Date: May 13, 2017 12:01 am Title: NINETEEN: Breaking and Entering
Michael to the rescue!!!!!
Author's Response:
You knew lol
Date: May 11, 2017 12:44 pm Title: FIFTEEN: The Rising Action
Kerry best ta tell Michael what's going on with her ex. Wouldn't want him getting hurt being caught off guard.
Anddddd $5 million u say? Uh-huh one day for me as well... wink wink
Author's Response:
True. We're gonna fix that.
Date: May 11, 2017 10:41 am Title: ELEVEN: When You Find Out
Chapter 12
Taking Airplane cooties to bed? Eww...Brotha' needs ta shower first. **I'm just saying** ;)
Captian America? Lawd-Lol
Great chapter. Kerry's gotta man!!!!!
Author's Response:
Lmaooo! You ain't right for that 😂 But thank you!
Date: Apr 09, 2017 02:41 pm Title: EIGHTEEN
Loved it . Please give us more
Author's Response:
Thank you and I'm trying 😫
Date: Apr 02, 2017 11:40 pm Title: ELEVEN: When You Find Out
This is so good, I think the ending was great ♥ xo
Author's Response:
Woah! Thank you for all your feedback, I'm happy you're enjoying!! â¤
Date: Apr 02, 2017 11:17 pm Title: TEN: Misjudgments and Problem Solving
Oh no! Kerry, keep the faith, haha. I hope she doesn't push Michael away :( It was going so well xo
Date: Apr 02, 2017 04:07 pm Title: NINE: Let Go
I absolutely love this chapter, it's so cute! Xo
Date: Apr 02, 2017 07:53 am Title: EIGHT
This story is so good. I want to know what happened to Janae, & Kenetia. Also, I can't wait till the Michael & Kerry's diner xo
Date: Mar 31, 2017 10:19 pm Title: SEVEN: We'll See
Aw, this is cute ♥ I love Michael, he's so cute xo
Date: Mar 30, 2017 11:22 pm Title: SIX: Butterflies
This just keeps getting better and better, haha xo
Date: Mar 30, 2017 09:31 am Title: FIVE: Give In
I love this, I'm intrigued. I love a bit of mystery/problem/crime solving xo
Date: Mar 29, 2017 05:07 pm Title: FOUR: Ghost of Kerry's Past
Well damn, this just got real. I really want to know what happened xo
Date: Mar 29, 2017 04:53 pm Title: THREE: You. Got. Laid.
I like how the story is playing out so far. I love how you've presented the characters, and their personalities/relationships xo
Date: Mar 29, 2017 02:40 pm Title: TWO: Too Charming
This is great! Xo
Date: Mar 29, 2017 01:02 pm Title: ONE: I Could Believe It
I loved this as soon as I started reading, I can't wait to find out what happens next ♥ Xo