Date: Nov 01, 2015 09:17 pm Title: Chapter 6
No, I don't think that it is over between Michael and Autumn. It was easier for her to talk to Michael than for her to talk to friends and family because she felt like he was a stranger. A lot of times it is easier to talk to a stranger that you may not ever see again than to tell your friends and family that you see every day.
Author's Response:
Wow this is so true!!! Lol :) And you're right! It definitely ain't over between Michael and Autumn...yet haha ;)
Date: Oct 31, 2015 08:16 pm Title: Chapter 5
That sounds terrible!
Date: Oct 31, 2015 07:59 pm Title: Chapter 4
That's embarrassment to the extreme! She may feel better as far as her stomach is concerned. But, she won't feel better, as far as throwing up on Michael is concerned.
Date: Oct 29, 2015 11:29 pm Title: Chapter 3
Mike is going to stay there and comfort Autumn. When she wakes up they will tslk for a while until she has to go to work and he has to go to practice. She probably will vet fired from her job. Then, she will go and work for Michael.
Date: Oct 29, 2015 10:22 pm Title: Chapter 2
She will probably call him. Otherwise how else will they start a relationship, unless autumn takes nadia to a mj concert.

Date: Sep 01, 2015 10:55 am Title: Chapter 16
lol heck they just been caught being naughty great chapter looking forward to reading the next amazing chapter of this story
Author's Response:
Aw thanks I will!! :D
Date: Aug 21, 2015 01:40 am Title: Chapter 15
Sorry i haven't reviewed this yet. Holy shit. Wow that was easily the most heartwrenching thing ive read of him. Ive read other fanfics where he's had an affair with June is that true? Did they have an affair? The way you described him not being able to go back home because he basically branded as a criminal and his overall physical reaction is very well executed bravo! Then how he started to break down when describing the humilating strip search done in order to corroborate Jordan's testimony of what his genitals looked like and how the rookie unprofessional asshole cops mocked what he looked like. Never liked the police theyre such trigger happy immature egotistic assholes.! Then this what got me. He said, what i imagine went through his mind everyone thinking he's a monster and no one believes him. No one. He cares so much about what she thinks he doesn't want her to react the way his so called friends did. Begging her to believe him like jesus christ thats fuckinh awful. To be so completely alone i have no idea how he couldve coped with this. It makes me sick to think he had to be alone in this. That he was alone. Begging her not to leave him like so many others did. Then ne says he wouldnt be able to take it if she left too. He does really care about what she thinks because he loves her. This is exactly what i would imagine him tellling someone homesly someone he really cared for. Maybe thats why LMP and him broke up cuz he wasnt honest like this with her among other issues that were behimd closed doors. Think whatever you want of Lisa but she did get him through it she got her lawyers to build up a defense her and Liz agreed he couldnt physically survive a trial. As this is a shit ton of a trauma for anyone even those whove experienced a lot of it. Seriously this was amazing. Where did you get your info from btw?
Author's Response:
Hey girl! I've missed ya! And to be honest, idk if him and June actually had an affair. I just always assumed that they might've since a lot of fans had been speculating it for years lol I really tried to picture myself in his shoes during that time period and imagine what must've been going through his mind. I actually do remember reading somewhere about how during the strip search, the cops actually did laugh at him :( God, that makes me wanna cry and just beat their asses smh I agree with you. I think it's absolutely disgusting how quickly some people turned their backs on him once the allegations hit. I honestly don't know if I could've gone through that :( I probably would've stopped eating and sleeping as well. A lot of the info I got to write this chap was either from documentaries I had watched on him or just books I've read and articles I've seen on the internet. It was just my main goal to really try to get inside his head and imagine what he was feeling back in 93 and even years later it STILL affected him because it's such a traumatic experience. I really wanted to try and show Michael's vulnerability especially towards Autumn when he tells her how he doesn't want her to betray and turn her back on him too. He really loves her deeply and feels at peace when he's with her (which is so sweet!) It's a shame so many others had done that instead of staying by his side with support and helping him fight. I also believe Lisa Marie played a huge role in helping him during this time too. She was truly there for him (like Elizabeth Taylor) and helped him take his mind off the things that were happening even if it was for a short period of time.
