Date: Feb 21, 2012 11:12 pm Title: Enough Running.
ohGOSH, that GIF.. I'm dead, seriously. <3 I'm seriously trying not to just scream and pass out, oh MICHAEL JACKSON, god that MAN ! UGGGGHHH.
Amazing chapter, thank you for quenching my desire for a new chapter, lmao [:
always waiting for the next :D
Author's Response:
Girl, don't you get me started on that gif!!!
And thank you for reading and reviewing, my love <3
I'll update as soon as I have the chance :)
Date: Feb 21, 2012 07:43 pm Title: Enough Running.
They made up and everybody watching when he threw her over his shoulder was hysterical. Loved it please more soon!
Author's Response:
I have a very fertile imagination! :D
I'll try to update asap :)
Date: Feb 21, 2012 09:56 am Title: Enough Running.
Date: Feb 21, 2012 08:26 am Title: Enough Running.
Yayyyy!! They aren't in hiding anymore!! They are back together!!
Author's Response:
Yayy!! :D
Date: Feb 20, 2012 08:00 am Title: Nowhere To Hide.
Loved it! Loved their tension and the end was perfect can't wait for them to talk! Please more soon! So glad Tatiana is gone!
Author's Response:
I'll update asap :)
Date: Feb 19, 2012 08:46 pm Title: Nowhere To Hide.
Update ............NOW!!!!!
Author's Response:
Well... soon :)
Date: Feb 19, 2012 05:59 pm Title: Nowhere To Hide.
omg GIRL, i can't believe you updated, i've been dyiiing for an update ! <3 It was amaaazzzing, i want MORE, ugh MORE MORE MORE ;D
Your doing so good, really girl, don't ever doubt yourself. [:
Author's Response:
Aww, really? I love you! <3
I guess you'll be happy to know that I have an updade ready very soon... huh? :)
Date: Feb 19, 2012 04:57 pm Title: Nowhere To Hide.
These 2 really need to talk! I hope everything is okay and they will be happy agian.!
Author's Response:
They really need to talk. Well, we'll see what happens next... :)
Date: Feb 19, 2012 03:00 pm Title: Nowhere To Hide.
I loved it! Hope they're gonna be fine after all! Cant wait for the next part, i sure do want it hahah!
Author's Response:
Well, we'll see what happens next :)
Date: Feb 18, 2012 09:54 pm Title: Tatiana Trouble.
Awwww i love this story:) omg drama central noe thanks to tati >:( oh man i wonder hows soph's gunna react b/c she new tati was up to spmething
Author's Response:
I'm about to update, soooo... you'll find out! :)
Date: Feb 06, 2012 10:20 am Title: Tatiana Trouble.
Love it but please update soon! Got to see what Sophia is thinking and Michael better be firing Tatiana! More soon!
Author's Response:
I'll try to write the next chapter asap :)
Date: Feb 05, 2012 04:26 pm Title: Tatiana Trouble.
OMG, giiiirllll, i've missed this story, it's been FOREVVEEERRRRR. </333
This was really good, ugh i can't wait for the next chapter.. God why is Michael so fucking s e x y ? He's too much, TOO much. hahahaha.
amazing job, keep it coming. <3 [:
Author's Response:
Oh, my darling, he's way too much!
Thank you, I'll keep it coming xD
Date: Jan 05, 2012 05:18 am Title: Sensing Trouble.
Date: Jan 03, 2012 12:17 am Title: Sensing Trouble.
Lovin it! Like the old mickey d commericals lol
Oh man hes pushing over that tati thing right now, but shes going to end up kissing him and its going to blow up in his face. Oh lordy, cnt wait for more
Date: Jan 02, 2012 11:22 am Title: Sensing Trouble.
Update ASAP