Date: May 23, 2015 11:22 am Title: The Positive Side of Things
I loved this chapter. It was so cute.
Author's Response:
Thanks!! b25;

Date: May 23, 2015 10:52 am Title: The Positive Side of Things
It's good to see them coming together and actually talking about what is going on with them. This definitely needs to happen more. As his tour approaches, her ex gathers steam, and the baby approaches...well, I have a feeling things are going to get tense!
Author's Response:
Isn't it though! And yes it should happen more often as they grow as a couple. But we'll see if they can handle the pressure because you're right alot of intense things are on the horizon.
Date: May 23, 2015 09:41 am Title: The Positive Side of Things
Where's Marcus ? I feel that he is truly hurt and lashing out but Sophia did promise to wait for him , they should have become friends just for Maddox but continue the story
Author's Response:
He's around. Michael just hasn't dealt with it yet. And you're right no one can blame him for lashing out. He is truly hurt and she did promise to wait for him.

Date: May 07, 2015 01:13 am Title: Living in Alternate Realities
loved this chapter keep the awesome writing coming i really am looking forward to another great chapter
Date: May 06, 2015 09:03 pm Title: Living in Alternate Realities
taking another breather to make sure I'm caught up with this..anyhoo that new manager sounds like a bossy witch..the nerve..had to laugh at the "chihuahua" description..and the thought of Michael laughing evilly whether it be pretend or not is rather amusing..of course you could blame the loads of anime I watch for me being turned on by such a thing..
sounds like he really need to tell Nina about every last thing..no avoiding the subject.. or she will never be satisfied..and although it can be annoying as hell to read about Michael telling his woman what to eat (in general) unless she is not taking care of herself this time I understand since he don't want her starving herself..
Author's Response:
She is, just wait she's barely sunk her teeth into Michael's career yet.
Michael and Nina's communication is getting better. They're growing. Now if they can just handle all of the pressures to come, they will be good.
And it's annoying period whether its Michael or any guy telling a girl what to eat. In this case, being that she's pregnant him giving her advice on what she should eat isn't as bad.

Date: May 06, 2015 09:06 am Title: Living in Alternate Realities
Finally, Michael! Now he just needs to walk the walk, which includes disclosing the basics (serious health issues that have a strong likelihood of impacting their children) and not tuning her out.
"She didn't need access to every single transaction that goes to and from any and everywhere..." <--I don't like that ellipses. This sounds foreboding.
I really wanted to tag team with Nina in the car. Everytime she shuts up and sulks, their divide grows and their animosity grows. Such a dysfunctional marriage.
No, really, wait.
An outlet mall? I mean, I know he liked Salvation Army (insert joke), but he also knew how to shop at $$$ places that'd shut down for him. On top of that, who tipped off the press?? Michael had no right to snap at her like that smfh.
Author's Response:
Did I say outlet LOL I meant like a strip mall of high end stores lol Lol
And yeah that quote may be a little foreboding... Michael's opening up but he's still not a complete open book. He doesn't want to look weak in her eyes or constantly have her worrying about his health.
Nina and Michael have good qualities that could work very well in a marriage if they applied them correctly. Theyve got all the pieces to the puzzle they just can't figure out how to put it together. Nina gets frustrated too easily and Michael isn't taking things serious enough. Just like when you get stumped on a difficult puzzle sometimes it's better to walk away from it for a while and come back to it with a clearer mind.

Date: May 06, 2015 04:55 am Title: Living in Alternate Realities
Jesus take the weheeeeeeeeeeeeel. These two are insufferable. Why would Nina choose to go shopping of ALLLLLL the the things they could have done when they were supposed to be resolving conflict? Being in the public eye should have been the last thing they should have been doing then she gets all butt hurt because Michael began deflecting. It's insanity I tell you!!! And Michael Lawd! Why can't these two seem to get on the same page? It's teetering on the point where trying to fix this relationship is becoming a moot point. Love can only stretch so long. It should be elastic but even elastic bands break. It may be too poisoned. If they don't leave that dinner table with resolution. It's doomed.
Give me something to hope for Michaela!!!!
More soon!! <333
Author's Response:
Right!!! She forgets sometimes what it's like being in public with Michael and she built herself up like she was ready to do it only to be reminded of how impossible it is... Michael is completely deflecting as if he thinks that Nina will eventually just forget the problem.
Their love is getting spread pretty thin. There is hope!! Stay tuned it may be a while though lol <3
Date: May 03, 2015 06:45 am Title: When the Party's Over
not surprised at how Nina reacted to Michael being his raw, honest self..she wanted to know and he told..someone needs to tell her be careful what she asks for..and that article I showed you was saying how lupus patients need to be careful who they hang out with because they will be criticized by people who don't undestand or know anything about lupus..Michael may just have to follow that advice if Nina oversteps her boundaries while trying to look out for him..
Author's Response:
My cousin has lupus and she gets really criticized for being lazy seemingly non caring at times. So that article put a lot more in perspective not even just for Michael's character in this fic, but for her situation as well so thanks again for that!

