Date: Mar 06, 2015 03:38 am Title: Chapter 31
I reckon it'd be pretty good if there was some kind of surgery to correct Megan's vision... There is, depending on the circumstances, right?
Author's Response:
Not sure yet. I have to do some research. Still debating that one as others have asked that too
Date: Mar 05, 2015 11:10 pm Title: Chapter 31
Little Jack is so sweet im sure he can chance her mind to have kids one day
Im glad John took the job, they're nice people
Can't wait for the next chapter
Author's Response:
Jack is my new CJ. I needed a cute kid to warm everyone's hearts
Date: Mar 05, 2015 07:19 pm Title: Chapter 31
So glad you finally updated!! I can't wait to see what is in store for Mandy!! That child is gonna be an eye opener for her. Hopefully her mind will change for wanting kids!
Author's Response:
Mandy? Is Mike cheating on megan?
Date: Mar 05, 2015 07:14 pm Title: Chapter 31
When Jack kissed the "boo boos" on Megan's eyes, I started getting misty. What a sweet boy and what a lovely chapter.
Author's Response:
Jack will be my aww kid in this story. Glad you liked it thanks for reviewing
Date: Mar 05, 2015 06:51 pm Title: Chapter 31
Loved the chapter.
Author's Response:
Thank for reviewing I'm glad you liked it
Date: Mar 04, 2015 08:16 pm Title: Chapter 30
Another great chapter. Like I've always said Ms.Megan is the kind of gal that tells it like it is. Pull your undies out of your cr*ck and cool it. LOL can't get more real than that. I had the feeling his actions were cause of his insecurities. I'm glad Meg & Mike talked about it and they are back in good terms. 💏💏💏💝💝
Little Jack is a cutie and his taken with Michael. I bet Michael enjoys how the little one always wants to hang with him & meg. I'm sure Michael when the time comes he is going to be { actually he was } an AMAZING father 💖c6;😆
DD......Darlin'..... LMAO joker came out in full force. Poor Ben he must of been 20 shades of red. I vote on the double date is very soon. I can't wait to see Michael as Ben's wingman. Can't decide if it should be at the ranch or if should MJ wear a disguise........ Hmmmm mmmmmm?????
Update soon, can't to see what happens next.... Is all for L.O.V.E...Lummi 😘
PS: ohhhhh I also would like answers to the not 1, not 2 but 3 ticket stubs from the BAD concert in Megs scrapbook???????????😮😮😮😮😮😮 Team Prince my b*tt.... LOL 😜😘
Author's Response:
patience my dear. hopefully the next chapter the ticket stubs will come out.
thanks for taking the time to review. I appreciate it.
Date: Mar 02, 2015 07:05 am Title: Chapter 30
I love Megan's spunk. She's perfect for Michael, I swear. She's not afraid to put him in his place when he's being ridiculous. Awwww, Ben has a crush on Lummi! This "double blind date" should be interesting!
Author's Response:
She certainly puts him in his place but them melts at his affections. Thanks for reviewing
Date: Mar 02, 2015 12:53 am Title: Chapter 30
Thanks for the chapter, I really liked it. I can´t wait for the double date also Bad Tour tickets explanation :-)
Author's Response:
Thanks..glad you liked it...ticket explaination coming soon
Date: Mar 01, 2015 06:35 pm Title: Chapter 30
Glad Megan finally got through to Michael. It is going to be great adding Lummi into the story with Ben. He is so genuine and need s to have her in his life. I hope Michael can help him get to see his son! Another great chapter. Always enjoy reading your updates. I WAITED ALL WEEKEND!!
Author's Response:
im stopping writing and posting all weekend because its a waste of time..ppl dont review.
Date: Mar 01, 2015 05:31 pm Title: Chapter 30
Haha wow! Michael teasing Ben I both adorable and hilarious! Yet another awesome chapter, keep it up!
Author's Response:
hought I'd bring in Jokers side ito the story thanks for reviewing
Date: Mar 01, 2015 04:25 pm Title: Chapter 30
Glad they made up
Lol Michael being funny, poor Ben he deserves a girlfriend and a good lawyer so he can see his son
The Simpsons they're nice, little Jack is just too cute, can only imagine how cool it is to be there as little kid
The double date could be so sweet, hopefully it works out for Ben and Lummi
Btw can't wait to find out the story behind the bad tour tickets
Author's Response:
dont worry..I will introduce the story of the concerts next
Date: Feb 28, 2015 03:43 pm Title: Chapter 29
Lions, tigers and BEARS oh my! LOL, as Michael said one bear he is jealous off and the other was named after him for his good heart and kindness. Little Jack certainly took to Michael. So cute how he shared his truck with Michael. Once his mom said they were going to to Mike's home for a visit, Jack asked are going to see the train Mr.Mike? He hugs him such a sweet boy.
Damdumdum, not 1, not 2 but 3 old ticket stubs from his BAD concert; can't wait to know the back story on those. c6;c6;c6;😀
Oh a possible double could be interesting. Maybe at the ranch tell Lummi maybe the drove to a fair somewhere. I wonder how Ben will act since he hasn't dated in a while. Lummi too she talks all that sassiness I'll bet she becomes a shy girl.
I hope this weekend goes well and the Simpsons enjoy and John officially accepts the job. Please update soon looking forward to more.
Is all for L.O.V.E..... Lummi <3💕💕💕😘
Author's Response:
a child on the ranch should be a nice addition afterall its a childs dream world. should be interesting what excuse Megan will have for the tickets.. Thanks for reviewing as always
Date: Feb 27, 2015 02:57 am Title: Chapter 29
Lol Michael and those bears lol too cute
Hmmm Megan being on team Michael huh? Interesting
The idea of the dubble date is cute, maybe it could be at the rabch like last time, so they don't have to be in public
Awww little Jack is cute
Author's Response:
could someone have lied about team Prince vs team Michael or is there a story behind it all? hmmm
Date: Feb 26, 2015 11:34 pm Title: Chapter 29
great chapter cant wait to see the interesting weekend with jack and michael i cant wait to hear megans explaination of those ticket stubs great chapter great story so far i look forward to reading so much more keep up the great writing wish i could give this story a bigger rating than a 10 cause it deserves a rating of 1000
Author's Response:
thank you thats very kind of you. Thanks for your support i truely appreciate it and it keeps me motivated. I just wish more who are reading would just take a minute to review.
Date: Feb 26, 2015 06:55 pm Title: Chapter 29
I just love little Jack! Can't wait to see what happens with Lummi and Ben! Ben better get busy soon or he may find himself punched Michael is so jealous!
Author's Response:
insecurity brings jealousy in poor mike.