Date: Oct 19, 2015 07:43 pm Title: Unsolved Problems
He fake cried? Weak game, MJ. Weak game.
Maybe this was all another round of post pardon
I had to reread that a couple times, I was like - post pardon? I think you meant MDD w/Peripartum Onset (or if he's really upset at her, Postpartum Psychosis)
Wait. He woke up in clean clothes in his bed. Did his mom change his clothes? If so, we have more serious problems than his mother not liking his wife....
Why does he have to go to LA to deal with his problems? I'd say: make an appointment for a local therapist that day; get rid of the damn liquor cabinet; possibly participate in a substance abuse evaluation (that'd be an unlikely bonus); but more than anything I'd want them in ongoing couples therapy. Pulling him away from his family will not help anything.
^That I wrote all that says I'm a little too involved. That obviously exceeds me recent comment quota.
Author's Response:
Damn auto correct. I write on my phone and then edit in word and I swear I never catch all of the stupid things it does.
That part was from Nina's point of view. He could have been really crying, but he changed his tune so quick when she pissed him off making her think that he had been fake crying.
That's Katherine's baby boy, yeah she dressed his drunk ass and put him to bed lol But in her mind Nina is driving him to this insanity. Her angel is innocent.
He doesn't need to go back to Cali, this is Nina doing what she said she was gonna do all through the last trimester of the pregnancy and that was make things change. She has bit her tongue and put up with more than most when have thus far and yet she is being a little nastier than she should be, its still not entirely undeserved on Michael's end.
Be prepared for Michael to step up in the next chapter.
Date: Oct 19, 2015 04:15 pm Title: Unsolved Problems
Damn Nina is one cold woman. I'm beginning to dislike her more and more. She cant seem to stay happy. Mike's no angel but she's such a nag. Thanks for updating.
Author's Response:
She is being pretty cold, but she's bit her tongue alot with Michael. Now that the baby is out, she's letting all of her pent up resentment out too.
Date: Oct 19, 2015 04:40 am Title: Unsolved Problems
Sigh. That pretty much sums up how drained I am right now with these two. I have a terrible cold and these two managed to drain me more than this cold rn.
Michael is a huge coward. A hypocritical one at that. When it comes to his family he never stands up for Nina. Why won't he just tell them the truth about who into'd him to drinking? It's simple af. Shit and that's the LEAST of it all.
I have paypal that's where you can send me the dough to pay for theses therapy sessions I need because of these two.
Jesus done left the car Lawd.
More soon!!!!!!
A gigaton of cold infested creepy Internet love flowing like lava down to you!!(sneeze). Lol. <333
Author's Response:
He is being a coward. He fears opening up to a therapist and he still can't face emotional pain either. Until he compromises on getting professional help to better his relationship with Nina and help on dealing with his emotional pain, they just ain't gonna work!
It's not really about who introduced him to alcohol at this point. Even if he blamed Chris, Katherine would still claim that Nina DRIVES him to drink continously. In her mind, Nina is what causes Michael to spiral and even though she doesn't believe in divorce, if its better for her son's well being she'd rather him not have Nina in his life.
I have paypal too, but I only have about $14.00 in my account right now.
Date: Oct 19, 2015 03:00 am Title: The First Date
There are guidelines around co-sleeping. I think it's a touchier subject in the US, particularly because it isn't something that is part of the homogenous culture. We have a range of risks that aren't prevalent in the countries in which co-sleeping is normal (e.g. more stuff on our beds, softer beds w/too many pillows, substance abuse, obesity, etc). I'd be interested in seeing the statistics for co-sleeping when those risk factors aren't present; regardless, the statistics of dying from co-sleeping are substantially lower than SIDS. Random aside - my friend loves to tell the story of how when his son sleeps on his chest, his son's heartrate changes to match his own.
Author's Response:
Drs in the US are even strict about it. They will flat out ask you where your baby sleeps and don't dare admit that they sometimes sleep with you. 6 months plus, that's fine, but little infants... They are too fragile. I know a man that suffocated his baby that way, so maybe I'm stigmatized by that. Maybe the death statistics are low, but if parents admitted it like how often have they ALMOST rolled over on their baby or let it drop off the bed. i'm a super paranoid parent though. My kids can barely run outside without me hovering.
Date: Oct 18, 2015 09:53 pm Title: Unsolved Problems
Michael really needs to get help. His mother and sisters don't help.
Author's Response:
Yep, they're just making things worse planting ideas of divorce in his head.
Date: Oct 15, 2015 07:35 pm Title: Marital Counseling?
Her reasons for being against co-sleeping are flawed. The lack of co-sleeping is regularly considering one reason for with SIDS is high in the US.
As a father, he has his priorities, but as a husband? I hope she follows through on the "me to Jisela's" type comment. He just made it clear he prioritizes his image over the quality of his marriage. He needs to check himself.
Author's Response:
I've never heard that about SIDS. I personally think the risks of accidently rolling over on your newborn and suffocating them, or letting them slip off of your body and off the bed are higher than the chance of SIDS. I never ever slept with my babies, granted I spent plenty of time holding them while they were sleep and I was awake.