Date: Jul 16, 2015 11:03 pm Title: Chapter 14
Well that was a terrible way to end an argument. Hell THAT was hot as hell. Hes so sexy when he's pissed. I envision him dirty talking in that deeper tone of voice he has (in the closet history tour) Doesnt Autumn know him we enough now? That he didn't no could not ever do that to anyone let alone a kid? I mean i get that no she actually really doesnt know him, at all. She doesnt have much of a preconceived idea of him as she never cared to research him or listen to his music. I dont think she shouldve assumed he did it but many do because of the settlement paid to the Chandlers. The fact that he had a ptsd attack(the vomiting) after she asked him should be enough proof that he was falsely accused and didnt do it. Unless you know to look for it, you probably won't recognize it.Theres also the fact that they havent established what they ares, are they just not into labels or what? He doesnt seem to see her as a typical screw, or run of the mill groupie. While I know talking wouldve been a better resolution that was hot realy hot. If you havent read the bodyguards book you should, they mention he was non confrontational somewhat so i definitely think youre accurate with portraying him as being more of the silent treatment type. I mean hes had to deal with everytging almost on his own. Then Autumn shows up and doesnt care that hes the king of pop she just likes him for him. Thats new for him. apparently this is how LMP and him resolved their arguments;) check out the bodyguards book its called remember the time, its very unbiased and honest. Also very heartwrenching:/ thanks for updating! Cant wait to see how she reacts to his story. What source r u gonna use to give some background and important details of the 93 allegations?
Author's Response:
Aw thanks gurl!!! I've actually heard of that book but have yet to read it :( I agree, it was wrong of Autumn to just assume that Michael did something because he didn't respond right away but he was able to shut her up REAL quick ;) lol. I'm gonna look online ad search in depth about the allegations that occurred during 1993 so I can try to get a sense of what actually happened and what Michael was feeling at that time. I guess it's safe to say they're a couple right now even though it hasn't been confirmed to the public eye but you're def right, Michael doesn't see her as just a one night stand or a side chick lol he genuinely cares and likes her because she's able to be herself around him. I also do remember reading somewhere that while him and lmp were still married, wherever they'd fight it would always end up with them.....ahem you know lol So I guess when in doubt, the answer is have make up sex :D I'll try to update soon!

Date: Jul 14, 2015 05:48 pm Title: Chapter 14
Super great terrific chapter.
Author's Response:
Awww Thank you so much!!! :D
Date: Jul 14, 2015 12:18 am Title: Chapter 13
Seeing that you updated this & reading it made my day no joke. I had a pretty shitty day due to my fucking asshole of a mother trying to shove her beliefs on me, and basically finding reasons to criticize and bully me. I know her opinion doesnt matter, I know who I am and thats all that matters. Thank you for the hug 'hugs you back'. Its so weird to see autumn not knowing like anything about him at all, you would think shed have heard of the '93 allegations i mean it was all over the news. Hes never talked about it openly as far as im aware of in public. If he does talk to her about it it should be interesting to see what he actually feels like, does he have remorse for not setting clearer and better boundaries with those kids? As in not letting it look ambigious or has it taken a complete toll on him making him wary of who he can or should trust. About his eating habits yes that is actually true but it was during rehearsals for tours that he wouldnt eat i have no idea why, my friend just told me that after talking to someone who had worked on this is it with him. I do think youre absolutely right though i think he could have not eaten as much because of the stress and trauma from being accused of one of the worst crimes. Not even prisoners in a prison like child molesters. Thank god he didnt get convicted there wasnt any proof anyway so that would never have happened. How does anyone not know who Janet is? By the way i love the look you gave her. One of my favorite looks on her. I mean she always looks gorgeous. My friend is a limo driver and when Janet was recording her album Control , my friend drove her to Flyte Time Studios in Minneapolis. She said that Janet was really quiet and shy, she didnt talk much. She was pretty young then so. Shes driven a whole bunch of other people, shes never met Michael though. I love your interpretation of janet as having a wicked sense of humorXD Thats so funny that michael bragged about autumn to his family and that he was nervous about messing up in front of her. I love the outfit autumn finally put on. I couldnt tell if autumn was really mind blown or not by his performance like enough to consider listening to his music. I wish she had stayed for the whole show but that cant be easy finding out your boyfriend has 2 kids speakinfg of which i know she doesnt keep up on pop culture but how does she not know he had 2 kids? I guess i can understand how she wouldnt have none. Have you seen paris' testimony for the wrongful death trial? She mentions Grace its pretty funny. Apparently MJ didnt like her but wouldnt fire her cuz he felt bad that she was broke so you just have to watch it its hilarious. I wouldve killed him if i was her for waking her up that way, of course waking up to see that sexy man naked is just a dream come true XD. Hes not a bad father for not being there when paris got stuck in the bathroom. God i hate seeing him cry its the worst. I so love this!! Thank u again for updating!
