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Reviewer: TutThreeSevens Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 24, 2015 10:41 pm Title: Setting Some Things Straight II

.Finally!!! Solidarity!!!

Im glad Nina stood her ground with Marcus. To be honest I don't think the dinner would have gone any better without Michael's remarks. In fact it may have made Marcus a little bolder and forward with Nina despite Michael's presence. At least I think so. I'm glad she didn't get mad at Michael's nosey ass evesdropping. lol. 

I didn't realize Michael was still wearing makeup around Nina 24/7. He has to change that and open up all the way. I hope he does. 

They can be so sweet when they're on the same page. Lol. 

More soon!!! <333

Author's Response:

You're right! If Michael had just sat quietly Marcus would have seen him as a pushover and moved right on it on Nina. And yeah he does still do it. There was a shower scene a few chapters ago where Nina was surprised that he came in there because he never wants to be naked in front of her.

They are sweet when they're getting along lol

Thanks <3

Reviewer: Redone Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 24, 2015 07:05 pm Title: Setting Some Things Straight II

It's nice to see them on the same side!

Nina might be angered by how Michael handled things, but he had to stand up for his relationship. Marcus pushed him in that position. I wish Nina had been more forceful...I was surprised that Michael congratulated her. Perhaps he finally sees the tight rope she is on?

Author's Response:

Yeah for once!

Michael was expecting the worse. This whole time he's been worried that Marcus was going to come out and take Nina from him, so that was just him being relieved that she stood her ground and let him know.

Reviewer: Annies_NOTokmj Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 24, 2015 02:40 pm Title: Setting Some Things Straight II

I've been delivered! This chapter was EVERYTHING... Nina should have known by Marcus's behavior in prison that he wasn't really coming their for Maddox.

I'm glad Michael restrained himself because most men would have fucked him up for that. How do you come into another man's home, that's providing for YOUR kid and disrespect him! ? How Sway? Lol.

I feel bad for Maddox because he barely paid that child attention. Finally, Nina grew a backbone and defended her HUSBAND and let Marcus know that she was standing WITH her husband.

Now, I sense out of spite, Marcus will do something stupid like call the tabloids and tell their location, or spread some bs to get back at Michael and Nina. His pride was hurt because he believed Nina needed him.

His behavior and what he said was eerily similar to a possessive and obsessive man. Apparently, a woman can't be anything without him. Hmmf!

More, more, please!

Author's Response:

LOL No, Marcus has not shown that he's really trying to be apart of Maddox's life, aside from making an effort to be at his first upcoming game. Marcus has got some size on Michael so keeping his restraint probably kept Michael safe.

Poor Maddox. At least Michael does make an effort to spend time with him.

And right! I hate men with the attitude that a woman won't be anything without him. SO false!

Reviewer: KerenOlivero Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Mar 24, 2015 02:08 pm Title: Setting Some Things Straight II

hallelujah Nina finally showed she had a backbone..and if Marcus is never shown again it will be too soon..ugh he was on my last nerve..if he truly loved Nina he would want her to be happy.

Oh and by the way, during Invincible Michael is 42-44. Hope that helps!!

Author's Response:

Yes hallelujah! Nina has chosen her side.

And thanks so yes, this story is going to enter the Invincible era.

Reviewer: Crazyme55 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 14, 2015 03:07 pm Title: Dining with the Devil

Fire works are coming!

Loved the chapter.

Author's Response:

Yes they are!


Reviewer: Redone Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 14, 2015 09:41 am Title: Dining with the Devil

I love how you showed Michael's thoughts upon meeting Marcus. Marcus just rubs me the wrong way. You don't go into another person's house and disrespect them. That's not attractive to anyone. It just shows his jealousy.

Michael had better not drink. I hope he shares with Nina afterwards that he felt that urge. Talking about it should help.

Oh, and no Grace, please. No one needs her.

Author's Response:

LOL Grace... well they may need someone. A newborn, twins, and a young child who needs attention. Nina cannot do it on her own and Michael's right, they can't be taking advantage of her mother like that.

Now Marcus... He kind of seems like the bad guy here because obviously nobody wants to see the OG get taken from Michael by another guy, or another guy even attempt to... but he did have Nina first and Michael kind of swooped in and interrupted her promise to always be there for him. So his animosity towards Michael is kind of legit. Disrespecting Michael in his house though... not the way to handle it. Idealy he should just focus on Maddox. 

Reviewer: tinker13 Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 14, 2015 06:11 am Title: Dining with the Devil

Ok Marcus you came you saw now get the hell out!  I like the new cover.  I almost missed it not seeing the crazy eyes michael...thank god.

Author's Response:

Right, the longer he lingers the bigger problems Michael and Nina will have. Thanks!

