Reviews For The Accused
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Reviewer: TutThreeSevens Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 17, 2015 05:39 am Title: Chapter 25

Can Diane's mom walk off a cleverly disguised cliff? And if all possible can we get a snapshot of the exact moment when she realizes her ridiculous self piety and 'Lord' aren't going to save her from the abyss? Im asking for a friend. Sorry to say this but that woman is a sanctimonious POS...Same with Sheldon ugh.

Larry you fucking creep. I knew it was him. That's why his wife left him I feel it in my gut. She probably found out he was doing the same to his own daughters. Sick puppy! 

I don't know what to say to Diane. I feel her grief and betrayal. At the same time it's heartbreaking that her love for Michael was no where near the level his was for her. I'm glad he realized that last chapter. There is no going back now. 

I bet Casey was calling out Michael's name because she felt he was the only one who could save her from the bad man. Poor baby. 

More seriously. Lol <333

Reviewer: TutThreeSevens Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 17, 2015 05:01 am Title: Chapter 24

The cuddles where adorable. God this is where being overly empathetic even to fictional characters is a stab in the heart. I feel it ALLLL!!! Lol. 

I see the next chapter has to do with Diane's POV. Let me sneak in there and see if I can hold it together. 


Author's Response:


Reviewer: BluJayWay Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 17, 2015 04:42 am Title: Chapter 25

Damn it, Diane! Trust your gut, sister! If anything, Larry needs to be investigated...

Author's Response:

Hmmmmm she's not the sharpest tool. 

Reviewer: Redone Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 15, 2015 10:05 am Title: Chapter 1

This story has me sigh

Author's Response:

It has u looking like this fellow?!  Unfortunate. Sorry about that!! Lol

Reviewer: TutThreeSevens Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 14, 2015 10:25 pm Title: Chapter 23

Dun dun dun!! I wonder if Michael kind of suspected that anything like that happened to Lanz? 

His DNA it's sounding mighty fishy. Like he said the hair and skin yes but anything else does ring clear set up. 

You always have me on the edge of my seat. 

More soon! <333

Author's Response:

Nah, sweet daft Michael would have never pegged it :P 

Reviewer: TutThreeSevens Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 14, 2015 09:39 pm Title: Chapter 22

Well well well. Look at 'Mr SheJustAFriend'. Jealous much? Like it wasn't him that directed the dudes attention to Mal!!! Lol. It was cute though. It just showed that despite him thinking they should stay in their lanes, he's attracted to her and not just her looks. 

That was great advise Lizbeth!!!

on to the next one!!! 


Author's Response:

Hahahaha, he definitely has some jealousy issues which may come out a bit later. He didn't care for Mr Japan 1990 to be hitting on the bitch he's taken to dinner. 

Reviewer: TutThreeSevens Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 14, 2015 08:31 pm Title: Chapter 21

I LOVE how these two interact. It's a precious thing to witness. So real. Look at her developing a little crush. *wiggles eyebrows.

Michael always looked like he smelled like cherub tears and vanilla blessings. Ugh!!! The homer drool works here  lmaooooooo  

I'm glad she somewhat made up with her dad. I'm wondering why her sister wants to see really? You know what I mean? I hope it's not to berate her for her choices. I also hope Mal tells her what Sam did. He deserves no reprieve from any of his family members.  

On to the next chapter...


Author's Response:

Whenever you were within 5m of Michael, you heard the natural wonders of angel's singing.

That's a scientific fact right there. 

I hate Anica. I hate her. I am going to make her even more hateful. hahahaha. 

Reviewer: BluJayWay Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 14, 2015 10:46 am Title: Chapter 23

I'm glad that Lanz is getting that weight off her shoulders and finding her voice. Please keep it going!

Author's Response:

Oh, its going :) 

Reviewer: TutThreeSevens Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 13, 2015 05:31 am Title: Chapter 20

I was going to give a comprehensive review of all the chapters I just caught up on but I realized each chapter deserved its own commentary. Lol. This story is so awesome. 

Michael is such a sweetheart. Him paying it forward is what I expect of his nature anyway so that's not a shock. 

I can feel Mal's utter despair. Poor girl. I'm hoping these two can mend each other. They need it badly. Please let that bastard Sam get his comeuppance.  Please. I want her family for get a harsh reality check when they come to terms with what really happened under their roof. All while they protected that monster.

More soon!!! I'm so ready for the next one already! <333

Author's Response:

I appreciate your comments, its given me something to do besides studying lol. I love to get reviews (who doesnt?!)

