Date: Dec 18, 2014 03:20 pm Title: Can't Let Go
Oh btw Marcus is hella gorgeous *_* Whats his name in real life? I think I've seen his pic on tumblr somewhere lol
Author's Response:
Yeah he is!! That's a model Rob Evans.
Date: Dec 18, 2014 03:18 pm Title: Can't Let Go
She should never have went there, especially behind Michaels back! I have a bad feeling Marcus is gonna cause nothing but trouble in future chapters smh
Date: Dec 18, 2014 03:01 pm Title: The Old Flame Still Burns
Michael needs to understand and trust Nina a bit more, its obvious Marcus needs to be a part of Maddox life regardless of his history. Now if he was an abusive ex or murderer or whatever it would be a whole nother story, at least as far as I'm concerned. Michael needs to stop using his past against him, he hasnt lived how Nina and Marcus have so wouldnt have the same outlook.
At the same time Nina needs to stop and really think wisely about this situation, she needs to tell him straight that they are over and only in contact for the sake of their child. If she doesnt, she's gonna risk losing Michael.
Date: Dec 18, 2014 02:39 pm Title: Interview with Michael Jackson's fiance
Omg! Wow I'm actually scared for Nina, the questions werent anything I wasnt anticipating but still you never know with interviews what will be pulled out and taken out of context
I hope Michael isnt mad!
I couldnt stop laughing when Mike surprised Nina with the blindfold and tying her lol he's too much, that birthday sex was great ;D
Another great chapter! <3
Author's Response:
It's kind of what she gets for forcing her way into it LOL. And oh lord.... to be tied up by Michael...
Date: Dec 18, 2014 02:06 pm Title: Father's Orders
I can't believe Josephs comment about the babies being lucky they had their mothers looks.. Was he joking around or was it a dig at Michael? Smh
And lmao Nina doesnt let a single thing go! She's so feisty, and I think her character is interesting since Michael's not used to this type of woman
Oooh I hope her words are not twisted in this interview D; And I don't like how her first thought was of Marcus and how he would feel about the interview... Hmmm let's see what is to happen next XD
Author's Response:
That was Joseph taking a stab at Michael's already low self esteem... sigh... She is very feisty and headstrong and its going to lead to nothing but TROUBLE!
Date: Dec 18, 2014 01:37 pm Title: Worlds Colliding
Haha well sex with Michael Jackson would make me forgive and forget anything right away
That quickie at the end of the chapter was so sexy!!! Nina is one lucky woman :P
Author's Response:
I think sex with Michael Jackson would have probably melted my brain completely. LMAO. I wouldn't even remember who I am let alone what he did wrong.
Date: Dec 17, 2014 04:17 pm Title: French Kisses
Gonna be very one sided here: Michael was completely in the wrong. Kissing the fan on the lips in front of his wife?! It was a no brainer that he was gonna get in trouble idk why he was surprised lmao
Author's Response:
Lmao yeah he was a little naive about that kiss.
Date: Dec 17, 2014 04:00 pm Title: The First Date
Awwwww what a sweet date :D You had me gushing throughout, these two are too cute! Omg Michael dressed in purple during bangerous era tho ...I could fucking die!!!! x_x
Nooooo I am certainly not ready for this drama thats approaching Dx
I know my feels are gonna be tossed all over the place and I won't like it *braces myself*
Author's Response:
Thay pic is ADORABLE!! I've never seen it before! But yeah its going to get real. Like real life real and not like some fantasy fic. (although those are great too.)
Date: Dec 14, 2014 06:48 pm Title: Soundproof Arguments
Oh GAWD...
I'm kinda glad that Michael actually fessed up about that letter. It was that one thing that marred their marriage on his part.
I know what Nina is say is true good people go to jail for doing bad things to survive. It happens. However Michael is also right. I believe more than wanting to be in his son's life Marcus wants her back. That was evident in the fact that the whole time she was their with Max he paid very little attention to him. Well as far as you wrote anyway. I feel is just his ego talking and Nina is his prize to win from 'Michael Jackson'.
Sometimes being too head strong and own wayish can bring a grave downfall and Nina might be headed down that road being stubborn. Look what happened every time she forces her way. The interview, the visit etc.
Now Michael is drinking again. At least he did it in front of her but he needs his ass kicked. Where he does it is not the problem it's how often and for what reason. He might need AA if he's compelled to drink away his problems.
Girl this is getting so intense!!! More soon. <333
Author's Response:
Yeah he needed to fess up because it always helps Nina understand now where all his animosity towards Marcus really comes from. It's about to get even more intense in future chapters!!
Date: Dec 13, 2014 06:38 pm Title: Can't Let Go
First let me say the banner in the begining was beautiful!!!! Marcus is quite attractive!!
Now to my dampened spirit. I hope all the bet for these two but it's like at every turn there is a wrench just waiting to be thrown into the mix.
While it was deceptive of Michael to have thrown that letter from Marcus out, what Nina did was just as. How are they not discussing this issue further seeing that there is a huge chasm being formed between them? That trip was a huge mistake and it was even bigger because she lied about the whole thing. Being sneaky isn't boading well for the trust issues they already have. *Sighs out loud!!!
I see peril on the horizon and I'm not liking Marcus at all!!
More soon <333
Author's Response:
Marcus is pretty damn sexy, but he needs to accept the past and let Nina go so she can give her self wholeheartedly to her new husband! They're going to push Michael to his edge!
I made another quick update. I couldn't leave you guys hanging with that tension in the air. lol
Date: Dec 13, 2014 03:10 pm Title: Can't Let Go
She made a huge mistake going there. Damn, talk about a betrayal. I don't care if Maddox is his son, she needed to tell Michael before. His anger at knowing she was planning to go was highly unlikely to be anywhere near his anger at finding out she'd deceived him. Even if he hadn't found out from her mother, I cannot imagine any parent thinking their young son can reliably keep a secret.
Author's Response:
Hahaha! Yeah I should have made Maddox slip up and tell Michael, that would have been interesting!
Date: Dec 13, 2014 02:43 pm Title: The Old Flame Still Burns
Ugh. I'm so glad that she hung up on Marcus. She needs to talk about this stuff calmly with Michael. Both need to lay their cards on the table. As it is, what's going on will only lead to problems.
Date: Dec 13, 2014 02:28 pm Title: Interview with Michael Jackson's fiance
Shit. She sure let that interviewer make it ALL about Michael. Why didn't they set ground rules before the interview? Michael always did that >.<
Author's Response:
Nina thought she knew what she was doing. Michael fed her to the sharks to teach her a lesson. Reporters and people like that can be really manipulative if you aren't experienced. Luckily the interview didn't get too crazy. lol
Date: Dec 13, 2014 02:19 pm Title: Father's Orders
Oooh, I can't wait to see what comes of this interview.
It feels as though Nina and Michael aren't really connecting. Like there is a divide. It could be b/c we are only getting glimpses of their time together over periods of months.
Author's Response:
No, you're right. There is a divide. It's suppose to be there. Time will start to slow down in parts where more is going on.
Date: Dec 13, 2014 01:41 pm Title: French Kisses
jdfksa;lf He doesn't need to kiss them back on the lips. Jeez.
Author's Response:
LOL you're right. It's a little much.