" situation, I don't see her as too upset. Of the 4, she's always the most practical and realistic. She sees a problem and she fixes it. I think she realizes that the "Da Da" thing is just a by product of always being around Jermaine. Plus, she's already thinking ahead to how the co-relationship will work with future children.
Date: Apr 27, 2015 09:36 pm Title: You Had It Coming...
That beat down was something serious!! And Tatiana got double teamed😂 you got to be one heartless bitch to want to do harm to a pregnant woman, even if she did try to snatch you bald. Get out of here with that mess!!
Author's Response: Man...I think we planned Tatiana's beat down just as hard as we planned J's! Although, originally, we had Mike so turned on by the sight of his women fighting over him, that he was giving the "You Gon' Get It" stare and Budge and Fe were both trying to volunteer the other for the uterine expansion.
Date: Apr 27, 2015 09:18 pm Title: On The Road Again...
I was waiting for this!!!!! I'm so happy!! Things seem to be okay for now. I love how Michael hired Fe as his personal assistant. I see some role play between those two in the future. They literally swapped now. Before it was nooky every now and then because of their schedules, but now they're damn near living with each other. This only calls for intensifying feelings... dun, dun, dun!!!
Author's Response: lol Yes, you can fill in the blank with all the nookie you want. Now that the fellas can be open and free with their emotions (and penii - yes, I said penii) there will probably be grunts and moans galore!