Date: Jan 20, 2019 08:40 am Title: Laying It All Bare...
This book is honestly the best!! I love it
Date: Jun 03, 2016 04:07 pm Title: Laying It All Bare...
Such a good story! Binge read this story going Straight to the sequel :) x
Date: Dec 15, 2015 05:27 pm Title: Laying It All Bare...
Oh my goodness, I can't believe I am just now seeing this! you and Nicole really outdid yourselves with this and it came out perfect! I just can't believe what they have all done to each other now, I was so scared and shocked as I read the sex scenes of Budge and Jermaine/ Michael and Felicia but I am defintely moving on to the next book to read more because I want to see where all of this leads to!
Author's Response: You have no idea how much I needed that smile. My day has been utter crap and just seeing that I had a new review after all this time lightened that cloud a little. Thanks, and I'm glad you're enjoying it!
Date: Apr 22, 2015 05:00 pm Title: In The Beginning....
In the middle of chapter 17 and I'm astonished!! Michael doesn't love you Budge?!?! Bull crap!! There's no man in this world who would put up with her shit the way Michael does/is ; even if he is in the wrong (playing with her heart). Like Budges shenanigans hit sooooo close to home in this chapter. These are fellow artist who know Michael that she is getting naked and dancing for. What does Michael look like having someone like that on his arm?!? I almost called Budge a whore, lmao, but I guess those are my true feelings about her. She's way out of line. I feel sorry that Michael has to deal with her bullshit, even though he has equal parts in this. All the lengths that she is going to to get back at Michael, is making her an ugly horrible person..
I pray this girl gets it right, and Michael finally tells her what she wants to hear, cause this is too much!
Author's Response: Girl!!! You sure we weren't separated at birth? lol You gave the exact argument I gave Nicole about Budge. So many attempted Come to Jesus convos about Budge and her entitled attitude. But, you gotta admit, even if you hate her, you LOVE to hate her!
Date: Apr 22, 2015 04:50 pm Title: Laying It All Bare...
I'm preparing my heart, mind and body for this girl.
Date: Apr 22, 2015 03:48 pm Title: Laying It All Bare...
beautiful story looking forward to reading the continued story
Author's Response: Thank you! I'm going to start posting tonight!
Date: Apr 22, 2015 03:34 pm Title: Laying It All Bare...
I am all the way fucked up. I'm in this taxi going home and I cant scream and express myself how I want to. From Enid running Jackie over, Budge and Bud seemingly never ending push and pull in the beginning, to the almost smack down between Hazel ol messy ass and Fe. Man I swear, this is better than a damn soap opera. Shit.damn. Budge was doing the absolute most in the beginning like girl calm yo lil ass down and just let Michael's oblivious ass know how you feel. Nate and Fe was too cute and I wish they made it but I guess if they did, J wouldn't have been knocking the bottom outta Fe damn near every night. and that fight scene with Papi, Fe, Budge and J, had memin tears laughing. Aunt Ruthie gangsta with her lil switchblade qnd then going home and laid up with Jackie's ol hop along triflin behind. But girl. GIRL. YALL DID NOT JUST MESS UP MY ENTIRE DAY WITH THE PREVIOUS CHAPTER. MICHAEL AND FE DID WHAT NOW ?!!!! J AND BUDGE DID WHAT ?!!! my heart couldn't take it. I had to put down the tab for a smooth fifteen minutes before reading this. I knewmyou were and awesome writer from Strangers in the Night but damn. Im so sorry about your friend, I hope youre okay and I'm glad that you chose to immortalize her this way. The world lost an amazing writer. I pray for you and hope you find comfort in knowing she's at rest.
BTW. Please tell me that yall wrote book 2 because I am hooked on this. If it was a legit printable version, I'd pay real dubloons for that. Much love and respect. Danni
Author's Response: I swear, you guys make me smile. 1st Thank you for mentioning SITN. That story is how Nicole and I met. As for your other points, Nicole and I joked about writing a YouTube Soap Opera because this story got TOO crucial and juicy in parts. And the group smack down in Chicago? Endless hours of jokes and giggles as we wrote that. Yes, we did write book two. I was waiting for more people to review and let me know they had finished because I didn't want this one to get lost in the massive shuffle of story updates. But, I can start now. I hope you're ready because the OMG moments have just begun...
Date: Apr 22, 2015 09:56 am Title: In The Beginning....
I just wanna say that I love this story! I'm only on chapter 16, but this has impressed me with how many emotions it has put me through. Budge is a real character, but I don't think I like her as much as I thought I would in the beginning of the story. I have some unpopular opinions about her relationships with the different characters in this story.
1. I don't think Budge is as good of a friend to Felicia as she thinks she is.
2. I don't think Budge deserves Michael... at least not right now.
3. Felicia dropped everything she's ever wanted to follow Budge to California , and I think that she's miserable there. Felicia left behind a boy who really cared for her and she cared for him. I kind of wanted her to get pregant after their last time together 👀.
4. I think Jermaine needs to back off. Does Felicia even know about he and Mari's soap opera?
5. I feel that Felicia isn't appreciated enough by anyone around.
I'm still reading though, so things may change, but this story is the!!!
Author's Response: You have no idea how hard I lol'd at your comment. You have no idea how many arguments Nicole and I had about Budge and her behavior! Budge wasn't my favorite person after a while either. Keep reading. I'd be interested in seeing what you think of the rest of the story!
Date: Apr 21, 2015 12:34 am Title: Challenge Accepted...
beautiful hot story with so many twists and turns cant wait to read oh so much more of this story
Author's Response: Thank you so much. The soap opera that is their lives is just beginning. Oh the shenanigans that will ensue....
Date: Apr 19, 2015 08:30 pm Title: In The Beginning....
I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend. She sounds like an amazing person gone too soon. I really love this story! It's well thought out, the dialogue is very funny, and don't you get me started on those steamy scenes!😂😂 Keep writing, please! :-)
Author's Response: Thank you so much. She was an amazing person. If you read the dialogue between Felicia and Budge, that was a normal, everyday conversation for us. It makes me miss her more, but it also makes me happy to see people enjoying her hard work. The plan is to continue posting both books. I'll even post the portion that we never finished and, maybe, I'll be able to wrap it up for her.
Date: Apr 19, 2015 11:00 am Title: In The Beginning....
Thanx hope u like it
Date: Apr 18, 2015 06:02 pm Title: In The Beginning....
I luv it i luv the way u did the words mj is 2 cute i ama huge fan of u plz keep going!
Author's Response: Thank you. It thrills me to see people enjoying my and my friend's work.