Date: Apr 26, 2015 09:46 pm Title: When the Party's Over
Goodness gracious to papers. They both make my head hurt so bad. Nina has no interest in integrating the fact that she's married to Michael Jackson in her world. He adjusted his lifestyle for her and that's a big deal if you ask me. Michael has not commited himself fully now I'm realizing. He has to understand that things like the fact he had lupus and other stresses need to be known by his wife. I mean come on you two. Their existence is becoming so plastic it hurts to watch sometimes. What's it going to take for him to realize his addiction and how closed of certain parts of his life is to Nina and when will Nina realize just how non committal she is period. She hasn't given anything to him 100%.
More soon!! <333
Author's Response:
You're right about that. Nina doesn't really take into account exactly who he REALLY is, but at the same time Michael has helped create this world they live in and doesn't want to share that part of him with her. He wants the normal family lifestyle too, but its just really trying on him balancing both worlds. Nina doesn't get to see that. She maybe not be committing her heart 100% to him, but she is giving him ultimately what he wanted most CHILDREN. A big part of why he continues to try so hard despite all his efforts going seemingly unnoticed.

Date: Apr 26, 2015 09:21 pm Title: When the Party's Over
Le sigh...these two wear me out!
Author's Response:
LOL writing them wears me out. But just wait the worst has yet to even come.

Date: Apr 26, 2015 09:17 pm Title: When the Party's Over
Wow, he finally started to share and she shut him down. That was painful to watch. He did what she wanted him to do, so why not encourage him to share more and join with him as a team in making things better? Instead, Nina just chose to attack. If one of them isn't hurting the other, the other is.
I hope she doesn't go to Santa Monica. They need a day of just the two of them talking. No yelling, no shutting each other down. They are either on opposite teams or the same one.
Author's Response:
Nina's not one for tears. She thinks its all extra on his part to continue to get his way and leave things as they are while carrying on like everything's fine. But for Michael, that's as real as he knows how to get.
A day of talking... we'll see what happens

Date: Apr 19, 2015 07:03 pm Title: A Grand Event
These two always make me want to retire from life. Lmao and then they have moments like at the end and I want to root Fro them all over again. I know the shit is hovering right before the fan and it makes me sad. Please get it together yall!!
More soon! <333
Author's Response:
LOL They've got a long way to go. don't plan your retirement just yet lol <3
Date: Apr 19, 2015 05:22 pm Title: A Grand Event
Mike does bring up a strong point when he mentions how Nina finds fault with everything no matter what he does to work on his faults..
and if his pain happens to be lupus related (you know, flares and all) I am sure ibuprofen wouldn't do jacksquat..I mean lupus patients typically have a difficult time managing their pain even with super strong meds but if he can that's good as long as he isn't given too much..oh but then he never mentioned his lupus to Nina, did he? perhaps he should..
Author's Response:
He did hint at it when he told her that he had more going on healthwise than she knew. Honestly I was such a noob when I initially started The Surrogate, I didn't know he had Lupus so I'll weave it in somehow.
But yeah in his eyes its like he moves one step forward and two steps back every time with Nina.

Date: Apr 19, 2015 02:38 pm Title: A Grand Event
‘All my Hollywood friends and nosy family members are going to be here tomorrow and I want us to behave like the loving wife and husband I've got everyone fooled into believing we are.'
^ pretty much.
....and that's precisely what he's accomplished thusfar.
Author's Response:
Pretty much! Nina's been pretty tough to crack up until now. Michael's found his little loopholes.

Date: Apr 18, 2015 05:53 pm Title: Word on the Ranch is...
Lord, here these two go again...They will give a damn dog ulcers from their crazy. Takke one step forward and two steps back. Sigh.
Author's Response:
LOL its more like one step forward TEN steps backs lol