Reviews For The Accused
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Reviewer: BluJayWay Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 16, 2015 06:15 am Title: Chapter 15

Michael can be a jerk, but he sure knows how to make up for it. I look forward to their little adventure. 

Reviewer: TutThreeSevens Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 15, 2015 08:52 pm Title: Chapter 15

This chapter was heart rending. :(((( I feel so bad for the both of them. The way you described Michael's appearance and Mal's reaction to him looking at her arm was so palpable. Sigh... I'm glad in the end that things brightened a bit. 

'painting the town might be just the ticket'

I'm gripped! 

More soon <333

Author's Response:

Thanks :) It'll all brighten up just a bit soon! 

Reviewer: wonderfultonight Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 15, 2015 08:39 pm Title: Chapter 15

Nah. He's not a dick. He had his reasons not to call. I get it...

I'm so squirmish about wrists and stuff that it was really hard for me to read the part describing Malania's scars. I honestly just had to skim. I guess that's a good thing for you though--means it's realistic enough to turn me off so completely!

I always look for your updates! Keep up the bomb work! I'm literally DYING to know more Diane/Michael backstory.

Author's Response:

The Michael and Diane story will show more as time progresses. 

Sorry to make your tummy feel a bit funny! I'm the complete opposite! 

Reviewer: wonderfultonight Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 15, 2015 08:09 pm Title: Chapter 15

I haven't even read this yet, all I know is that the author's note at the top already has me tripping.

Reviewer: BluJayWay Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 11, 2015 09:35 pm Title: Chapter 14

Noooo, don't close yourself off, Michael!!!

Author's Response:

He will and he wont... and then he will! ;)

Reviewer: TutThreeSevens Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 11, 2015 05:20 pm Title: Chapter 14

Oh my Gawd. This chapter had so many intense notes. Wow Michael being wired was interesting in a funny way case I could just imagine him just prattling on and on. 

Sad was finding out Casey really did get harmed. Who could have done it? I'm imagining Larry? It would explain him bailing so easily. So very sad. 

Diane wanting to have a baby for the purpose of harvesting organs was a bit daunting. I understand why Michael was so against it. Not only from a moral stand point but it's risky. What if the child ends up needing the organ they had to forfeit without a choice?

Michael  finally got the box open but his reaction to her note is sad. They are kindred in their agony but I understand why he feels he should pull away. I don't want him too. They could be so heeling for each other. One question I have is... Did Malania get molested by her brother which prompted her cutting and panick attacks?

This is so so good!! More soon <333

Author's Response:

I know people who have actually had those "designer" babies to help and the child ends up having some severe issues as they grow up. 

You have soooo many questions.

Don't worry they will be answered soon :)

Reviewer: wonderfultonight Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 11, 2015 06:48 am Title: Chapter 14

Woah, Diane's feeling some My Sister's Keeper stuff. That's so so so hard...I don't know how I'd feel about it to be honest. Michael's right, there's something wrong with making a baby just to use it to save another...

Is there any particular reason why Michael won't admit that him and Diane were dating? Is this kind of like how a lot of people think him and June Chandler were a couple, but he wouldn't admit it, even when faced with the charges? Very, very interesting...

I hope we get to see Malania's letter! And calll heeeer, Mikeeeeeeeee

another greater chapter!! thanks so much! keep up the great work!

Reviewer: Redone Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 11, 2015 06:35 am Title: Chapter 14

Okay, I now feel like I have a better understanding of Diane's concerns. Hmm. So now my wonder is about Larry. I mean, if she wasn't super familiar with his name, she might just say "Michael" instead, b/c she'd only see him when she saw Michael. Girl, you have me trying to solve this mystery!

Waiiiiiiitttt a minute. That stem cell stuff threw me for a loop. Shoot, with Michael's background I can only imagine that feeling even more unsettling than it was to me. How does one tell their kid that a big reason they were born was to save a sibling's life? Or plan to take a part of a kid away from them, before their even conceived? Then again, I'm not a parent.

That man had better call Malania at 10pm. SMH. And no more mixing uppers with downers. 20mg of Adderall is not a pithy amount.

Thank you for your updates!

