Date: Sep 17, 2010 02:56 pm Title: Chapter 12
it was worth the wait! very nicely written chapter. I love the way you add humor to your writing :)
Author's Response:
Thank you so much. I was nervous about this chapter. lol
Date: Sep 04, 2010 09:54 am Title: Chapter 11
aww... why did the chapter have to end?
yeah I think it's time they got a little closer :D
Author's Response:
Working on the next chapter...

Date: Sep 02, 2010 11:53 pm Title: Chapter 11
I love it, its really nice.. finally she got to go to neverland.
Food fight lol jk
They should get closer but in a sweet romantic way.
Author's Response:
Sweet and romantic or some hot smutty sex? LOLOL

Date: Aug 31, 2010 03:04 am Title: Chapter 10
Awesome hum, wonder wats next.. lol
Author's Response:
The next chapter will probably be a long one. It should be up by the end of the week!
Date: Aug 29, 2010 12:24 pm Title: Chapter 10
Have just read all 10 chapters in one go and really enjoyed it.
Looking forward to the next chapters. :-)
Author's Response:
Thanks for reading. The next chapter is coming soon. :)
Date: Aug 28, 2010 02:29 pm Title: Chapter 10
When do we get to read the next one? :)
Author's Response:
As soon as I write it! haha
Date: Aug 28, 2010 02:24 pm Title: Chapter 9
I loved it! Keep writing. This is one of my favourite stories and I love how it's progressing! :)
Date: Aug 28, 2010 03:48 am Title: Chapter 10
I love your story plz update soon!!!!
Author's Response:
Thank you!

Date: Aug 23, 2010 02:34 am Title: Chapter 9
Ahhhhhh freaking awesome, I love it.. it was him that danced with her and kissed her lol that was awesome and sexy. thank God it was the publicist and he didn't lie to her.. whoa wow she kissed him good.. back inside humm wonder whats going to happen inside Lol
Cant wait great job!!!
Author's Response:
haha Thanks! Glad you liked it. ^_^
Date: Aug 23, 2010 02:31 am Title: Chapter 9
wait so was michael the guy she kissd inside or not im so confused but great update cnt wait to c wat happens nxt
Author's Response:
Yes, Michael was the masked stranger. :)
Date: Aug 23, 2010 12:47 am Title: Chapter 9
OMG that was exciting i loved t i was wondering how long it would take before they made contactkeep goin with it,let them play this game of freinds with benifits and then lets see what happens,hope oyu will update soon,i cant wait well done.
Author's Response:
Thank you ;)

Date: Aug 21, 2010 05:49 am Title: Chapter 8
Can't be stopping so soon!
Author's Response:
Soon? This was my second longest chapter! haha

Date: Aug 21, 2010 02:30 am Title: Chapter 8
Love this chapter, but who was other chick he went with? Did he lie to mia?
Author's Response:
You'll find out next chapter. ;)
Date: Aug 08, 2010 10:59 am Title: Chapter 7
another great chapter. I loved the bit where michael asked a zillion questions. i can imagine him doing exactly tht.
enjoy your vacation and I do hope you'll come bck with another lovely chapter :)
Author's Response:
Thank you.

Date: Aug 05, 2010 11:51 pm Title: Chapter 7
Aww so cute