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Reviewer: KerenOlivero Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Nov 20, 2014 03:31 pm Title: Chapter 9: The Final Decision

The interview I mentioned was a radio one done by Rick Dees and Ellen used it to ask Michael about his favorite chocolate..

anyway this was a sweet story..but the cliffhanger ending! so suspensful..

will you do a sequel to it or at least some type of follow up?

Author's Response:

I'll be sure to check it out - thanks for telling me about it.

I'm glad you liked this story - this was my beginner's attempt at writing fan fiction. I was literally just experiementing with different concepts at the time.

I don't plan on writing on a sequel or follow up. I decided to leave it up to the reader to decide/use their own imagination about what they think would happen or what they would do if they were in her shoes.

Thank you again for being such a loyal reader. I am confident that you will enjoy my other stories as well. :)

Reviewer: KerenOlivero Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Nov 20, 2014 08:06 am Title: Chapter 5: The Big Screen

Monica's reaction to Michael eating the white chocolate was priceless I always have to laugh at people's reactions to him eating something not so healthy on occasion and at the same time I thinking come on now even he is allowed to have his fun too..and I liked the interview Bill, Javon and Mike did on him the way he also told Ellen Degeneres he loved milk chocolate.ever saw that interview? it's from halloween of 2003.

I look forward to seeing how you like my work. <3

Author's Response:

I agree. A lot of people did react funny when he would eat something unhealthy. I never did see the interview with Ellen. According to her she never met him in person so I wasn't aware of them ever talking.


I apologize for not being able to read your work yet but I will get to it as soon as I can. Thanks again for reading! :)

Reviewer: KerenOlivero Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Nov 15, 2014 06:48 am Title: Chapter 1: The Show Starts

I actually love this! If I were Monica I would be nervous as heck too, as well as somewhat reserved..and I love how Michael was flirting with her. <3 

Author's Response:

Really?! Gosh, that makes me feel so much better. I honestly thought this story was horrible, haha. As I mentioned, it was my first attempt ever at fan fiction. I'm glad you like it though! Thank you! :)

Reviewer: shellymjbean1989 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 14, 2014 02:11 am Title: Chapter 5: The Big Screen

such a cute romantic story i cant wait to read more 

Author's Response:

You think so? I honestly feel like this is my weakest story (when you read the rest of the others you'll know why, haha.) Thank you for your positive feedback. I really do appreciate it and hope that you will always continue to read and review my work! :)

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