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Reviewer: Evalee88 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 25, 2024 08:21 am Title: Chapter 1- (Parts 1-5)

I love yhis book already

Reviewer: gottaluvrikki Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jul 30, 2016 08:06 pm Title: Saturday Night NEW Update: July 30,2016- Chapter 26 The End of SM4

Wow thats a load of trouble Cindy is in. I'm loving this old Mike coming back. Can't wait to see what the new story brings. I definitely think Cindy may be pregnant again, hopefully with a girl. I also hope Mike can get her to really take the break she agreed on.

Author's Response:

Thank you. I'm trying to get our masculine MJ to reappear. I sort of mussed his character being more business savvy. Hopefully, our next story will add more adventure and show family life and a becoming of age Cindy. 

Reviewer: gottaluvrikki Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 31, 2016 06:54 pm Title: Chapter 26 NEW Monday Night Update: 05/30/2016

Loving the overall progress everyone is making. Prince is really proving to be a big help. I hope Mike's visit goes well and him and Cindy finally talk out all their issues.

Author's Response:

Sorry sis, just now seeing this..., but yes I agree with you. I  still constructing new plots.

Author's Response:

Sorry sis, just now seeing this..., but yes I agree with you. I  still constructing new plots.

Reviewer: Briannasamuels Signed [Report This]
Date: May 30, 2016 09:37 pm Title: Chapter 26 NEW Monday Night Update: 05/30/2016

TThis story really treats Cindy like property how does prince have her in line and the way michael still makes all these threats and yells ather and grabs her up is ridiculous and forces sex on her and somehow she blames herself for all his problems they both need to cool down and all this spying and EASE dropping is just immature, Michael's control is too strong on her in the real world this is an abusive relationship but I so love this story 

Author's Response:

Lol! Makes for great storytelling. Now u know those two are nuts and Cindy likes MJ To be domineering.

Author's Response:

Lol! Makes for great storytelling. Now u know those two are nuts and Cindy likes MJ To be domineering.

Reviewer: gottaluvrikki Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 21, 2016 10:45 pm Title: Chapter 26 NEW Saturday Night Update: 05/21/2016

I can't believe how intense and emotional that blackout was. I can't wait to read the rest. I was so worried it was something horrible when it might have fixed their relationship. You always come up with such unpredictable plot twist. I love it! 

Author's Response:

OMG! Thank you. It means a lot for me to hear you say: "I Love It." The more stars the more motivation and I am so glad  got this reaction. LOL! No, but seriously, I do. I was playing around with emotions on this one. I've decided to now write down some plots and schemes. I so want to advance this story, but keep it in today's era; you know showing the children older. WOuld love to touch on the boys as teens. I'm also constructing another Urban type of story. So, i'll have more than jut this one out and about. I think you'd like that one and the continuation of this one as well. Thanks so much for following this story. I have high hopes for it as we continue to be in this drama together.

Reviewer: gottaluvrikki Signed [Report This]
Date: May 16, 2016 10:21 pm Title: Chapter 26- Monday Night Update: May 16, 2016

I definitely think ifnCindy is not safe she needs to quit or at the very least fall back. I'm curious as to what Cindy said to make Mike blackout. I feel confident in Prince's work with Cindy and Mike.

Author's Response:

Yes, I am agreeing with her falling back.

Far as the blackout..., I will carefully construct that part when it comes that time to shed the full light on it. :-)

I'm with you on Prince's work with the two. Seems like he's doing a better job than that counselor was or is supposed to be doing. 

Reviewer: gottaluvrikki Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 06, 2016 06:58 pm Title: Chapter 25-NEW Friday Night Update: 5/6/2016

I definitely think Mike needs to be more dominate and stop letting Cindy run over him. I agree with everything Prince and Patrice said. The blackout worries me because Cindy and Mike are known to be pretty violent so I hope nothing too bad happened. I really think a sequel is necessary but I'd still love a new story.

Author's Response:

I agree as well. I think MJ doesn't want to be labeled as controlling. His way of doing things the old fashioned way seems to come across that way to others or shall I say women quit younger than him. I assume later on I will reveal the Blackout, but as of now the story will aim at Prince helping Cindy find herself again and he and Mike's more brotherly bond. Far as a new story, I was thinking making it continuation, sort of like a series. Or the story will just began with Mike and Cindy in the present. No more back peddling on  SM-SM3 to SM4. Every blue moon there will be revisits to past episodes. I'm not quit sure.

Reviewer: Briannasamuels Signed [Report This]
Date: May 06, 2016 06:08 pm Title: Chapter 25-NEW Friday Night Update: 5/6/2016

They need a break her best friend was right to read her but at the end of the day they need space to clear their heads and to have a piece of mind , all this arguing then making up then fighting and hurting each other then making up is too much they need a break just to figure their lives out then have a good talk but I feel space is necessary 

Author's Response:

Yassss!!!! I agree with you. This is very unhealthy for the both of them. Somehow,  I get the feeling that they want a break, but both are afraid. Since, they have trust issues, they're probably scared that one might go and find time gor someone else. Mike doesn't want to really lose his wife and Cindette is just a lost cause dur to her career choices and a family that's pushing.  So far, the family is cooperating, but for how long???  I think Prince getting involved and offering his house as a place of refuge is awesome. 