Reviewer: TutThreeSevens Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 13, 2015 10:56 pm Title: Dining with the Devil

First of all Mr Jackson, while Marcus is a good looking guy you are wayyyyyyyyyyy more attractive on so many levels.

Nina is something else. Yelling at Michael for not discussing child care with her and he had not even finalized anything yet she has her disrespectful ass ex coming to his house and not breathed a word of it to him to see if he was ok with it. Ok Nina...

Aside from Michael's issues with drinking and being a bit stubborn at times is like the whole time he's been kowtowing to Nina's every outburst. Some times I think she picks at little things so they end up having petty arguments. Nina Girl you need to do better. 

Lmao. Michael should have gone to the door and answered it with the knife. But Maddox was there so that would have been inappropriate. :))))) 

Michael better not even spell the word alcohol in his mind much less touch anything remotely related to it. Not even cough syrup sir!!! Do right!!!

Seethe Marcus!! Almost calling the married woman baby in front of her husband. This little visit is already interesting. I wonder how*looks at you dramatically hinting at you updating asap*

more soon!! <333

Author's Response:

LOL true, but I can see Michael getting insecure around other attractive guys. Yeah Nina was totally hypocritical, she usually is. And right, aside from those flaws, Michael had been so real with Nina. Practically an open book with her and she's still a closed one. She does need to do better. 

Michael needs to stay faaarrr away from alcohol especially since the back up is out and around. 

lol there will be more soon <3

Reviewer: Annies_NOTokmj Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 13, 2015 09:52 pm Title: Dining with the Devil

Let the games begin! Lordt, I'm happy for Maddox but these two men are a trip, especially trying to outdue one another. LOL. Nina've shitted and stepped in it.

P.S.Didn't say it last time but I LOVE the new banner! Fits the story PERFECTLY.

Author's Response:

LOL the competition has begun, but yet there really is no competition because Michael has already married her.

and Thanks!! 

Reviewer: KerenOlivero Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Mar 13, 2015 09:07 pm Title: Dining with the Devil

Well well well missy..must say I was looking forward to this update. You know I notice Nina could dish but can't take..also expected worse when Marcus arrived..both him and Michael to be at each other's throats..I had to laugh when Michael mused about "this fool" so much goes through mind when I read that.

So since it will be 10 years into the future, that's nearing Invincible Era, right? 

Author's Response:

Michael is thirty one now and will be forty one when it ends. So I think so? I'm not even sure at what age the Invincible Era started. And well, I'm trying not to take Michael too OOC in this story so I didn't want to make him jump Marcus at the door or anything lol 

Reviewer: shellymjbean1989 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 11, 2015 07:46 am Title: A Brother to Brother

oh shit things are gonna get nasty looking forward to the next chapter i am very happy that michael was able to control his drinking habbit cant wait to read the next great chapter keep up the amazing writing i have been reading 

Author's Response:

Thank you!! Things are about to get even nastier.

Reviewer: KerenOlivero Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Mar 05, 2015 08:27 am Title: A Brother to Brother

at first I was going tsk tsk tsk when Michael gave in and drank but proud of him for showing restraint..

hopefully things don't get too ugly when Marcus comes over..

love the new banner..that's a really sexy pic of Mike

and oooooo a dark plot for Maestro fic..dark fics can be very endearing..I say go for it. I'm so reading it if you do!! :D

Author's Response:

Thanks!! I know Michael looks sooo handsome in that pick I love it!

I well definitely right the dark Maestro fic. But not til I get more of my current ones finished. I've been so behind on updating.....

Reviewer: paris-jane Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 02, 2015 03:23 pm Title: A Brother to Brother

Dun dun dun.....

Reviewer: TutThreeSevens Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 01, 2015 10:04 am Title: A Brother to Brother

Forgot to mention the new banner is awesome!!!

Author's Response:

Thanks!!! Nothing compared to your art! 

Reviewer: TutThreeSevens Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 01, 2015 07:58 am Title: A Brother to Brother

Stupid Stupid Stupid and another Stupid. That's what I was thinking when Michael took that beer. But I'm glad he didn't even finish it.  He deserved that birthday sex after all! Lol. I'm glad Michael got some insight on the jealousy issue. However I still have a strong feeling he's justified in having the feeling.

Case and point Nina lied to him AGAIN. If she wants him to trust her why can't she trust him? Now Marcus is going to show up on the man's doorstep unannounced and most likely disrespectful. I don't beleive that BS about him just wanting to see his boy.

LAWD I'm itchy again. Jesus take the wheel and steer this vehicle out of oncoming traffic  Amen!

You are so great at the suspenseful ending. PLEASE update soon!! PLEASE!!!!

More soon! <333

PS I updated CTTG.  

Author's Response:

LOL Nina's brother was really putting the pressure on him though, but he kept it together and stayed in control. But, yeah Nina should come clean before Michael gets an unpleasant surprise.

I'm about to head over there and read it now!

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