They'll mend each other alright! Sam's uppance will come :D 

Reviewer: TutThreeSevens Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 13, 2015 05:23 am Title: Chapter 19

Samuel is a sick, deranged, sadistic bastard. I can believe her parents would see the atrocities he's commited and still let it fly by protecting him. That's not even including the fact that he RAPED his little sister. What kind of person does this. Was this innate or did something happen to make him this sick puppy that he is. I'm so disappointed in her moms reaction. Instead of running over to her daughter to comfort her she covered her ears. I understand that Sam is her child too but given what Mal has gone through you would think some dots would have been connected. But wow. I have no words for her sister either. Some one has shut of the sympathy button in this family. 

I hope Mal spills ALL the beans. If she doesn't that psychopath is going to do this again. 

Sorry if I sound emotional. Lol. I'm just flabbergasted at how her parents handled the situation. I kinda figured that Sam had raped Mal but their parents reaction to hearing it? I'm floored. 

on to the next chapter...<333

Author's Response:

I'd say that there's just one in every family. Probably that his parents are pushovers, he got away with some thigns and it escalated. 

I like the mother in this story, but she is a total idiot. Typical, wallflower, stay-at-home mother who knows nothing about the real world and wants to know nothing bad and thinks that God can save all and that everyone can change and believes that prayer alone will help a person. 

You sound like you need a hug! Hahaha {HHHUGGGZZZ}

Reviewer: TutThreeSevens Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 13, 2015 05:14 am Title: Chapter 18

Wow. I didn't realize just how intense Michael and Diana where. They where in love with each other. This was beautifully written!

"I love you too, my heart."  Im broken!!!:( this was so sweet!

It just makes me so sad at what happened. Why would she ever think Michael capable of such a monstrous act? (I understand but then I dont. You know what I mean?) Why didn't she confront him with it, is a question that's been burning in my mind with this chapter.  Here's this man that you're in love with and then you hear that he did this horrible thing to your daughter. You don't confront him personally to get answers? That is odd to me as a mother .

I can only imagine what the outcome of his life would have been if he had gotten the chance to fulfill the promise he made to Diana. It would have been beautiful. 

On to the next chapter...<333

Author's Response:

I guess regardless of how much she loved Michael, if you found your kid to be harmed, he's probably the first place to look-- but that really doesn't mean he should be presumed innocent. Something I learned during the trial is that a single accusation alone can end you up in handcuffs without any tiny shred of evidence. 


Reviewer: VickiJ Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 13, 2015 02:13 am Title: Chapter 20

I absolutely love the dedication and support Michael is showing Malania in her time of need. These two haven't realized it yet but they are so good for each other. I'm looking forward to reading the next chapter and finding out what the psychologist has to say about Casey's abuse.

Author's Response:

Michael is a stellar friend and an all round good guy! haha. 

Reviewer: VickiJ Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 13, 2015 01:37 am Title: Chapter 19

Man that's sad that it had to come out that way but for her parents to act like it never happened that's just sick. I can't imagin being a parent and having one child commit a crime like that against another my other child and turning a blind eye to it. It would hurt like hell but I would have had my son arrested if not for my daughter then to protect other women from him cause rapist don't stop with just one victim.

Author's Response:

I am with you on that one... but based on experience with people that I know, from where this story has been drawn from, parents don't always want to believe the truth especially when it comes to something that could entirely fuck with everything that youve known to be YOUR truth. 

Once someone told me her mother reacted to her molestation as a child by saying, "Dont say that, that's silly! Dont ever let me hear you say silly things like that again!" (when she was asked how she got certain bruisings at an age where a child couldn't understand something like that to even make it up). 

Reviewer: LiberianGirl829 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 12, 2015 06:40 pm Title: Chapter 1

I got so excited when I saw that you updated 3 more chapters lol! Just finished chapter 20.

Seriously though, I'm so invested in this story. I love how you build everything up slowly. It's genius! And I applaud how much thought you've put into this, it really shows. 

I thought for sure Malania was gonna tell Michael her secret when he mentioned what hurt him the most about his father abusing him was the fact that no one protected him. Even though Michael's a celebrity and Malania is just an ordinary person, they relate so much, and its beautiful. 

Keep up the fantastic work! Can't wait for the next chapter! <3 



Reviewer: HoneyToTheBee Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 12, 2015 12:55 pm Title: Chapter 13

I love the way their friendship is blossoming. Their sarcastic humor is easy to enjoy. I can't wait to see how Michael reacts to what's in the box. That was a seriously deep note.

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