Reviewer: gottaluvrikki Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 04, 2016 08:54 pm Title: Chapter 25- NEW Tuesday Night Update: May 03, 2016

I can not believe what just happened. Their relationship is just filled with anger, disrespect, and secrets. There's no love or trust. For both of them to be willing to do and say those types of things to eachother is just ridiculous. I'm not sure there is a way back to being happy and loving after what just happened. I really hope they can fix it doh.

Author's Response:

Great point, but let's see what I have in store. Luckily, they have a great support system. I think this was perfect, because now they got that built up tension out. In a relationship, if they can't air out their truth they won't be able to rebuild. That counseling obviously was just a waste, well, somewhat. 

Reviewer: Briannasamuels Signed [Report This]
Date: May 03, 2016 08:24 pm Title: Chapter 25- NEW Tuesday Night Update: May 03, 2016

Awwwww hell its about to go down , mike met his match proud of Cindy but damn this all too much 

Author's Response:


Reviewer: marje143 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 03, 2016 07:16 pm Title: Chapter 25- NEW Tuesday Night Update: May 03, 2016

Omg this is too much you killing a lol

Author's Response:

*bows head* Thank You! 😍 Had to bring myself to post this, but I'm like wait a minute what's the point of reading a story that doesn't exercise your imagination a little bit. Lol! Seems like Cindette has brought out the worst in her husband and he the same. *sighs* Thank you very much for your feedbback and rating. May the Drama continue.  😁

Reviewer: gottaluvrikki Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 01, 2016 06:03 pm Title: Chapter 25- NEW SUNDAY Night Update: 5/1/2016

I love how Prince is really trying to help out Mike and Cindy. It's crazy cause whenever mike tries to take charge with Cindy she always argues. A simple alteration like Prince suggested she have been made the second he said he had an issue with the dress color. Seeing Mike and Prince interact is so funny and cute I enjoy it alot. I just feel like Cindy needs to take her hubsand's feelings into consideration more and Mike needs be less qquick tempered

Author's Response:

Awe..., yassss!!! You've noticed that Prince is sort of helping Mike out on the sly. I'm thinking Cindy just likes to argue with Mike. LOL! The only thing I noticed was that Cindy's stylist was the one interacting with Mike and she's perhaps still a little huffy over him cutting up that expensive dress; though, he fixed the situation. I see your point with alterations being made. When it comes to Prince, he's a little bossy fellah. Prince just tells it like it is and nobody says NO; so, I doubt they would argue with him. I'm glad you love the icons interactions; I think it makes it more fun and interesting. Sort of tapping into their mysterious personalities. I think Mike all rattled up again though; he's so competitive and with all the latest incidents happening, he's on edge. Now you know he about to go see this premiere *holds head down* As always, I enjoy all of your reviews and ratings. 

Reviewer: Briannasamuels Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 29, 2016 06:02 pm Title: Chapter 25- Parts 11-15 FRIDAY Night Update: 4/29/2016

I mean it's her body Michael can't force her , she isn't ready and the way he was holding her down was scary that's like rape , I get that he's hurt but forcing her isn't right and I swear you give Michael too much power in the story he's a damn control freak but that's what makes the story good 

Author's Response:

Could be scary, but based on their sexual nature; Cindy loves that type of stuff and he knows it. Awe..., thanks. If I made his character all soft for the type of woman Cindy is, I don't think the story would stand much of a chance, but yes he's quite the control freak and she's quite the powerful career woman who's now finding it hard to enjoy a relationship with an old-school man; so, this balancing is a lot of problems. However, I'm sensing our MJ is that way because of how Cindette is they could be subconciously bringing out the worst in each other. I'm not sure as of yet, but pretty soon an all out war is coming. Thanks again for your outtake, Love it, as always.

Reviewer: gottaluvrikki Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 29, 2016 05:36 pm Title: Chapter 25- Parts 11-15 FRIDAY Night Update: 4/29/2016

I honestly feel like a good majority of their issues are currently being caused by Cindy. She has no idea what she wants anymore and Mike knows what he wants. She isn't even trying to figure it out she's trying to just go with the flow and ignore her faults in the relationship. This is just hurting Mike and in return hurting her. Smh. This may be it for them.

Author's Response:

Yes, she is the one this time causing all the damage. That last comment from her, I know had to have sent daggers into her husband's heart. I don't when the heck Cindette started relasping and all this crying she's been doing. To me, she's acting more like a child than a woman. I think she should've been trying to apologize, but s* about to blow up and when Mike hits that everlasting fuse; she gonna really be crying now; let's just say thank goodness for Prince. *insider*

Reviewer: gottaluvrikki Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 28, 2016 07:43 pm Title: Chapter 25- NEW Thursday Night Update: Apr. 28, 2016

Wow. That was kinda cruel af. She basically said she didn't need to need cause its bad for her. If thats the case they need to just divorce. I mean if she doesn't care or need him why does it bother her if he cheats? Smh. I feel so bad for their relationship.

Author's Response:

Ikr. The sour patches are out. MJ is definitely one foot in amd one foot out and she over here being delusional. But wait for it.... Because it's going to be a showdown soon. Them two ate going to need Jesus at this point.  Sad thing is MJ knows what he wants or needs and she's too New age, one would say at this point. Very sad. 

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