Date: Apr 15, 2015 11:52 pm Title: Word on the Ranch is...
oh hell lol shit will go down after the girls party cant wait to read the next chapter of this amazingly great story
Author's Response:
Thanks! yeah once this party is out of the way... who knows what will happen.
Date: Apr 15, 2015 08:40 pm Title: Word on the Ranch is...
ugh not this foolishness again where both of them keep quiet so when they do talk they are explosive..
I don't consider hell to be a cuss word although some people get offended by it but I get Michael's scolding Nina for saying it--after all, they're at that "monkey see, monkey do" and they're too young to be saying that stuff.
But yeah, Michael need to get himself together..am sure irl fighting the Demerol addiction was a nightmare for him considering he was forced into taking it in the first place.
Btw you realize you have this on complete, right? and I know it's far from done? or are you making another thread?
Author's Response:
That's like the 3rd time I've had to correct that on my stories!! I don't know how that box keeps getting checked. It's definitely not done. LOL
And it depends on the context or how aggressively you say hell for it to be offensive for me. It's weird how it became a cuss word anyway considering its an actually (for believers) a real place.
Right, I looked it up Demerol causes all kinds of problems while you take it and the withdrawal symptoms coming off of it are terrible too. IRL though I don't sympathize with Michael on that. No one held him down and forced those meds on him. He should have been smarter and done more research on the drug (though maybe it wasn't available at the time? idk)

Date: Apr 15, 2015 07:44 pm Title: Word on the Ranch is...
First off Hideki you where out of line and as concerned as Nina is about Michael she should have really told Hideki to mind his own business in the gentlest way. It's not his place to discuss his employers private matters with his wife. Nina should have known better. Michael is being a real asshole so I don't feel sorry for him in the least bit! Stop being an ass hat and get your shit together man!! If people are starting to notice that's a BIG problem. And how do they know he's getting Demorol? Isn't that doctor patient info?
I'm praying for them and my pressure. LAWD help!
More soon! <333
Author's Response:
Hideki's getting way too friendly too fast with Nina. He could get himself and all the others involved fired if Michael finds out someone was snooping around and eavesdropped (that's how they knew it was Demerol). Michael and his ignore tactics are going to get him in trouble. Now that they've both bottled up their anger for the past day or two the end result will be worse than it needed to be.
LOL and thanks <3<3

Date: Apr 15, 2015 07:41 pm Title: Word on the Ranch is...
I don't see her as being controlling...she cares for her children. She wants actual attention from her husband...and for him to consider his priorities. Right now he's making it clear that she's not in his top five. Those seem to be the Paris, Priya, Maddox, his drugs, and him being in control. That's not a relationship. Just as this isn't a birthday party...it's a show :/ Michael is definitely an addict....and sooner or later it's going to have an obvious and undeniable impact on the kids.
Author's Response:
The number one thing she hates about Neverland is that when they are there, Michael is in 100% control. He's on his turf and she's basically powerless. His wife is definitely not in his top five though... and the bday party was taken over the top. Hopefully Nina will be able to reach him before his addition impacts the children. His relationship with all three children is the only healthy relationship in the story right now.
Date: Apr 08, 2015 04:45 am Title: Avoidance
Nina needs to realize there's away to do stuff..though he does need to make it clear what he's taking the meds for so she backs off..and threatening him with the children? Maddox I could see, but...
and yet she couldn't take it when he threatened to leave with the girls.
P.S. Am working on a new chapter for Ghostly Attraction :D
Author's Response:
All she really has is the children to bargain with. It's not like she can kick him out or anything. He owns both homes they live in lol

