Date: May 15, 2015 11:28 pm Title: Chapter 15 - Fuck... - Consequences
oops looks like more drama lol loved this chapter cant wait to read more
Author's Response:
The way his sister's just turn up and grill him though...
Date: May 15, 2015 07:12 am Title: Chapter 15 - Fuck... - Consequences
Se ci fosse una bambina o un bambino dovrebbero tenerlo. Robert lo verrà a sapere dovrà accettare il fatto lo stesso vale per Katherine
Author's Response:
Sì, e io credo che Robert e Kylie erano in una situazione simile quando Kylie è rimasta incinta con Jordyn. E 'qualcosa che è solo andare a accettare, proprio come egli dovrà accettare che Michael e Jordyn sono innamorati e che il padre del bambino vuole stare con suo figlio e la fidanzata.
Date: May 15, 2015 06:30 am Title: Chapter 15 - Fuck... - Consequences
Those sisters may be annoying but they do have point, but it's not too late to prevent it, is she on birth control? Ir otherwise they could get morning after kinda pill? Otherwise it's bye bye once Robert finds out
Author's Response:
I don't think, given her total lack of experience, that she would be on birth control, but the morning after pill is a possibility. But yeah, it's goodbye Michael if Rob finds out.
Date: May 15, 2015 05:45 am Title: Chapter 15 - Fuck... - Consequences
Uh-oh.......major faux pas, Michael! He was so caught up in the moment that he didn't use a condom. Let's pray to whatever gods there are that she's NOT pregnant.........
Author's Response:
I think Michael is currently building a shrine to each and every God in his back yard! Robert will shred his ass if Mike got his little girl pregnant! I mean, how could he expect her not to get pregnant? He didn't use a condom and it's pretty obvious, given her inexperience, that she isn't using birth control! Fucking dipshit. Men think too much with their little heads, rather than with their big heads.
Date: May 13, 2015 08:58 am Title: Chapter 1 - Bruised Knuckles
best of luck for bio exam!
I also have bio exam tommorow
Author's Response:
Thanks! Good luck to you too!
Date: May 13, 2015 07:32 am Title: Chapter 14 - Keep It In Your Pants - One More Day
Hanno fatto bene a non aspettare perché desideravano tanto fare l'amore. Chi è arrivato a rovinare la pace?
Author's Response:
Sono d'accordo che probabilmente era la cosa giusta da fare per loro, ma forse solo non così vicino al Jordyn tornare a casa, perché un'espressione limp o sofferente, anche un bagliore di sesso, avrebbe dato loro via. Chi è alla porta dovrà essere affrontato rapidamente o potrebbero scoprire ciò che Michael e Jordyn hanno fatto.
Date: May 13, 2015 07:25 am Title: Chapter 14 - Keep It In Your Pants - One More Day
Hopefully that's just a dream but the car on the driveway (that would've been the thing that woke him uo) im sure that's Robert
Author's Response:
Ooh! That's an interesting idea! Maybe, maybe not :)
Date: May 13, 2015 05:47 am Title: Chapter 14 - Keep It In Your Pants - One More Day
Yep, I think she was dreaming of him making love to her and that's what was up with all the! I hope whoever knocked was anyone but Robert!
Author's Response:
I think everyone, including Michael, hopes that...
Date: May 13, 2015 05:42 am Title: Chapter 13 - Keep It In Your Pants - Kissed and Told!
Welp, now the whole family knows! I really hope no one squeals to Robert, otherwise it'll be over before it's even begun. I have no idea who would be the one to tell him, but I'm hoping that no one does.
Author's Response:
Yeah, hopefully the family bonds will keep everyone's lips sealed.
Date: May 11, 2015 05:27 am Title: Chapter 13 - Keep It In Your Pants - Kissed and Told!
Forse Katherine o le sue sorelle. Avranno un ottimo futuro di coppia
Author's Response:
Gia ', o uno dei suoi fratelli "male" ... Sono un paio berrete, però, Michael deve solo fare attraverso il resto del fine settimana senza fare l'amore con lei ...
Date: May 11, 2015 05:10 am Title: Chapter 13 - Keep It In Your Pants - Kissed and Told!
Oh oh now the whole family knows
Author's Response:
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why alcohol is dangerous!
Date: May 09, 2015 03:26 pm Title: Chapter 12 - Keep It In Your Pants - Hayvenhurst Thots
So, Mama Kat knows now. At least she's being understanding and not trying to keep them away from each other. Now, Robert, on the other hand........that's gonna be interesting. Katherine will find some way to get rid of the "thots". LOL! And when Michael called Giselle's privates a "spider cave"? I laughed so hard! Loved it!!
Author's Response:
Well, you know, dark, dry, wide open, used up and now full of dust and cobwebs.
Date: May 09, 2015 02:48 pm Title: Chapter 12 - Keep It In Your Pants - Hayvenhurst Thots
Chi è Giselle e cosa centra con Michael? Quando ci sarà Robert potranno vedersi di nascosto a turno nelle proprie camere
Author's Response:
Giselle sembra essere l'ex fidanzata di Michael. essi dovranno essere ery attenti a come e quando vedono l'un l'altro, quando il ritorno della famiglia di Jordyn.
Date: May 09, 2015 08:38 am Title: Chapter 12 - Keep It In Your Pants - Hayvenhurst Thots
Lol loved tthe chapter, those 'friends' of his sisters don't they know it when he's not interested? Geez
Im glad mama Kate accepts them :)
Author's Response:
She sees it not as her place to tell them what to do and how to carry out their lives, but as her place to nurture them and support them in how they express their love.
Date: May 08, 2015 07:18 am Title: Chapter 11 - Sweet Revenge - Marco Polo
Non riuscirà a rimanere vergine perché ama tanto Michael e viceversa Michael non resisterà a non fare l'amore con lei. Una nota positiva finalmente Janet non ci sarà
Author's Response:
Sono perfettamente d'accordo con te. Ora che Janet ha lasciato, sarà difficile per loro di controllare se stessi. Penso Jordyn sarà zoppicando il Lunedi.