Date: Apr 06, 2012 10:38 pm Title: Interlude #3
Woahh that picture you posted is amazing I love it;) & dang hot steamy elevator sex couldnt get any better than that ;)
Date: Apr 06, 2012 07:59 pm Title: We've Got Forever.
Update please!!!!!!!!!!!:)
Date: Apr 06, 2012 04:57 pm Title: We've Got Forever.
I was actually hoping that she was pregnant but it is too soon for them have a baby. I know that Michael would have stood by Soph for every part of her pregnancy.
Author's Response:
It's too soon... maybe one day... ;)
Date: Apr 06, 2012 01:49 pm Title: We've Got Forever.
Love it please more real soon!
Date: Apr 06, 2012 12:19 pm Title: We've Got Forever.
Oh my, I'm relieved too!! I was like nooo…please nooo…not now!
He cannot control himself, I do love the way they carry on, with their teasing and flirting with each other... :)
If only Jennifer and Sheryl knew...but they know, don't they? lol
THAT pic...THAT man...*sigh*
Author's Response:
I felt like scaring you guys :D
Well, they are just like that, always teasing each other!
But oh, they know! Or they think they do... ;)
Love ya, thanks for the review :)
Date: Apr 06, 2012 05:19 am Title: Golden Slumbers.
Aww you updated!!! *does happy dance* :D thank you!
"Peachy. Just peachy." LMAO! poor Mike...
The end was just perfect, she lullabied him *.*
Guuurl you'll update soon again? wow thank you again then!! I feel so spoiled and I love it eheh. xx
Author's Response:
I am writing the next chapter and it's almost done. Hopefully I'll update TODAY! :D
Date: Apr 02, 2012 06:25 am Title: Golden Slumbers.
Great loved it , poor Michael is sick and loved the lunch with the girls. Thanks so much please more soon!
Date: Apr 01, 2012 05:47 pm Title: Golden Slumbers.
Poor baby!! I hate it when he's sick but I know Sophia will take care of him!!
Date: Apr 01, 2012 05:10 pm Title: Interlude #3
That was hawt!! Loved it!! Mike had the freak in him.!
Date: Apr 01, 2012 05:40 am Title: Interlude #3
I finally read the whole story and wow they're the cutest couple ever. Seriously. I'm so jealous! lol
Annie your writing style is just so fluent, I love it. I think I'm addicted to Mike and Soph. Geez he's TOO much!!
It's been a pleasure reading this story, Can't wait for more! xx
Author's Response:
Oh my gosh, your review just made my daaaaaay *.*
I'm speechless!
Thank you so much for your lovely, lovely words! I love you! <3
Much love, Annie :)
P.S.: even I sometimes am jealous of them!
Date: Mar 31, 2012 10:14 pm Title: Interlude #3
I'm so glad that you've updated and you don't have to apologized, sweetheart. And yes, tumblr is very addicting LOL. I can't wait for the next chapter <3
Author's Response:
Just updated :)
Date: Mar 31, 2012 09:35 pm Title: Interlude #3
LOVED IT!!!! & LOVE THE PICTURE!!!!!! Please update ASAP!!!
Author's Response:
Just updated, dear :)
Date: Mar 31, 2012 09:06 am Title: Interlude #3
O MG you need to do more like that loved it. I would like to be a fly on the wall for the next person that got on that elevator. More real soon!
Author's Response:
I just updated! :)
Date: Mar 25, 2012 01:22 am Title: Enough Running.
Omg i adore this, it certainly was like a movie hah i loved it. Great job
Author's Response:
Thank you! *.*
Date: Mar 23, 2012 06:41 am Title: Nowhere To Hide.
Awwww im so in love with this:)