Date: Apr 07, 2015 11:23 pm Title: Avoidance
OMG can I hop in here and knock some sense into that man's damn head? He's already seen what happened with the alcohol and being warned about it. Why can't he understand over usage? So just because the pills are RX doesn't mean shit so he needs to kill that noise. Ugh. I just want to knock him upside the head.
Michael is a sweet hubby and he's a wonderful father. I understand what he means by Nina getting overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of the numbers coming and going from his account, however he needs to share things with her. I can see being completely financially dependent on Michael can make Nina feel powerless in the household. He needs to relinquish some of that power to her. They need to be equal partners on the marital front if he truly doesn't want them to end up in court squabbling.
These two can never get it together!!!!! Got damn it.
More soon!!! <333
Author's Response:
OK I'll write you into the next chapter showing up at the ranch and kicking Michael's ass LOL!!! But you're right!
He is a sweetypie and an amazing dad. Especially to Maddox who isn't even his flesh and blood. There's a reason why he's not sharing that info with her... Just wait for it lol
Date: Apr 07, 2015 10:27 pm Title: Avoidance
I swear can these two get along for more than two days? The bickersons. She's a nag and he's a damn fool but I love them both...
Author's Response:
LOL! I love this couple too. Someone needs to nag Michael... he's doing too much right now.

Date: Apr 07, 2015 10:23 pm Title: Avoidance
Sigh...here we go AGAIN. They were doing good and now this. Michael does spend too much like Nina says.I don't like his flippant attitude towards her when she asks about it. He degrades and dumbs her down with his "she doesn't have a degree in accounting. " Shit, he doesn't either, so what's his point! ?
I don't like their bed conversation because she threatened the man again with his children. Now, he's going to put up walls again. They both need to stop using the kids as paws and bargaining tools against the other
Mike thinks he's barely getting laid now...that slick mouth of his is going to make that drought even more long. From his behavior it's like he's taking uppers and downers...not good.
Author's Response:
Right! He sure don't have no Masters degree so he can't really talk. That attitude though, you're right! If he keeps it up his chances at getting laid will go from slim to NONE.
Nina doens't know what she's up against with her threats. Michael's a powerful man. She's not just going to be able to walk up out of there with his kids and get off easy.

Date: Apr 07, 2015 09:54 pm Title: Avoidance
Sofia may need to start a separation.. this marriage is constantly on the wrecking block and Michael isn't pulling his weight as a husband. Plus, he's in control of everything, so Sofia is often so powerless that the only thing she can really do is threaten leaving and/or taking the children. Michael needs to realize what he is losing, and the more she threatens, the less of an impact the threats will have on him. BTW- I like how you show the fading impact her threats are having on him. That really resonated with me and made it feel more realistic :)
Author's Response:
In his mind he's doing a fine job, but he should know that with a control freak personality like Sofia's he can't keep pushing her out of his private dealings. Wonder why he's so keen on keeping her out of his money...hmm?? Things you should be questioning lol
The 'I'm leaving you' threat and it's weakening impact... It happens way too often in real life.
Thanks! Realistic is what I'm going for even though this story has had some over the top moments.
Date: Apr 03, 2015 07:58 pm Title: Marcus's Revenge
I agree Michael should tread lightly where Maddox is concerned but not here. Nope! Not when Marcus is not only casting Michael in a bad light but also his mother. He's making her out to be this brainless person being strung along as a beard. So I think Marcus more than anyone needs to be mindful of the effects his actions will have on his own son but alas. He really doesn't give a shit and it's sad. All it is now is a game to him to see who can win Nina. Maddox is not being factored in where he's concerned.
And I'm glad you got me on my med bills. Obama care refuses to pay for anguish caused by MJ fanfics.
More soon!! <333
Author's Response:
True... I wonder what the real Michael would have done in this situation LOL WWMJD... I should have made Nina react more angrily because Marcus basically bashed her too...
and LOL!!!! I don't have insurance at all so if CTTG or Inked causes me too much trauma you'll have to pay my bills in full.
Date: Apr 03, 2015 04:10 am Title: Marcus's Revenge
Uh oh..don't tell me Michael overdosed..and Marcus' actions didn't surprise me in the least..I thought he would be a vengeful maniac about this..but I hope one day he gets his!!
This is getting juicy
Author's Response:
Michael thinks he knows what he's doing. He's not even exactly in denail he ACTUALLY thinks that he is in control of his addictions. It's about to get juicier.

