Reviews For Blinded by love
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Reviewer: BluJayWay Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 26, 2015 06:22 pm Title: Chapter 29

Yes! Michael's generosity always warms my heart. 

Author's Response:

thanks.  I tried to bring out that giving side.

Reviewer: lummilovesmichael Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 22, 2015 09:54 am Title: Chapter 28

AHHHH, OMG THANK YOU SOOO MUCH :).  I'm very honor tha you choose my name for your character.  I must say Lummi is a cutie and now seeing Ben's pic he is very handsome.....MY HERO, THANK YOU BEN FOR SAVING MY LIFE :) I always liked handsome fellas with accents. {Darlin'}  I think is very sexy. Looking forward to see what develops between Ben & Lummi.

Michael & Megan super cute.  Now Mr Jackson for someone who is fussing to be treated as a grown up you sure behaving like a high schooler.  Leaving your "love bites" on Meg.  I just like Megan wouldn't be be upset either if those hickeys were given to me by Michael ;).  Hmmmmm "Sexberries I mean Strawberries fantasies" what a way to wake up, the feeling of a warm tongue & mouth on your n*pples.  (OH MY IS IT HOT here?)  I THINK I NEED A FREEZER TO STICK MY HEAD IN TO COOL OFF)

Mama Pearl and her sassy self.  She is too much.  she ain't holding back and put Michael on blast.  Her one liners are funny.  Even though mama Pearl is like a 2nd mother to Michael I still would trade places with her just to see that amazing view of Michael is just a pair of boxers bending down to enjoy the view of that "JUICY BOOTY" WHOOOOO IT IS HOT IN HERE LOL ;)



Reviewer: MJfreak23 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 21, 2015 09:10 pm Title: Chapter 28

Go, Ben! That was mighty heroic, the way he saved Lummi from the car. 

Author's Response:

everyone loves a hero..thanks for reviewing

Reviewer: BluJayWay Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 21, 2015 08:42 pm Title: Chapter 28

This chapter had several layers, all of them intriguing. And no offense to Michael, but Ben is pretty hot!!!

Author's Response:

yea he is..took me awhile to find the right Ben...thanks for reviewing

Reviewer: BabyGirl123 Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 21, 2015 03:50 pm Title: Chapter 28

My favorite line :"Dem two acting like a pair of teens on prom night.  I swear by the looks of the two of them their sex was so good last night the neighbors had a cigarette after."   Lol really how do you get the lines for mama pearl? Gotta love her 

That's so sweet hiring the new security so Ben got some time off 

Ben and Lummi they make a sweet couple, once she finds out who Michael really is  im sure that will be a shock for her 

Can't wait for  the next chapter 

Author's Response:

Most lines I make up but the cigarette one I looked up and tweaked.  I look things up and then they give me inspiration and I edit it a little.  I have a very vivid imagination and creative sick mind so it helps.  Glad you liked it...I admit I laughed when I made it up.

Reviewer: lummilovesmichael Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 21, 2015 03:36 pm Title: Chapter 27

The moment we all being waiting for.  For the 1st time they made love to each other.  Not letting their labido or their south body parts lead the way.  My heart melted when Michael said let our hearts lead they way and lets make to each other.  Still Michael putting Megan 1st he made sure to use that ribbed for her pleasure "raincoat" and added a little extra with that lubricant ;). lol

When the blindfold came about that was so sexy but, also his choice to do that to be equal to Megan is so sweet and thoughtful.  This two are so great together.  After that beautiful night I wonder what naughty things this two love birds will do.  That sassy mama Pearl, Ben and the rest of that great cast.

Please update soon.... Is all for L.O.V.E.... Lummi <3, <3

Author's Response:

You know Mike is gonna make sure she is well taken care of in the love department..thanks for your Lummi love as always I really appreciate it and look forward to your reviews

Reviewer: lummilovesmichael Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 20, 2015 10:13 am Title: Chapter 26

The showdown continues as is Spunky vs Mikey Pooh 😉.  Their ultimate flirting is so great to read.  Awe poor Michael I knew that "Barry" comment did bother him.  Michael wants to be all those things for Megan that " Barry" represents.  I'm glad he was honest about it to Megan.  Honesty is always best specially when building on a relationship.

He has to be the sweetest guy ever, even with all his restrictions because of who he is, he still try to create a memorable and special date for her.

Mama Pearl she is a trip.  Every time she has a say, is funny, sassy but, also right on the money. Lol, I can picture her spying out the window.  She probably jumped up when michael came through that back door with Megan with her body wrapped around his 😲😲😲.

I can predict L.O.V.E making till Break of Dawn 💕💞💖😉.... See you soon

Is all for L.O.V.E....Lummi 💖😘

Author's Response:

It would have been funny to see mama pearls reaction for sure.  Gotta love her and her conversations with herself.  Oh dear is it getting hot in here or is it me?


thanks for the kind words 

Reviewer: lummilovesmichael Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 20, 2015 09:21 am Title: Chapter 25

Woooooo, this was hotness all the time.  I love it, when Michael oozes that confident and allows himself to be open and real.  Is also sexy as h*ll. 😉

Michael is ahead of the game and as darn good as Megan is; Michael is just better at it.  Looking forward to the date night.  I get the feeling it will be a Thriller night 😉  💕💞💖😘

PS: Even though I agree with mama Pearl about the beard stubble, I still will allow Michael inside my honey pot. 💖💞💕💖😘

See you soon.... Is all for L.O.V.E......Lummi 💖😆


Author's Response:

Point michael.  Megan has some catching up to do.   I agree Mike with beard sexy


thanks for reviewing.. As always they are truthful, and entertaining :)

Reviewer: shellymjbean1989 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 19, 2015 10:31 pm Title: Chapter 27

that was a beautiful hot chapter michael wearing the blind fold was a very sweet hot gesture keep up the amazing writing on this story i look forward to reading so much more from you 

Author's Response:

Thank you for reviewing.  I'm glad you are liking the story 

Reviewer: BabyGirl123 Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 19, 2015 12:33 am Title: Chapter 27

The blindfold was a sweet idea 

Author's Response:


Reviewer: BluJayWay Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 18, 2015 09:06 pm Title: Chapter 27

This was so hot. I also think it's sweet how Michael leveled the playing field by using a blindfold. 

Author's Response:

Thank you for taking the time to review. I appreciate it.  Glad you liked it.

Reviewer: MJSWIFEY Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 18, 2015 06:26 pm Title: Chapter 27

Wonderful chapter. They were so sweet and loving. I love the blindfold. It was nice of him to understand how Megan feels. They are such a beautiful couple.

Author's Response:

Thank you.   They are turning into a strong couple I'm glad you liked it

Reviewer: MJfreak23 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 18, 2015 04:25 pm Title: Chapter 27

I thought the blindfold was a sweet and romantic touch. Michael went out of his way to see how it felt from her perspective. They are the perfect pair. This was sweet, sexy and hot all rolled into one! Great chapter, girl!

Author's Response:

thank you...i thought the blindfold would be unique  glad you liked it

Reviewer: MommaE Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 18, 2015 04:21 pm Title: Chapter 27

Can you say HHHHHOOOOOTTTTTT!!!! Wow...being blindfolded really intensified everything. Way to go Michael. Loved it

Author's Response:

glad you liked it.  did i mention how much I really hate writing sex scenes??

Reviewer: femalien Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 18, 2015 12:13 am Title: Chapter 1

Sorry, first and last time I comment from a smartphone. I hate these objects. I meant it was a draw :D

Author's Response:

Lol. I thought it was a secret code.. Autocorrect is even worse.  :)

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