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Reviewer: Alicia Kay Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 27, 2015 05:40 pm Title: Chapter 1: Across The Board

Please update soon! I miss this story :(

Author's Response:

I will, I promise!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read and review this story.

It was shelved because of my other story Embers, but that one is coming to an end this weekend.

I will be updating this story next weekend so please be on the lookout for new chapters very soon!


Reviewer: MommaE Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 18, 2015 04:38 pm Title: Chapter 6: Being Hasty With Hay

Please update!!

Author's Response:

I will be in a matter of weeks, I promise.

Thank you for keeping an eye on this story. :)

I'll do my best to make it worth the wait!

Reviewer: QueenKyra Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Jan 08, 2015 09:08 pm Title: Chapter 6: Being Hasty With Hay

Whoo hoo time to unbuckle!  I love that you included Dancing the Dream!  That book holds a special place in my heart. Michael signing a copy is as good a fantasy as the romantic scenes!  Love it <3

Author's Response:

Thank you so much. You are so awesome. <3

Reviewer: QueenKyra Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Jan 07, 2015 10:24 pm Title: Chapter 5: Preparing for Departure

Yassss. Michael licking strawberry juice of  Aurora (AKA: me) and cuddling under the stars. You know that's what I want to read about!  :)

Author's Response:

LOL! I had a feeling you would enjoy that part. There will be PLENTY more to come down the road. Thanks for reading. PS - PLEASE UPDATE YOUR STORY!

Reviewer: QueenKyra Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Jan 07, 2015 10:12 pm Title: Chapter 3: Living Dangerously

Great work! I wouldn't suggest drawing out explanations and conversations for the sake of longer chapters. I understand some are looking for character development. After a long day at work, I want a fun easy read. We all want different things at different times. I say write it exactly how you like it the best. Do what moves you. That's when your individuality comes through!  You do you! <3

Author's Response:

I've been told by a few readers that I need to slow down and enhance character development. I write a lot like you do - I tend to just get into things right away as it is so much more fun and eye catching. I'm trying something new for the sake of being different. Hopefully I succeed at it. Thanks for reading and reviewing! :)

Reviewer: QueenKyra Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Jan 07, 2015 10:06 pm Title: Chapter 4: Subtle Tension in the Air

This is a great story! We all have different tastes, but I know I want to read fun fantasies that take me away from reality for a while. Michael was all about escapism. I love the playfulness and the romance. How boring it would be to only read "realistic" stories. That's not how I want to spend my free time!  Great job <3

Author's Response:

Thank you so much. I totally agree with you - realistic stories CAN BE really boring at times which is why my stories are a bit real with have a bit of a me twist to them.

Reviewer: MommaE Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 07, 2015 06:54 pm Title: Chapter 1: Across The Board


Author's Response:

I will. I've been working on Embers for the past few weeks due to huge demand. This one has been shelved for now but I will come back to it eventually, I promise! :)

Reviewer: MommaE Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 09, 2014 06:53 pm Title: Chapter 6: Being Hasty With Hay

Wow...that momma is playing dirty!!!! Keep the chapters coming...great job!

Author's Response:

Thank you SO much! :)

Reviewer: Redone Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 09, 2014 09:32 am Title: Chapter 3: Living Dangerously

I really like your prose. At the same time, I'm struck by how quickly he's telling her about his private life. The intimacy is just so quick....maybe it feels that way because the more intimate aspects are alluded to rather than fleshed out? I want to hear more of these convos! Especially as you described it as being a couple hours and ending in hugs, tears, and tickling. It's so much, SO quickly. I feel like you could make 5-10 chapters out of your first 2 simply by adding in a couple more phone convos, first. I hope this doesn't come off as too critical. I'm mainly writing it because this has SO much potential and I want to really get into it, I'm just struggling a bit.

Author's Response:

Thank you for your honesty. Someone else also told me it's too quick but to be honest, that's just how I write. If you read all my other stories, you'll notice things develop much quicker than this. This is actually my slowest story to date. I suppose the phone conversation and other actions could have been expanded a bit more but overall, the feedback has been very positive. Not to say yours wasn't, but this is just my writing style and how I like to do things. There will also be a lot of surprises ahead which may seem like one scene is going to happen but really it won't, Don't want to give too much away but I am hopeful that you will think it's not so fast down the road. Thanks again for taking the time to read my story! :)

Reviewer: Redone Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 09, 2014 08:57 am Title: Chapter 2: The Girl Was Persuasive

Just starting this story. I really like it. I'm a little iffy on some of the corny elements (e.g. Michael immediately becoming enamored with her, selecting the songs based on her preference, etc). I do love your writing style and think you did a great job setting up the story.

Author's Response:

Thank you so much!

Reviewer: BluJayWay Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 08, 2014 08:21 pm Title: Chapter 6: Being Hasty With Hay

Wow, so much in one chapter! Please keep writing; this is addicting!

Author's Response:

Awww, thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. :)

Reviewer: MommaE Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 08, 2014 07:40 pm Title: Chapter 2: The Girl Was Persuasive

Good job???.... Absolutely fantastic

Author's Response:

Thank you so much! :D

Reviewer: MommaE Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 08, 2014 04:38 am Title: Chapter 2: The Girl Was Persuasive

Awesome story line

Author's Response:

Thank you so much! :)

Reviewer: femalien Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 08, 2014 12:53 am Title: Chapter 6: Being Hasty With Hay

Hmm, I think I begin disliking this story because Jill's actions become unrealistically vengeful. I have a powerful neighbor who disapproves of his son's relationship. He has become a drunkard and refuses to let his son's wife visit him, but never went so far as to ruin his son's life....

Author's Response:

Just because you haven't encountered it doesn't mean that it doesn't happen. I've seen plenty of parents do similiar (and much worse) things to their own children which is why this scenario has been created - there is a moral to this story which you will learn near the end. But thank you for your honesty and taking the time to read my work. :)

Reviewer: MJ_s K1ss and Tell Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Dec 08, 2014 12:41 am Title: Chapter 6: Being Hasty With Hay

Soooo I think... You enjoy leaving these annoying cliffhangers! This is torture!! What next?!

Author's Response:

HAHA YES I DO! It's my trademark - always leave the reader wanting more! Thank you so much for reading! :D

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