Date: Nov 25, 2014 02:02 am Title: Kiss me all over my body ...
Yes! I can't wait for the next chapter. This chapter is very hot I have to say.
Author's Response:
hehe thank you so much girl
thank you for reading my stories you are awsome
Date: Nov 24, 2014 12:17 pm Title: Kiss me all over my body ...
Very hot! Also when are you gonna do your roleplay?
Author's Response:
thank you so much and i don't know i hope soon
Date: Nov 22, 2014 08:50 pm Title: Chapter 1
Author's Response:
thank you but wait for next parts
Date: Nov 22, 2014 01:28 pm Title: scream if You want to...
Oh shit! That's hot. Lol!
Author's Response:
hehe thanks
Date: Nov 21, 2014 02:14 pm Title: oh yes... just like that....
Yaaaasss. Please continue
Author's Response:
i will don't worry
Date: Nov 21, 2014 01:22 pm Title: oh yes... just like that....
I rather have the beast than the romantic Mike. Lol! :)
Author's Response:
hehe me too