Reviewer: TutThreeSevens Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 06, 2015 01:49 pm Title: Chapter 13

This story is awesome. I've been stuck in bed with a cold for the past couple of days and I read this in one sitting. Well written and so sweet. It's so real! Can't wait to see how long it takes Michael to open the puzzle box. I googled what the box would look like just so I have a visual. Lol. 

More soon!!! <333

Author's Response:

Thanks gorgeous :)

I love those puzzle boxes :) I have a few of them. Theyre beautiful! (And a giant pain in the ass)

Reviewer: Gabby7 Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 03, 2015 12:21 pm Title: Chapter 1

Yay!!! Glad to see your brought your story over here! A lot of people are in for a treat! 

Author's Response:

Thanks Gabby :)

Reviewer: wonderfultonight Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 03, 2015 11:57 am Title: Chapter 13

I wonder how long it'll take him to work out the box! And what's inside ooo...

He needs to be more worried about her being beaten up...come on, Mike!

Love this story! Keep on updating !! <3


(p.s., i reread the last few chapters and I was definitely just sleep-deprived. they make total sense, lol)

Author's Response:

Haha I'm glad!! :) I had a reread this morning and I thought it was well-clear. Glad it is! 

I'll update another chapter in a few days. 

Reviewer: Redone Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 03, 2015 06:08 am Title: Chapter 13

I highly doubt that I'm the only one who gets excited each time I see this thread has been added to, let alone a chapter posted :)

Also, my own privacy was important. I was sick of having family turn up and trying to see me when I wasn’t in the mood. For whatever reason, my Mom could never say no to Jermaine and he was the one I wanted to see the very least.

You went there. Two names came to mind, and that was definitely one of them.

My Mama refused to make a statement. She’s lucky my love outweighs my anger and frustration with her.”

I'm stuck on that. That just...ugh. I imagine being a mom in that situation is especially hard. At the same time, I'm Nope. Not okay. Be Pollyanna-ish, but when safety is at risk?No.

I love how you had Malania's story gradually unravel. She's been through a lot and you conveyed the (partial?) revealing of it, beautifully. Actually, that whole conversation flowed incredibly naturally.

NO pain pills, Michael.  Work on solving the puzzle box!!

Reviewer: wonderfultonight Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 01, 2015 11:50 pm Title: Chapter 12

I think it probably has to be with the fact that it's 2 AM and I'm absolutely exhausted, but the timeline on this is starting to blur for me. I don't know if that's intentional on your part, but it's a little confusing on the readers end (the suicide being in the past, the two casey's etc...)

I've got to say, this is such a great story. Thank you so much for writing! You're a better person than I am--you uploaded 12 chapters all at once haha! I'm a once-per-weeker on my own. I know how much time and effort you must put into your writing, so I hope you know it's appreciated.

I absolutely cannot wait for the next chapter! Keep them coming! Please!!!


Author's Response:

Just to clarify the suicide attempt is from when she was in her teens. I tried to make that obvious with references to things like the Thriller album, and references to things like how her "teen life" should have been. Maybe I will have to change it to saying "past" or "flash back" or something!

I have another 20 or so chapters to post and will do so when I get a spare second :) 

Reviewer: wonderfultonight Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 01, 2015 11:38 pm Title: Chapter 11

Was not expecting the suicide attempt. Wow.

The part about Michael feeling like he had to buy friendship hit me particularly hard as well...

Very sad chapter...I'm hoping that at some point things go up hill, but I know that the story has to take it's natural path.

More backstory on them both please! Is Beth gone for good?

Author's Response:

Beth is gone for good..... or IS she?? :P

Reviewer: wonderfultonight Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 01, 2015 11:17 pm Title: Chapter 9

Okay, I'm sorry, but I'm getting really, really confused. Is there two Caseyes or one?? I thought Casey, Diana's daughter, was Casey Blackthorn or something like that, but now there's a second Casey Hargrove?? 

I think possibly adding date stamps or using italics to differentiate between the past and present would be helpful. I'm definitely getting confused here.

Over all, still a really, really good chapter!

Author's Response:

LOL. Sorry I edited this and changed the surnames, obviously it didnt update all the names. There's one Casey. I will have to go back and fix that up, thanks for pointing it out. 

I was hoping it was all kinda clear, but maybe I will edit and add "past" for all the flash back parts :)


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