Author's Response:
Aw girl I'm glad I was able to make your day! And wow I'm sorry about your mom :/ That must be tough. Autumn wasn't kidding when she said she wasn't a fan of Michael's lol She never really followed his career over the years so she didn't really know about the allegations or that he had kids (I'll try to go more in depth with that in the next chap for sho!) I'm forever thankful he wasn't proven guilty (he was ALWAYS innocent!) Because I remember thinking had the jury had said he was guilty and he would've ended up going to prison, he probably wouldn't have survived in there and just the thought of that scares me :( And yeah, I've always LOVED that era of Janet! She looked, well she always looks so freaking beautiful lol That's so cool that your friend got to drive her in the limo!!! And to think that was right before she became a huge star! Autumn did like Michael's performance even though she didn't get to see it in its entirety. She's gonna slowly become a fan of his lol I did see the video of when Paris testified. Her stories about Grace were funny but I'm not gonna lie, Grace seemed kinda obsessed with Michael in a way (which is how I'm gonna write her in the story) Glad you enjoy this so far (big hugs) btw guess who's gonna get to see Janet this February?! Yep!!!! I just found out she's coming to my city! I'm sooooo excited I'm about to get all my life lmfao :D

Date: Jun 20, 2015 03:44 pm Title: Chapter 12
great chapter looking very forward to the next great chapter
Author's Response:
Thanks! It'll be interesting to see what Autumn thinks when she sees Mike perform for the first time lol
Date: Jun 18, 2015 12:39 am Title: Chapter 1
I won't see Madonna until October but I'll let you know how it goes:) it's been on my bucket list to see her perform. She's amazing. Janet's not coming to my city either. I didn't love the 30th anniversary concert just because I didn't feel like he was as amazing as he usually is idk I heard he had taken a heavy painkiller before but he was still pretty awesome:) ugh she should've seen him perform in bad or dangerous or history. I loved how u described their day. Fucking. Eating. Then fucking again. What did her sister say to him on the phone? I love Terrell he's hilarious I can tell he's a Jackson. Love how you ended the chapter very funny:) you're good at making him talk dirty well:) it's not weird to saw that about guys with big hands I didn't know that actually I just heard the one about Black men being better equipped:) you know that mj & friends charity concert? Maybe she should see him perform also at something like that ? Yeah she's going to eat her words once she sees him in action. You could with the sex scenes go the kinky route too. Yes I have a dirty mind :) thanks for writing this loving it:)
Author's Response:
Girl, I totally agree with you on the 30th anniversary special. Michael certainly did look a bit 'out of it' :( In my eyes, it seemed like throughout that entire concert he looked exhausted and just done with performing. He still managed to perform very well though, especially on the Billie Jean part! Lol Terrell is def the crazy Jackson! It's good to know him and Autumn became friends so quickly :) ....I just might have to go the kinky route ;) that should be interesting to write lol and I agree, maybe it'll be better if Fall sees him perform at the charity concert instead (that was better lol) Awie see Fire-in-her-veins thank you sooooo much girl!! (Gives virtual hug through the screen) btw you'll def find out what Nadia said to Michael over the phone soon!!
Date: Jun 17, 2015 01:46 am Title: Chapter 11
Thank you for updating so quickly! You're good at writing about erotic scenes💋👍🏼. Please write more I know I'm greedy but I just love this! Literally sex fantasy goals right there.
Author's Response:
thanks! I don't know, it's like whenever I write scenes like that I always cringe lol it's great to know you're lovin em though! They'll def be more 'escapades' between Michael and Autumn in the next few chaps ;)
Date: Jun 17, 2015 01:44 am Title: Chapter 11
That. Was. Hot. Yes I would love for you to go into more explicit detail:) I love how a lot of people on here think he was that 'big'. 😝I just noticed I spelled Michael wrong in my latest review. wow. I was tired. Thank you for wishing me happy birthday! I had a pretty good day got a massage, going to go see Madonna when she comes to town so im excited. I KNEW he was good in bed. After all, all that crotch grabbing and hip thrusting on stage esp in those gold pants.... I'd love to see her watch him perform and then see what she thinksXD wait so she was in California and he had her picked up then?
Author's Response:
Girrrrl you better let me know how Madonna is in concert! (I'm a fan of hers 2) I'm trying to get tickets for Janet's concert but she's not even performing near my city :( And yep, Autumn is in Cali with Michael now :) I just assumed he was a little on the 'large' size since I've heard other fans say that for years lol I mean, if you think about it Michael did have some pretty big hands and feet and you KNOW what they say about a guy who has that(wink wink) lol I'm so weird :p Anyway, I actually didn't think about the thought of Fall seeing Michael perform.....I just might have to incorporate that in the story ;) since the story takes place in 2001, should she see him perform at the 30th anniversary special or just some random concert he was putting on?? Hmmmm I gotta think about that lol
Date: Jun 16, 2015 02:12 am Title: Chapter 1
Loved the sex scenes in michseks birthday gift. So hot. So fucking sexy.
Author's Response:
Aw really?? I felt so hella awkward writing them scenes at first lol