Date: Mar 10, 2015 04:40 am Title: Chapter 33
Ben won't be able to talk. He will be so surprised! Hopefully john and Kate can get the stuff they need and finally get on their feet. Michael and Meg.... Wow! She better get on the pill or she will definately be preggo great chapter
Date: Mar 10, 2015 12:35 am Title: Chapter 33
Love the chapter
Im sure Ben will be surprised
Those two can't stay away from each other, if things keep going like this its too late for the pill
I hope John, Katie and Jack will feel at home soon
Date: Mar 09, 2015 08:50 pm Title: Chapter 33
beautiful hot chapter ben sure dont know whats in store for him i cant wait to see his reaction keep up your great amazing writing on this amazingly great story
Date: Mar 09, 2015 07:08 pm Title: Chapter 32
Damdumdum........... Team P my big butt!!! The magic of MJ can't be denied. Team MJ all the way... And YESSSS we all agree his Thriller is for certain BIGGER ;). MJ is sooo sweet to re create the moment of (She's Out of my Life but, Megan got a better deal because she didn't had to share him with a stadium full of screaming fans. Plus I get the feeling she will get a "SPECIAL" just like the ticket said. ;)
I'm happy Jon took the job. That means that sweet Angel Jack will stay and bring some cuteness and honesty a cute little child will bring.
That means; Ben will have some time off for him to do some things and I got a feeling that someone may get asked out on a date soon. :)) I'm looking forward to that date as much as Ben LOL.
I think I catched up but, I got an inkling that you will be posting soon....So I will see you soon...........Is all for L.O.V.E...Lummi <3
Date: Mar 09, 2015 05:57 pm Title: Chapter 31
Well this one takes the lead in the sweetest chapter yet......awe lady don't cwy, that little Jack is such a sweet boy.
Another layer of the onion is pealed sorta speak. We find out Megan would like to have kids but, is afraid to do so. We really aren't sure if the chemo did affect her ability to have kids or not. Only time will tell. I'm glad that Michael shows her how much she loves her with all her flaws. We need more man like Michael.
See you on the next chapter...... I know i'm behind LOL ;)...Is all for L.O.V.E
Lummi <3
Date: Mar 09, 2015 05:09 pm Title: Chapter 33
Whew! Man, Mike and Megan can't keep their hands off of each other, can they? I can't wait to see how this "double blind date" goes.........
Author's Response:
do you blame her? double date is next. thanks for reviewing
Date: Mar 08, 2015 01:56 pm Title: Chapter 1
This is where I've been:
Date: Mar 08, 2015 10:12 am Title: Chapter 32
beautiful cute chapter loved her explaination i loved how michael made it up to her about how she was supposed to be the special girl loved this chapter keep up the great writing i really look forward to the next great chapter of this amazingly great story
Author's Response:
Thank you for your kind words and support. Its stuff like that which motivates me to continue writing. Thanks for reviewing
Date: Mar 08, 2015 08:57 am Title: Chapter 32
Oh!!!!! Can you imagine what May have happened 9 years ago? Her life may have been so different! Loved the SP dance
Author's Response:
One has to wonder what could have been for both of them. Thanks for reviewing
Date: Mar 08, 2015 05:43 am Title: Chapter 30
Ha, Michael was sooo funny! Poor Ben, hihi! However, he does need some help in the romance department, he seems so clueless!
Author's Response:
I know poor Ben he's so hopeless. Maybe Mike can help him. Where have you been girl?
Date: Mar 08, 2015 04:14 am Title: Chapter 29
Ha, Megan is making poor Mike jealous for no reason! Maybe she should come clean with her plan to set up Ben with Lummi before Michael gets the wrong idea...
Date: Mar 08, 2015 01:08 am Title: Chapter 32
The story about the necklace and tickets are beautiful, im sure her mother is her guardian Angel
What would've happened if they met 9 years ago? Hmm makes me wonder
Author's Response:
you have to wonder if things would have been different for them both.
Date: Mar 07, 2015 09:18 pm Title: Chapter 32
This chapter-so many sweet moments. I really loved the explanation regarding the angel Gabriel. I learned something new tonight.
Author's Response:
well I'm glad you learned something and liked it. It kinda hit me when I was looking for a name for her mother then it all fell in place. thanks for reviewing
Date: Mar 07, 2015 08:34 pm Title: Chapter 32
Loved it.
Author's Response:
thanks im glad you loved it. thank you for reviewing
Date: Mar 06, 2015 01:12 pm Title: Chapter 31
lol nice cliffhanger loved this chapter cant wait to read the next chapter and im still waiting to hear megans story about those ticket stubs keep up the great writing on this amazing story
Author's Response:
hopefully i wont disappoint you.