He's definitely getting checked.
Date: Oct 14, 2015 04:19 am Title: Marital Counseling?
michael neeeds to get his head out of the clouds and realize that their marriage is rocky and the counseling is the only thing that is gonna save them in the long run great chapter looking forward to reading so much more of this amazing great story keep it coming
Author's Response:
He does need to wake up and get help because otherwise their marriage will not last.
Date: Oct 13, 2015 08:46 pm Title: Marital Counseling?
Oh My. I didn't know she was going to completely just pop it on him like that. Lol. I thought she would have told him a little ahead of time. This was a disaster waiting to happen I knew the moment she popped it on him he would refuse it. Lawd these two make me itch.
On the same token Michael's pushing problems aside is getting beyond childish and manipulatative. Granted people need to get help on their own terms but this is their marriage. They both need to be compromising when it comes to trying to keep it together.
I see craziness down the road and I'm sad!! :((((.
More soon!! <333
Author's Response:
She did spring it on him, but he should have sucked it up and went on. He just ruined EVERYTHING.
Date: Oct 07, 2015 09:01 am Title: Katherine's Woes
cute chapter
Author's Response:
Date: Oct 05, 2015 05:13 pm Title: Katherine's Woes, Michael did try with Katherine, but not enough. I'm sorry, but when you get married you are to cling to your husband or wife and put them before other's. Michael should have politely told his mother to respect his wife or they wouldn't come around. This is all of their faults though, especially Michael, because he put them into his marriage and allowed them to have a say, when he should have just asked for their advice and not given any of them a chance to negatively comment on HIS WIFE.
Prince...awww. Michael is in heaven! ;)
Uh oh, grease my landing gear because I'm coming in for a landing, but that marriage counseling appointment for Thursday is about to create some rough air in this sky captain! Michael is not having it, per usual.
P.S. I'm wondering if anyone else is having problems with their notifications? I'm no longer being emailed when my "Favorites" are updated. Been almost a week like this.
Author's Response:
He didn't try hard enough that's right. That's his wife and his family needs to respect that.
Michael is totally going to spoil Prince just as rotten as he has his girls.
You may be right about that marriage counseling appointment! Rough waters ahead!
I don't even have notifications set us because I get so many emails anyways I have a hard enough time keeping track of everything.
Date: Oct 05, 2015 03:20 am Title: Katherine's Woes
I'm glad Michael at least tried to stand up to his mother. I can get why he didn't want to tell her all of his business; I also can't help but think it would have helped for him to at least say that she is opposed to his drinking. It's so awkward that they are being cold towards the mother of his children. I'd think at least one person would be warm towards her....and not in the, "you look good for...," type of way. It's nice to see Michael and Nina relating in a healthy manner...if only for a moment in time.
Author's Response:
TRIED being the key word. He's been doing a lot of TRYING in this story, and not so much achieving in many areas other than being a great dad. It shouldn't be that awkward, because Nina was cold to Katherine day one at the surrogate agency. Janet lost respect after the phone calls with her brother where he's all complaining about how Nina is with Marcus. The rest of his family doesn't really know her to make a fair judgement.
Date: Oct 04, 2015 09:58 pm Title: Blowing out the Old Flame
Wow Marcus is one bold dude and I think that when his finally gets out that all hell might break loose. And I think that Mike was wrong to threaten to take the children away as that is not going to help his relationship with Nina and it might blow up in his face later. Nina is wrong too coz she should have told him about sending Marcus money. Loved it :)
Date: Oct 04, 2015 09:47 pm Title: Katherine's Woes
Lawd he's going to freak out about that appointment. I know his ass. Ugh.
And a bigger UGH at Katherine. Between this Kat and Skywriter's Kat yall have made me want to inflict harm on an otherwise sweet old lady. This is beyond jealousy and not being able to let go of her baby boy. It's snobbish nasty behavior that's extremely unbecoming. Yuck!!
Michael made no effort to set her straight as to how those very destructive behaviours have made contentions between him and Nina because he's easily influenced by his stupid friends trying to save face as a man. Bullshit!!!
I was like awe when they were on their way home and Prince held his daddy's finger while he sang to him. That visual was so sweet.
Then I know the sour is coming up with this counselor's appointment. Let me get this umbrella because a sista don't want no shit on me after it hit the fan.
More soon!!!! <333
Author's Response:
And cue freak out! LOL
I know!! Skywriter's Kat has me wanting to slap her silly too. Nina however did rub Katherine the wrong way on day ONE when she first met Michael. She was rude to the both of them so she's never really been on Katherine's good side.
Michael should have been honest with his mom. He shouldn't be ok with her thinking that Nina is progressively causing him to do the shit that he does.
Michael is such a sweet daddy, but girl get yo umbrella ella ella.
Date: Oct 04, 2015 09:44 pm Title: We Need a Resolution
Well they finally talked and maybe thing will be better in between them but we will see as time will tell. On to the next chapter b4 I go to bed :)
Date: Oct 04, 2015 09:33 pm Title: Order & Chaos
Poor Nina. I think that she and Michael really need to talk and try to meet each other half way