Date: Apr 02, 2015 11:21 pm Title: Marcus's Revenge
Marcus is goat shit...You know the tiny pebble like annoying pieces of excrement that's hard to pass usually caused by constipation? Yeah that's Marcus. I don't care Nina is crazy if she doesn't think Michael should enforce the non-disclosure! Do it Michael AND set the record straight. Nina is not thinking with her head. What will Marcus have to do for her to peep his game already? UGGGGGGGHHH!!!! My pressure is UP! Lmao. You're getting a bill at the end of the month for my meds.
Now for Michael and his crazyness "I know what I'm doing" my ass. Boy you better stop while your ahead. He has a highly addict prone personality so he needs to check himself before he wrecks himself and everbody else in the process. His ass couldn't even wake up. Not the move!
Nina Got damn it!!! ( just had to say that one time. Lol)
More soon!!!
Author's Response:
LMAO!!!!! goat shit... Marcus did wrong. Michael's already struggling with his image right now with the media talking trash on his marriage, he did not need this extra garbage. BUT Michael has to think carefully about his actions towards Marcus because that is Maddox's father. He doesn't want to do anything today that Maddox might resent him for later on in life. "I never got to know my dad cause you sent him back to prison!" - teenaged Maddox.
Even though Michael is clearly the better father... It's tricky. Nina's becoming more aware, she's waking up.
Michael... smh... trust him he knows what he's doing. Doping himself up until he can't stay awake to kill a headache... Yep, he's fine. He's got this...
That bill is going to get HUGE after the next four or five chapters... but don't worry I got you.
Date: Apr 02, 2015 09:35 pm Title: Marcus's Revenge
Marcus is a tool that needs to be taken care of.
Author's Response:
He really is. Karma will come around.

Date: Apr 02, 2015 09:34 pm Title: Marcus's Revenge
jkfdals;df Michael needs to get his butt in rehab this time. He's just transferring one addiction to another. On the other hand, Nina needs to stop cutting Marcus so much slack. She's feeding into his behavior by not truly drawing clear lines and backing them up. He's acting like a whiny baby and he needs to be distanced if he's just going to try and hurt her. I don't care if he went to prison and came out hoping she'd be there. He made his decision when he turned to dealing; the quick cash was more important to him than risks. People do work 2-3 jobs, and yes it sucks, but it would've meant he'd keep his family.
Michael forgetting their anniversary? I'm disappointed. That seems so different from how he was when they first got together. I could see him forgetting later anniversaries, but that one? No excuses.
Now I'm going to be greedy and beg for an update on My Brother's...
Author's Response:
But... he knows what he's doing! Lol He's in control! He doesn't have a problem! Noo... not Michael. Marcus was delusional to think that Nina was going to just wait around faithfully for him while he's sitting in prison. Cause you're exactly right he could have made the better choice. However, it was her idea to give him hope and now that his hopes are crushed. She should be expecting this type of backlash.
Yes Michael did... I actualyl forgot it myself LOL but I chose to blame it on Michael. Nina had his head all over the place how was he supposed to remember. It was done so spur of the moment too neither were paying attention to what day it was.
I'm getting there on My Brother's... I really need to do more research on how things actually happen in the music business for artist just starting out. To be honest. I've been watching Empire it's giving me ideas LOL

Date: Apr 02, 2015 09:29 pm Title: Marcus's Revenge
Damn. I knew Marcus would do something like this. Michael keeps telling her rightly that he isn't concerned about Maddox. It's her he wants at all costs. Now, he's willing to do whatever to get even with her.
This puts Michael in a tough spot. He has to do something about it while also not hurting Maddox. Nina isn't being fair to him with this. He shouldn't just let it go; if he does, it will only continue and escalate.
Now here Michael goes exchanging one addiction for another. Sigh!
Author's Response:
You called it! And Michael is right. Deep down Marcus does love Maddox, that is his son, but his priorities are not in the right place. Maddox should be coming first not third.
1. Nina
2. Getting back at Michael
3. Finally his son
Michael will have to tread lightly. He doesn't want to do anything now that will make Maddox resent him when he gets older.