Reviews For Blinded by love
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Reviewer: HeleneJacksonxx Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 08, 2015 01:04 am Title: Chapter 8

What the actual fffuuucccqq? Okay I didn't really see that coming! I thought about a lot of things but this didn't really cross my mind. I hope that Michael won't go too hard on her...

Author's Response:

Good I'm glad I kept you guessing

Reviewer: HeleneJacksonxx Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 08, 2015 01:04 am Title: Chapter 8

What the actual fffuuucccqq? Okay I didn't really see that coming! I thought about a lot of things but this didn't really cross my mind. I hope that Michael won't go too hard on her...

Reviewer: janina1974 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 08, 2015 12:19 am Title: Chapter 8

Great, it is definetely my favourite story now. Can´t wait for next chapters.

The scene in gay bar was amazing and also the striptease scene was great.

Author's Response:

I was kinda fond of the gay bar scene when I wrote it 

Reviewer: BabyGirl123 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 07, 2015 11:38 pm Title: Chapter 8

Lol she got Chris good lol 

Hopefully he's understanding and it's the beginning of their relationship they both need each other so much it's obvious


Author's Response:

It probably won't be the last time she gets Chris...she doesn't reslly like him

Reviewer: MJfreak23 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 07, 2015 08:04 pm Title: Chapter 8

Oh God, that gay bar scene was hysterical. I swear, I could picture the look on Chris's face when he realized it was a gay bar. So, now Mike knows the secret. What will they do next?

Author's Response:

I really liked the gay bar idea and thought it turned out'll have to wait and see.

Reviewer: VanityTrixxx Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 07, 2015 12:15 pm Title: Chapter 7

Mike is gonna run into her at her job Ain't he? Chile...

Reviewer: HeleneJacksonxx Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 07, 2015 06:46 am Title: Chapter 7

I really hope Michael won't do anything stupid. He needs to at least let her explain. He lied to her too big time and they weren't even friends for that long. She still had time to tell him...

Reviewer: MommaE Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 07, 2015 04:13 am Title: Chapter 7

Poor Megan.  She has had such a hard time and really needed a friend. I hope he doesn't screw it up going out and getting drunk

Reviewer: lummilovesmichael Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 06, 2015 11:56 pm Title: Chapter 7

Ahhhhh!!!!!!! OMG, I met Michael Jackson 💖💖💖 well I didn't see his beautiful face and I didn't know it was really him but, I still met him is my dream come true 😘😘😘 LOL. Thank you sooooo much I am so honor & humble 😳 to a part of this awesome story.

I feel bad that they had this tiff between them; it is sooo obvious they have feelings for each other.  No wonder he is so upset, his innocence thinking she is a nun and that he kissed her is sooooo cute.  T.R.U.S.T is all we need. 

I believe she works at a 👙💋 "Gentleman's Club" 🙊🙈🙉  I don't think she is a stripper though.  She may be a waitress and sometimes she gets to bartender but, she does wear the sexy outfits/costumes to still be eye candy for the "customers" 👯. (Ohhhh or maybe she does work inside one of those pick a boo booths 💺🎦.   That way she is safer because is a small room, can't be touched and she's protected inside by that glass wall hmmmmmm. Maybe just throwing possibilities) 🎦🎶🍸🍺🍹🍷💳💵💲

I bet you for MJ's birthday after dinner & drinks Chris takes Michael to a club and it ends up being the same club that Megan works at.  She will either be their waitress or when Chris shoves Michael inside a booth and the dancing starts Megan will be his private dancer.  She'll start her dancing with her back turned.  She'll begin to undress then turns around then Michael will see her face. 🙊🙊🙊🙊🙊👙. Just a possible scenario/suggestion 😉.

Thank you again for the love.  Please update soon and I L.O.V.E. more Lummi 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞😘😘😘😘😘c6;c6;c6;c6;c6;💝💝💝💝💝

Reviewer: BabyGirl123 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 06, 2015 11:05 pm Title: Chapter 7

Don't think she's really a nun je just had to let her explain it but emotions got the upper hand and he felt too hurt at the moment 

Hope he forgives her and both need to admit they love each other 

Im guessing they walk into her whike going out 

Can't wait for more 

Reviewer: shellymjbean1989 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 06, 2015 08:04 pm Title: Chapter 7

the nun outfit is just a costume she uses cause she is a stripper at least thats what i believe great chapter cant wait to read more of this story 

Reviewer: MJfreak23 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 06, 2015 07:46 pm Title: Chapter 7

I knew Mike would keep defending her, even if he is hurt. He's got it bad for her. I hope he finds out the truth soon.

Reviewer: Dreamgirl4Michael Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 06, 2015 06:50 pm Title: Chapter 6

Aaah, how I know that gripping feeling of fear well.
I know what it's like to be so afrade of something, or things that you can't see nothing but the fear and all the bad things it makes you think of.
There have been times in my life that I've just had to do things while being afrade. The feeling when you know that you've stood and faced the fear and realized that it wasn't as bad as you thought is better then the fear.

Reviewer: lummilovesmichael Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 06, 2015 03:46 pm Title: Chapter 6

Michael kiss Megan 💏 after he tease her twice Mmmmm.  I know she liked it too.  😚 They were super flirty specially during breakfast.  (Her coffee comment;) 😉

Michael with the touching (strawberry talk ;) like I said Michael he is a sexy-naughty/innocent guy. 😎

At least she shared a little more about her life to Mike.  T.R.U.S.T. is key to open her heart.  He is so caring & sweet.  Megan is a smart cookie, she already figured it out that he's MJ.  Yay team MJ all the way!!!!! 💞💞💞.  I wonder what other hurts are inside Megan. Please update soon. Is all for L.O.V.E... Lummi 💖💖💖💖

Reviewer: MommaE Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 06, 2015 04:23 am Title: Chapter 1

Another chapter we'll written keeping us on the edge of our seats. I love how great you are about updating your stories daily. ALOT of the writers on here seem to "forget" to update.  Thanks for that.   I bet her secret is that she doesn't want her money hungry "DAD" to find out about Michael and harass her about money!!

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